I'll write about this week. I don't think I had been busy but I didn't have time to write a post this week.
Juliett had stomach ache twice at night time this week, I thought maybe because she kicks all blankets while she is sleeping and also I sometimes see her pyjama top flips and she shows her stomach, so she gets cold and that makes her stomachache.
I sewed Haramaki(a stomach warmer?) for her.
腹巻きつけてこの笑顔。 |
I used the same fabric that I made Col Fin's hat for his Halloween costume. Very soft and stretchy. She likes it so much, she even wore it to school! She hasn't had stomachache since, so I am glad about it.
I found that my neck warmer I knitted last week wasn't warm or protective enough on a windy day, so I cut a piece of fabric from my old yoga jacket and hand sewed onto inside of the warmer.
It worked amazingly well! It became so warm! I was very surprised how it has changed by adding a piece of fabric.
We received a parcel from my brother family. It was mainly for Juliett, their belated birthday card had her cousin's hand print, photo, and some writings. So adorable!
Juliett received some Totoro(which Juliett became for Halloween) goods from them. All products were very wellmade and I was very impressed by them. I am so proud of Japanese products, they have tons of neat, stylish, great quality, cute and pretty things.
They sent Col and me gifts as well.
Juliett attended her school's fun event, family reading night. We attended it last year and we loved it, so we were looking forward to it. She had a great time with friends and teachers, listening Christmas stories and doing fun crafts. Everyone received a book at the end of the event. It was a lot of fun and I really appreciate the school and teachers there.
I found 3 Harry Potter series books at a thrift store last week and I have been reading the first one with Juliett. I know that Juliett can read them by herself without any problem, actually she would read better than me, but I wanted to read at least the first book to her. :) She is very interested in the story(me too), I told her that I have been to King's Cross stations many times, she was "wow!". :)
はまりやすい私たち、フクロウが手紙を運んでくれたらなぁ。呪文を言ったら食卓に食事が並ぶなんて夢みたいだね、壁に飾ってあるアートが話しかけてきたらどうする?キングスクロス駅は何度も行ったことがあると自慢したら(大人気ないが)すごいよ!すごいよ!って。 もう、わくわくです。
We get influenced so easily from movies and books, we have been talking about what if an owl bringing us mail, if I say some magic words and gorgeous dinner suddenly appears, and if photos and arts on the walls started to talk. It is so much fun.
This is a copy of letter to Mr. Santa from Juliett. She brought it home and show it to us.
I was very surprised by her beautiful writing, because usually she writes quite messily and I have kept telling her to write nicely. She said, "The letter was for Santa! That's why I did super beautiful writing!!"
I saw a beautiful cable knitted Christmas stocking at Anthropologie website a while ago, and I thought I could knit similar one. I bought a ball of 100% acrylic yarn last week in GP and knitted this much. I used all yarn but I couldn't finish it. :(
I guess I won't make it by this Christmas, this will be for next Christmas...I want Michael's in our town... (impossible.)
私はこの季節の定番のざくろ、 光にかざすと宝石みたいにきれいで嬉しくなる大好きな果物です。食べ過ぎるとお腹がゆるくなるのだけれど、なかなか止められない。ひとつ2ドルくらいで買えます。
I have been eating lots of pomegranates for snack, I know I shouldn't eat too much(they make stomach uncomfortable), But it is one of my favourite fruits.
Juliett had a treat from my uncle and aunt. We like the cute package.
Have a great weekend!