We are back! We had a fantastic holiday.
Billions of Thanks to our friends, neighbors and Juliett's Nana & Papa, our holiday was much more than amazing!
I will write about places we went with Col's parents(Nana and Papa) in Calgary. They took us lots of great places and gave us experiences we never had living in a small village.
Nana took Juliett and me to a theater to see "Mary Poppins" by Broad Way Across Canada!

Juliett loved the musical, she loved the songs a lot. She sang them at home in Calgary and also kept singing them in car all the way to our home yesterday. Of course, her favourite is "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" !
Papa took us to the new science museum "Spark".
ここ、楽しい!すごくお勧めです。まさに身体で学ぶサイエンス、子供たちにぴったりの場所だと思いました。そして、私、もともと苦手な理科をさらに英語で、となると素通りしたくなってしまうけれど、ここはとてもシンプルな説明、他は全て自分で実際やってみよう!なので、 とても楽しめました。
We liked it a LOT(especially Col liked it so much)! There was full of fun. I had imagined it would be a quite difficult science place before but it was not right. We understood things by touching, feeling, seeing, and listening there. Lots of experiments were there, everything was easy enough for Juliett and me(who can't understand specific words) to see what was going on.

We planned to visit Calgary spontaniously, so Nana and Papa already had their things to do and they were busy but they made time to spend with Juliett and us as much as they could. Juliett loves having time with them.
Nana went on trip, Col went camping with his best friends, Papa took Juliett and me to Calgary Zoo.
Penguins! They were quite new there and there were lots and lots of people waiting to go into the penguin pavilion and we gave up joining in the queue, hope we will see them next time!

We always enjoy Alberta wild animals area. We listened to a talk about 3 different bears in Canada. Juliett was very interested in it and she drew details about them at home.
We liked owls too. Juliett was curious because they camouflaged themselves really well and it was hard to find them, also they can look back smoothly.
I was quite excited in the bird area too by a different reason. As I wrote some times in the past, I had been disliked seeing birds stomachs(that means I didn't like to look up birds flying close above myself) for a long time, about 13years. But through this one year village life, I am liking birds(even their stomachs) and I was brave enough to go in and enjoy the bird place! Woohoo!
We had a wonderful time at the zoo, the flowers there were so beautiful and smelled so good, Juliett liked the butterfly building where we went for wedding last year.
Juliett also liked walking in the dinosaur area with Papa too. I was happy to see a giraffe as usual, condors and bats, eagles were so big and I was amazed by them too.

I was going to write more about places we went, but I know that it is getting so long.
I will stop now and write more later!
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