My brother and his wife visited us yesterday. We haven't seen them since New Year's Day. Juliett has grown up a lot since then. She looked so happy playing with them.
久しぶりにおじちゃん・おばちゃんに会うから、とっておきのお洋服を着ました。HAKKA BABYのTシャツとスパッツ。お店でこの優しい水色のリボンに一目ぼれでした~♪ かわいい!
It's Mother's Day today. Juliett and Daddy gave me 2 sewing books. I look forward to making dresses for Juliett someday. We went to a restaurant to have a farewell party for our friends. They are moving to England end of this month. It was like seeing us next year and I almost cried. I made 2 bibs for their son with Japanese cloth(I put the picture of the bibs on the last post).
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