Juliett's Auntie L& Uncle K visited us yesterday. They attended L's brother's convocation today.
Juliett was looking forward to seeing them so much, she helped me tidy up rooms.
ジュリのことをよく気にかけてくれる彼ら。先月ハワイに行った時もかわいい絵葉書を向こうからジュリ宛に送ってくれて、ジュリ は自分に届いた特別なはがきをすごく大切にしていました。そんな彼らがお土産だよーとジュリにくれたのはハワイキティちゃんのTシャツ。サンリオショップ があって、かわいくて選んでくれたのだそう。これにはジュリ、大喜び。(私も。だってすごくかわいい。)今日はTシャツを着て「マイメロちゃんとキティ ちゃんも一緒に写真とって。」と。
They have been so nice to Juliett, when they went to Hawaii, they sent her a postcard. Juliett usually doesn't get mails for her, so she was very happy to see it. They also brought us some souvenirs. They gave Juliett the cute Hello Kitty in Hawaii T-shirt! She loves it, I thought that was very cute too.

We went to the Sushi restaurant together. Juliett was so excited, she sat next to her Auntie L smiling and she couldn't stop talking. It was if she was sitting next to a superstar.

Juliett likes the idea of having a cat for a pet so she asked non-stop questions about Auntie L's cats and having cats as pets. (picture on the right, Juliett's first foray into applying lipstick, but really it was just red marker. Yikes, what a mess!)

あっと言う間の数時間。家がもっと広くてベッドルームがあとひとつでもあったらうちに泊まってもらいたかったけれど、残念。今度こそは私たちがエドモントンに行くよと約束してお別れしました。 If we had a bigger house it would have been nice to have them stay over for the night. I wish I can one day have a bigger house. We look forward to seeing their house this summer. Thanks L and K!

Hi Eriko,
We enjoyed having dinner with you and playing with Juliett and seeing your place. It looks very comfortable and seems to be the right size for your family. We hope to see you in Edmonton soon!
How was your trip to Waterton?
It was so much fun to see both of you in our town and have chat at home. Thanks for visiting.
Juliett was very happy with the Kitty-chan t-shirt. Thank you again!
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