Happy Father's Day! to all Dads.

Juliett made this cute sign for her daddy at school.
'10 things I love about you!' :)
Wow! Lots of great compliments!!!
あれ?母の日にくれた「マミィの5つのすてきなところ」のなかに、「私の気持ちを分かってくれる」っていうかっこいいのの他に、「三つ編みをしてくれる」って書いてあって、ネタがなかったのかな。。ってみんなで笑ったんだけれど。。。 まぁいいかっ。
Col was doing some review sessions at his school all day today.
Julie and I made his favourite Lemon meringue pie.

I followed a recipe from a cooking book I had, but I noticed some explanation was missing in the recipe, Julie helped reading it too but we didn't find any cooking method about cornstarch... the lemon curd turned very very runny. :( Also, the meringue wasn't enough to cover the pie, so I doubled it.
I wasn't happy with the pie at all, but Julie decided to make a decoration and her 2 drawings made it a very special dessert for Father's Day.
Col LOVES playing spaceship computer games, Julie knows that. She drew those from his favourite game. I was quite surprised by how much details she could draw. I didn't know that. She told me that she could spent hours and hours to draw if she was drawing something she likes.
The lemon curd didn't set... we weren't sure we should eat it(because it had 2 egg yolks), but the crust was cooked and the meringue was good, I baked it more than 45 minutes, so we tasted it.
I hoped that the crust didn't stick to the bottom of the pie dish, also I wished that the lemon curd set, it tasted good though, it was quite sour and we like sour lemon desseerts.
Julie made a nice card too, Col came home after a long day at school. He was very happy with the pie and Julie's drawings, he even took some photos of them!(last time he took photos was when we were in England last summer). Julie was so happy.
I thought he had a good father's day.
They spent a few hours together this evening, lots of giggling, and they watched a space themed movie. :)
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