ずっとずっとペットを飼ってみようか、一人っ子のジュリ に、彼女が大事に面倒を見る存在ができたらいいのではないか、と主人と話していて、でも、移動ばかり・借家続きの私たちには犬を飼うことはできず(犬を飼 いたがっているのは私、だけれど。)、それでも何か大切に育てられるものを、と金魚からスタートしてみようと思ったのです。
We bought 3 gold fish 10days ago.
I thought it would be great for Juliett to have pets she takes care of. I also thought she would learn lots of things from pets.
I thought that to have gold fish was easy, not complicated like having tropical fish. We have prepared a glass bowl, fish food, some stones, and water cleaner & protector.
Juliett asked the pet shop lady to pick 3 different patterns fish, orange one, white with orange dot one, and orange & black one.

Juliett was so excited about having her pets for the first time. She named the orange one "Taiyo"(sun in Japanese) , Col named orange & black one "Tora"(tiger in Japanese), and I named white with a red dot one "Hinomaru" ( Japanese flag ).
But soon, we found that Taiyo looked like he needed more air, he came to the surface often. Col and I learned that we put too many fish in a small bowl, maybe not enough air in the water.... but we didn't have time to go to the city (that has some pet stores) till next weekend. We changed water carefully.

Next day, Taiyo died. We told Juliett about it and she was so upset, sad, and cried. I didn't know it was because we didn't prepare enough, or Taiyo was a weak one, but I felt really sorry and bad.
Juliett drew a picture of Taiyo. It had a broken heart next to it.
Last whole week, I took care of them really carefully, I didn't want them die again, and finally we bought a bigger tank with a filter and a light on Saturday. Hinomaru and Tora look so happy in the big tank.

Juliett lost her interest in the pet since Taiyo was gone.
But she can see fish swimming very well in the bigger tank and she is liking them again. She asked me if she could feed them again, I was glad to see her interest.

I hope they will live longer. It is so peaceful to look at them, I can spend a long time watching them.
They are our official family members now.
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