We received a note from Juliett's teacher on Wednesday, it was in a white envelop and said "to Mr. and Mrs. OOO ", I was nervous when I opened it and I worried if Juliett already had done some bad problem at school.... But it said...
「明日の全校集会でジュリエットが私のクラスの「Student of the month(今月頑張った生徒)」として表彰されます。ぜひ体育館に見に来てください。そしてこれはジュリエットにはサプライズにしたいのでよろしく。 」
"Juliett is my student of the month for September. She will receive her award at assembly tomorrow, I hope you will be able to attend."
Wow! That's exciting! It also said that it was a surprise for Juliett, so we kept it secret.
The school assembly has "theme dress up" every month, and it was "neon" day the day.
I hadn't known about the theme dress up until the day before the assembly and "neon" is quite unusual colour to us, Juliett and I looked for her clothes but didn't see any.
Juliett brought some hi-liters and told me that her teacher told children to wear those colour clothes for the assembly.... She always thinks that what teachers say is super right.
I almost gave up, and I looked though my fabric box just in case and there I found some pairs of colourful socks that I received every time I flew by Virgin Atlantic to England.I had been there many times until I married, so I had lots of colourful goods(amenity), such as eye masks, note pads, ear plugs, I got from the airline. I liked their design a lot that's why I kept them(without using in planes) .
The yellow green socks matched to Juliett's hi-liter perfectly and she was very happy about that. So I sewed two ribbons for her hair.
At the assembly I saw lots of children and teachers wearing neon colours! So bright!

The principal called each "student of the month" and read messages from their homeroom teachers. Juliett was so surprised when her name was called and she was so excited, she jumped up and danced to the principal, she was so cute!

She received the award and was taken many photos with other students of the month. She looked so happy!
"I love the way that you are always read to learn new things, You are very friendly and a wonderful classroom citizen. ......." the message from her teacher said. I was very impressed even I knew that every child would take turn to receive some awards or special encouragement from teachers.
At home, she opened the award envelop she received at the assembly.
In it, there were a special pencil and a $5 bill.
"Really?" That was what Col and I said when we saw it.
I think children are very happy without money. I don't know why they gave it.
I think if they want to give children something, it would be great that they give something children can use at school(I think the pencil is good enough) or maybe a reading book instead of $5 bill.
Anyways, it was a fun assembly.
Next assembly is on Halloween. Juliett's costume is already ready!
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