学校で眠くならないかな。。。 若いから大丈夫かな。
Juliett went to school today, I think her jet lag has gone, not mine though.
I am getting old and I guess it takes some time to get over it...
I will show more photos of Japan, this will be the last topic about Japan trip.
These are the things I thought they were cool.

In the park near my friends' house, there was an old house. I thought it looked cool and very Japanese so I took some photos of it, I just checked the park's website and found that it was an important cultural property in Japan.
Col loved to drink cold green tea in plastic bottles that we can buy at any vending machines
. I love them too.
これ、人が周りにいないと消えてるテレビみたいなスクリーンで、人が立つとこうやって画面が現れて、飲み物を買えるみたい。ちょっとビビッて触れなくて写真だけ。電車とかで使えるカードで飲み物が買える、らしい。(父情報) どこまでハイテクなんだ。
OK. I was so surprised to see this. It had a dark screen(I even didn't know it was a screen), and when people stand in front of it, it turns on and showed all drinks they sell, yes, this is a vending machine. I felt I was left out.
These are plastic food samples. We often see those food samples at display windows at some restaurants. Don't they look amazingly? They were so well made and looked more than real. I noticed some foreigners(including myself?) taking photos of them.
I ordered the udon noodle with some nameko mushrooms and an ume(pickled plum) because I thought the sample looked so yum, and it actually tasted so good.
This is my parents house's a part of Japanese guest room.
I like the feeling of tatami, I love to lay down on it.
My mom helped our neighbor fish store a bit when I was young, so she knows how to make sashimi out of fish. We didn't see my favourite fish sashimi at stores, but mom said " that"s fine I can make sashimi easily" and bought some fish and made this for me. How lucky I was.
This is the kaiten sushi Col and I went quite often. They sell sushi(2 pieces usually) for 100yen($1). We were told by friends that at this restaurant shinkansen(bullet train) would bring sushi to tables and kids loved it. Juliett loved it too! She ordered many sushi and ate 7 plates! I can't believe that they sell the sushi $1 each and do good service, but never take tips!
This is a typical Japanese regular bread, we can buy at supermarkets. I love it, it has good thickness, softness, and the size is good which is wider and taller but much shorter than Canadian bread.
There lots of cute snacks and candies at supermarkets.
Japan highway is famous with the rest stops which are called "service area" and they have amazing numbers of shops, restaurants, bakeries, and stalls. I can spend hours there. We can buy this kind of lunch boxes there. Yum!
More things I liked.
スターバックスで。飲みなれたコーヒーが飲みたくなって頼んだら、”Thank you" まで書いてスマイルマークも付けてくれてた。こちらこそ、嬉しい気持ちをありがとう。
I missed Americano, so I bought one at a Starbucks at a service area. They wrote "Thank you :)", that made me smile too!
Out of season....but I found chestnuts. I like this looks.
These doughnuts were one of the things on my "want to eat in Japan" list. The day before we left Japan, my best friends visited us and we chatted what Juliett and I had done in Japan, I said " I haven't eaten the doughnuts yet. Maybe next time when we come back." and the conversation topic went to different topics, but the night, she visited us again with lots of doughnuts. :)
With her kindness, the doughnuts tasted more specially delicious.
This was quite interesting Mt. Fuji. It was covered by fog or cloud.
At Lego shop, Juliett was so lucky to receive a Lego set gift from Jiji(grandpa). She found this lioness? at the entrance of the shop and thought it was so cool.
We were excited to find the camouflaged fish on the sand. Do you see it too?
We thought this tunnel was so cool, it was exciting to see sharks and stingrays swimming over us.
We saw many birds at the zoo we went, I was excited to see owls so closely.
Juliett fed penguins.
The last is photos of flowers and foods.
Azalea, they will be blooming very soon in my hometown.
Camellia, this is the tree my grandma used to take a good care of. Now it is at my mom's garden and it was blooming so beautifully.
Iris at my moms yard.
We saw many Magnolia.
Juliett and I decided to give this hydrangea to Baba(grandma). Juliett liked it so much because of the colour and also the name "dance party". :)
We saw many interesting moss too.
Sweet potatoes(steamed). Juliett's(and my) favourites.
I like Japanese ones much better than Canadian ones.
Tofu made from sesami seeds with some miso, my favourite.
cucumber and jelly fish salad. my very favourite!
Tarako and Mentaiko(salted cod, pollock roe) are really good with rice. I also love spaghetti with the sauce(cream tarako or mentaiko) too.
Castella, this is a sweet(sponge cake) based on the sweet came from Portugal in the 16th century.
I like it, when I visited Nagasaki a long time ago, I ate it a lot. I would like to bake this at home.
kids menu at a restaurant. Juliett even liked the flags on the rice(she asked to me to take home with us and I did).
どんなに疲れていても、家族みんなの食事をちゃんと準備する母の姿には驚きました。私だったらすぐに「今夜はセルフ!」と言って、各自食べたいものを食べたり、主人はビーンズオントースト、ジュリと私は麺類にしたりしちゃうのに、母は違う。しかも栄養も考えてお魚・野菜を欠かさなかったり、すごいや。私ももう少しちゃっちゃっちゃっとテキパキいろいろ作れるようにならないと、と思いました。 いろんな物を作ってくれる母のおかげで、ジュリがこの帰国で食べれるようになったもの、とてもいっぱいあります。なかなかカナダでは手に入らないものが多いけれど、工夫して頑張ります。
My mom cooked almost every meals, I was just amazed how busy she was at home. Even after coming back late home, she cooked dinner for us. I thought I would do "self serve!" and Col and I(and Julie) would eat whatever we want to eat or buy pizza or something like that, but my mom never does it. She always had lots of vegetable and at least one kind of fish, big thanks to her, Juliett can eat lots of new things now. I will work hard and be a better cook like my mom.
Our life in Canada has started again, first we will get over our jet lag and prepare for our Canadian Spring!
Thanks for visiting my blog, I hope you enjoyed the photos of Japan.
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