Thursday, December 27, 2007

13 months old

Juliett is 13months old.
We went to a zoo. It was the first time for Juliett to see so many animals. She was interested in the animals. She did a lot of pointing and talking.


ダディがジュリを降ろしてみました。そしたらきりんがこっちに顔を向けてくれました。ジュリは勇敢にも近づいていったものの、きりんさんの目の前で完全に固まってます。少しして私たちの方を振り返った途端、「うわぁぁぁぁぁん!」と大泣き。急に怖くなっっちゃったのかな。 The giraffe pen was nice because we could get up to see the giraffes eat. Juliett was lucky that she could see a giraffe so close up. She stared at it for a minute or so before running in a panic back to daddy. It wasn't long before she started crying.

A little young for photo cutouts.

受話器は持っていませんが ”ジュリ、電話中” 。最近どこでも電話のなる音を聞くと耳に手やものを当てて「あい(はい)。あい。」としゃべり続けます。
And a picture of Juliett answering her imaginary cellphone. Whenever Juliett hears a phone ring, or sees someone using a cellphone she likes to pretend that she's talking on a cell phone. She does it everywhere, at home, at the shopping center and in this case at the zoo. Someone was taking pictures with their phone and Juliett responded by putting her hand to her ear saying ' Hi, hi, bulblublbub, hi, hi, ahhh, drabbaaa bublubub'. It was quite funny.

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