We got 2 packages from Canada today. Both of them had notices that said "This postal item was opened by Customs for inspection and was repacked by our office.".
Juliett and I opened them and saw many Christmas gifts from Col's Auntie&Uncle, and his brother&sister- in- law. They sent them before Christmas, but it took more than 1month to arrive here. Juliett was staying home all day today because of rain. She looked so excited seeing wonderful gifts and she was so happy to have her second Christmas!Thank you so much!
Great Auntie&Uncle gave us cute socks(I looked for purple socks for Juliett for a long time! Thank you!), a lovely brooch, a key chain, and handmade biscotti!(It looks so yum, we will enjoy them tonight with cups of coffee!)
Auntie&Uncle gave Juliett lovely outfits! She wore them, danced and laughed a lot. When I held the camera, she came in front of me and waited to be taken photos.
Juliett loves reading. She sometimes watches Miffy's TV program. She pointed to Miffy on the book and smiled to me which was like telling me "Mummy, I know this cute rabbit!"
そして、私が大声を上げて喜んでしまったのが、彼らからの私へのクリスマスプレゼント!写真の右側の赤いのはずっとずっとずっと欲しかったけれど、私には贅沢品だと諦めていたJamie Oliverのフレーバーシェーカー!!!
And...amazing gift for me from L&K!
Jamie Oliver's Flavour Shaker! I screamed when I opened it. I always thought if I could have it when I went to shops, but I thought it was just too nice for me and I gave up getting it every time. Thank you so much. I will make wonderful dressing with herb and spices!
Col will open his gift tonight. He will be surprised by it too!
Hi Eriko,
Kristjan and I are glad that you enjoyed your second Christmas and all the presents. Juliett looks very cute in her little outfit and it seems like she enjoys the books. We're glad you like the flavour shaker and we hope you have lots of fun using it!
Hi, Laura.
Thank you so much for the gifts. Juliett likes the books, she brings them to me and asks me to read.
Col was happy with his socks! I was so surprised to receive such a wonderful gift, thank you again. I found out that they didn't sell the red one(they sell pink, blue and olive) in Japan, so it more special to me.
When we move to Canada, we will invite you and serve really delicious(I hope) salad with lovely dressing!
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