が、今までに見たこともないような混み様に私の方が暑さと人に酔ってしまい、1時間ちょいで退散。短い買い物時間でしたが、主人はお目当てのものを全て買い、私もLaura Ashleyで1.2mの素敵なはぎれを買えたので大満足でした。少し端に傷があるだけで1m100円になってました~!感激!何に使おうかなぁ・・・♪
Juliett loves to flick over the pages of the small dictionary. Maybe, she feels some breeze from the flipping.
She must be hot with the long and thick hair. So I did up her hair like this. Does it look like Samurai hair style?
She looks so not. Will your cooler weather be coming anytime soon?
Thank you very much for your comment, Auntie Crissy!
Yes, it is so hot here. We bought a shaved ice machine and eat shaved ice every day!
We will have cooler weather in September(hopefully!). Juliett sweats a lot, so she needs to change her clothes twice a day.
Is it getting cooler in Canada?
Eriko, I am not so good with the computer and am trying to figure out how to send comments. If you are getting several of the same comments, that is why.
Our weather has been cooling off the last week. The days are still warm, around 28 degrees yesterday, but the nights are cooling off to about 10 degrees or so. In Manitoba we don't have cool evenings like they do in Calgary, we usually stay hot and muggy. I figure any of these temperatures sound good to you about now. It does feel like autumn is on its way. Some of the leaves are getting a bit of a yellow tinge, and I saw a flock of snow geese flying yesterday. I am not ready for summer to end!
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