It was Juliett's parents interview at school yesterday evening, after that we went to downtown to see lighted trees. Juliett was very excited to see the lights. I like to see lights reflect to new white snow.
We drove slowly around the town and saw other houses lights, that definitely gave us winter and Christmas feelings.

Not a reindeer but a big horn sheep. :)
I needed to do some paperwork at the police to become a volunteer at Juliett's school, I also had to do blood test, so I decided to walk to the hospital and the police yesterday, it was -20. I chose yesterday because it wasn't windy.
It took 25 minutes(walk fast) to get to the hospital and I didn't see anyone who was walking outside, but I saw many deer hooves prints on fresh snow.
Walking -20 outside for more than an hour, my hands were sore even I wore thick mitts and my nose was so cold and hurt, I thought I needed to wear a scarf around my face and wore wool gloves under my mitts. It was a good exercise though, maybe because I haven't jogged for a while or just because it is higher here, it was hard for me to walk fast going up the steep hill.
It has been cold, plus wind makes colder. Juliett doesn't complain and walks to and from school everyday even on cold day like today(-20 and windy). I am proud of her.
I have been failing baking for a few days, I will write about the bread and the cake I failed.
I made yeast water from an apple, it looked good, but a few days after it fermented, it turned a bit slimy and I wasn't sure it was right. But as an experiment I made bread with it and some walnuts.
ビギナーズラックみたいな感じでレーズンに成功しただけだったのかも、と、ネットでふむふむ勉強中。新しく作っているレーズンはいい感じだけれど、リンゴ、というか天然酵母に関してはもう少しちゃんと知ってからまた挑戦しようと思っているところです。It didn't rise as much as it did when I used the raisin yeast water, and I baked longer but it was a kind of whitish and dense. I never tasted bread made with apple yeast, so I wasn't sure the taste was right. I told Col and Julie that the yeast liquid was a bit slimy and they didn't even wanted a taste a bit. :)
Maybe the raisin yeast water was my beginner's luck? I thought I needed to know about homemade yeast, I will learn more about it and I will try making it again. (I am making raisin yeast water right now and it looks good.)
写真がきれいで好きなドナ・ヘイさんの料理本 '"Seasons -the best of donna hay magazine- " 、いっつも気になっていたケーキ Coffee cake with mixed toffee nuts を作ろうと挑戦。砂糖を30グラムも少なくして、インスタントコーヒーを使うところを家のエスプレッソマシンーンでエスプレッソを作って入れて作ったのに、とんでもなく甘い。(多分上のキャラメルソースの影響大)
This is not acutually "fail", but my family(include myself) didn't enjoy it.
"Coffee cake with mixed toffee nuts" from "Seasons -the best of donna hay magazine-" by Donna Hay. I liked the photo of the recipe book and wanted to make this cake... coffee and toffee... must taste good I thought.
I reduced sugar(-30g) and used espresso coffee instead of using instant coffee and hot water.
The cake looked really nice and gave us a huge appetite, but it was too SWEET!!!!
I think my family got used to eat my fluffy chiffon cake and sponge cake both are from Japanese recipes and we don't use so much butter or sugar, that's why this cake was too heavy to us, even Col gave up eating it.
By the way, I enjoy knitting.
I can't believe that I couldn't knit last year, I was so lucky to learn knitting this year. Exploring knitting world a bit is so much fun to me, I know that the world is huge and I am just at the entrance of it. I would like to learn and practice more and more.
I would like to knit socks and mitts, but I had never done patterns with different colours.
So I decided to practice.
This cute fir tree pattern is from "Quick Nordic Knits" by Ann Mari Nilsson.
At the beginning it was quite complicated to make two different colours yarn but when I figured out it was fun. I understood why they were really warm, the yarn which I was not using made layers.
I am looking forward to going to yarn stores in Calgary, I would like to buy interesting colour yarn.
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