The Olympic torch arrived to Lethbridge today.
Our family friends who live in Coalhurst invited us to have lunch together and we knew that the torch was also coming to the town after lunch time. We thought it would be very busy in Lethbridge and it would be really nice to celebrate the event with friends, so we decided to stay and see runners in the town.

The event was held at the elementary school in the town. Lots of people wore something red. If I knew that, I would have worn something red too.

At the school, they had maple leaf shaped cookies, hot chocolate, beautiful cakes, and Juliett got a red balloon, tattoo, and a flag.They also had craft tables, face painting tables, and wheelchair basketball player's demonstration at the gym.


寒さに負けず、子供たちみんなで「GO, CANADA, GO! GO, CANADA, GO!」と大きな声で言いながら旗を振って、もらったタンバリンも鳴らして聖火ランナーを応援しました。かっこ良かった。。。背筋をピンと伸ばして笑顔で走る聖火ランナー。私はまさか人生で生の聖火を目にする機会があるなんて思ってもいなかったので、本当に感動してしまいました。しかも、ここに越してきて半年、カナダの小さな町でお友達家族と一緒に楽しめるなんて。。。

It was great to share the interesting experience with friends. I had really nice time with them. I was so impressed to see the real torch for the first time in my life!

The craft(making torch ) was a great idea. (That is a kind of torch shape I imagined) We got special coca cola and kids got tambourines!
It was a very special day today.
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