When I say, "I am 1 year old" to Juliett, she shows her first finger like this. She learns so many things every day. She says "Quack, quack" when she sees a duck. She likes to share her snacks and bread with me. She puts them into my mouth and smiles. That action makes me so happy and I give her so many hugs.
Juliett loves reading.She spends long time with books. She likes to see some Christmas books from Canada.
Juliett also likes to talk on the phone. When I talk with my mom on the phone, she comes to me and tries to get the phone from me. When she get s her turn, she keeps talking and talking. She shows her anger if I take the phone back.
LEEは結構読むけれど、Moreは・・・独身の時以来の購入。パラパラめくったけれど、年をとったなぁと実感しました。今回のLEEは「Le Vésuve」の高橋郁代さんのアレンジのお花が載ったカレンダーも付いているのでちょっと嬉しい感じです。高橋さんのアレンジってとってもすてき。しかも同じ地元出身だそうで、憧れ度が増します。
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