Juliett likes to shake toys. She used to only suck toys, but now she is learning little by little how to play with toys.
She likes to sit like this. My husband says that she looks like a little old Japanese lady. We think she looks so cute.
We went to a kids library and enjoyed singing with actions for 30mins there. They have the babies & moms reading and singing class twice a month there. It was the first time for Juliett to join such a class. She was excited being with other babies. I thought it was really nice to be there with similar-aged babies and moms.
日高良美シェフがプロデュースするというナポリピッツァのカフェ「チャオ チャオ」のピッツァはとにかくおいしい!ジュリとばぁばと私とで席は3人分、でも食べるのは大人2人なのに、欲張ってトマトベースのピッツァとこのリコッタチーズと生ハム、黒コショウのピッツァ(これ、本当においしくていつも来る時に頼んでしまう・・・)をLサイズ(1.5人分)で頼みました。残したらダディにお土産ね♪ なんて言って食べ始めたら、おいしくて止まらない!2人でぺロリ (と言うかほとんど私がぺロリ)。
Yes, she is definitely a cutie. The class sounds like it was fun. What were the last two pictures of, Eriko? Did you make pizza?
No, no, Shannon, I am not good at cooking..... We don't have an oven at our apartment. But I would like to have a nicer kitchen in Canada and enjoy baking and cooking.
Juliett, my mom and I went to a museum shop and cafe. We had some delicious pizza and I saw a beautiful paper tapestry there.
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