Col brought a shoe box from his school last week. He talked about it to Juliett and they decided to make a nice shoe box from her allowance.
I have heard about the shoe box donation but we haven't done it before because of our economy situation, we have done lots of donations to secondhand stores but this was new to us.
いろんなドネーションの仕方があると思うけれど、今回ジュリと主人でやろうと決めたのは、大人の靴がちょうど入るような靴箱に、 文房具やおもちゃ、石鹸などを詰めて世界のどこかのそういうものを手に入れることができない子供たちに届けると言う方法。
The instruction leaflet said what you could put and what you shouldn't. We planned to go to GP on Saturday, so Juliett and Col decided to buy things for the box in GP too.
Juliett chose the box for girls who are around her age. She chose items she thought would be good. I saw what she bought later and I saw lots of cute and shiny things, I was glad that Juliett chose for someone special without saying " I want everything for me too".

Juliett wrote a card for the child who will receive this box in the soon future. "Hello, I am Juliett. I love dogs and puppies. Do you like dogs or cats?"
She looked happy when she was preparing it, which was nice.
Well, yes we went to GP on Saturday.
It was a big trip. We had to buy lots of things for Juliett's school(mainly stationary goods), a gift for her birthday, furniture, and had a huge grocery shopping list.
It 's a very nice town here, but talking about shopping, things are expensive and they don't have much selections, I think we need to go to GP at least once a month. I miss the old village we lived. Compare to the village, things are quite inconvenient here, especially to me who loves to walk(than drive). I know, I always miss where I lived before.... I will miss this town in the future too, so I should appreciate it right now. :)
We left home at 8:00 in the morning. The road was a good condition, we just needed to be careful with wild animals. We saw a wolf, a coyote, and some deer.
We have a big power plant at the edge of the town. Juliett likes to see it every time we pass it, she thinks that it is like Howl's moving castle.
Air pressure changes while we were driving and our ears plugged a lot.
They had fog the night before and the trees were beautiful.
When we a kind of finished our shopping, it was after 4:00.
They had a special event at Starbucks for Holiday drinks(buy one get one free), so we went there before we left GP.
They had Eggnog latte, Caramel latte, and Peppermint moca, I think. Col and I chose Caramel moca, but it was too sweet to drink. We had a few sips with lots of water, we also added black coffee and made it sweet less. Why do they make drinks so sweet? I should have asked for non sugar.
We left GP at 5:00 and arrived home after 7:00. I really appreciated that Col drove both ways. It was very very foggy on the way home, we couldn't see front well, it was also dark, I was quite scared and worried if we drove into wild animals, so I was an animal watcher. Luckily we didn't see any animals on the way and we got home safe.
To shop, drive 4 hours on Highway.......... it is a huge culture shock for me who had grown up in such a small and crowded country, Japan.
Think about 3 places we have lived in Canada...we are definitely getting farther away from cities...
I wonder where we will settle down in the future.
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