Happy Halloween!
I hope that all children had fun trick or treating this evening in Canada!
We had a really cold day today, -26℃. Thanks to my friend, she has been driving Juliett to school every morning with her children. It was our first White Halloween. :)
Well, it's time to show you Juliett in costume!
Who did she become? Can you tell with this photo?
She was Mary Poppins.
Her nana took us to a live theater to see Canada Broadway Mary Poppins this summer and Juliett LOVED it. Since then she has borrowed the sound track CD and the DVD from the library again and again and learned almost all songs by heart. Col and I got influenced by her singing all the time a lot, we sing the songs in car, in bath, during cooking, actually anytime!

Nana bought the Mary Poppins doll for Juliett and she loves it. See? Juliett was exactly like the doll!
She decided to be Mary Poppins soon after the show and asked me to make the costume. She also said, "Don't forget to make the parrot head for the umbrella, hat with flowers and berries, and the carpet bag, Mommy!"
I know she knows that I love doing this kind of craft. :)
At the beginning, I was looking for a blue or dark red jacket and a skirt at thrift stores, but I didn't see any (I guess children don't wear that kind of old fashion style clothes).
When I stopped by at the thrift store in this village, I spotted a big piece of bright blue fabric. I thought that this fabric was telling me to make a jacket and a skirt and I bought it for $1 !
I was going to use a pattern from some of my sewing books, but they didn't have any jacket patterns. So, I used some parts from a shirt pattern and I changed and added more.
I had never made a jacket before and I worried a bit, but it turned out quite nicely. When I added some black parts, it did look like the jacket the Mary Poppins doll wears.
I bought a hat and an umbrella from a dollar store ( but both were $2 each), then added some pompoms and felt pieces for the flowers and the berries on the hat, I made the parrot head with felt and added to the umbrella.
I looked for a piece of Carpet fabric but couldn't find it. In stead of that, I found a piece of thick dark red fabric and Juliett thought that was perfect for her carpet bag. I made a bag, for the leather handles I used felt. Juliett was happy with it because she thought that she could use it for trick or treating bag!
I enjoyed making all the things so much, Juliett and Col liked them a lot too, which made me so happy. I know her request is getting higher and she wants details too, but I will have fun making costumes for her until she is not interested in wearing handmade ones.
ジュリは学校のクラスメートたちと1日すっごく楽しんだ様子。衣装で登校、午後はハロウィンパーティー だった1日。引越しの数日前でランタンや飾り作りも何もできなかったけれど、見知らぬ土地よりもこの村で学校のお友達たちとハロウィンを迎えられて本当に良かっ たと思います。すごく嬉しそうな姿が見れて私も嬉しかった。

I was really glad that Juliett could have Halloween in this village with her classmates and teachers. I have been busy preparing for moving and I even didn't make jack-o-lantern or any Halloween decorations, so I appreciated that she had so much fun at her school before moving.

Well, it was minus 17 degrees outside. I didn't think Juliett would want to walk outside, but she wanted. She wore her snow suits and we walked for 2 blocks. I didn't imagine that so many kids were trick or treating in this cold night, but lots of kids were doing it! Wow, Canadians!

I was very impressed by seeing really kind and warm people waiting kids trick or treating. They snow shoveled really nicely for trick or treaters. Some people made sure that Juliett walked down the stairs safe(because they were icy and slippery). How kind!
We waited children visiting but our street is not that active, and we didn't see people walking on the street. Too bad, we could have given a lot of candies!

I wore the witch costume I made two years ago for Juliett's company.
Next time, I would like to hand out candies from a cauldron. Maybe I will prepare a fake witch look nose too!
I feel like it is weekend after the fun event, but actually it is Wednesday. Juliett has two more days to go to her school in this village. I hope she will have great time with classmates and teachers. I also hope it will be a bit warmer.
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