We had lots more fun in Calgary.

We saw our great friend family who live in Calgary three times during the holiday! They invited us to dinner, they invited us to join their picnic by the river too. How lucky we are to have such wonderful friends, we had really fun time with them(as usual)!
Their son and Juliett played very nicely, we thought both of their growth.
Mom(Nana)'s very good friend invited me to go to Mountain View International Festival at U of C theater. I haven't heard live classical music for a while and I really really appreciated it. It was so nice of her. She used to be a music teacher, I asked her many questions about musical instruments I had wanted to ask, and she answered everything. I had a lovely time with her.
Col went camping with his best friends since Junior high/High. One of them is getting married soon and it was "bachelor camping"for him. Col had been away(Australia and Japan) for awhile but they always care about him and have been great friends of his. Col cam back very happily and he sounded whole three days camping with them was so much fun! I thought that was really nice.
I had my hair cut in Calgary. I promised Juliett to donate my hair when she did hers last year and it was time to do it. I received my 12 inches hair and I am going to donate it to cancer society as well.
I went to Anthropologie and I was inspired by their beautiful displays as usual, we went to IKEA and dreamed about our future house, we went to Chinook Centre to see city trend & fashion, went to Farmer's Market and saw colourful veges and fruits, we had good coffee at Phil & Sebastian. It was nice to see neighbors(Nana & Papa's great friends) too.
What a fun holiday! Thanks again to every one who supports us.
I took those colourful photos at Science museum "Spark". It was a really good museum for young kids and family, I am sure we would go there again.
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