Cooking with Jamie
From "Jamie's Food Revolution" by Jamie Oliver
p196, p197 "Perfect Roast Chicken"
p202, p203 " Roasted Potatoes, Parsnips, and Carrots"
p204, p205 "A Consistently Good Gravy"
p209, p210 "Yorkshire Pudding"
When I saw whole chickens at the supermarket in town, I thought I would like to roast it and I bought 1.1kg one. I thought we could use left over meat for sandwiches and soup.
I have roasted a turkey before. Comparing chicken to turkey, it was so small and easy to prepare. It took only an hour and half to roast, I thought I could even do it for regular meal.
どれもそれぞれ冷めていいのなら一人でできるけれど、温かい状態で出すには一人はきついなと思いました。 手がもう一本必要でした。しかもオーブンも混み込みでした。
But I also did roast vegetables, gravy, and Yorkshire pudding. If I didn't need to worry about the food getting cold, I could manage all by myself, but I wanted to serve as warm as possible, and I needed a help when I was making gravy and Yorkshire pudding at the same time, I called Col to help. (He made gravy! Good Job, Col!)
Roast vegetable is one of our favourite meals, Juliett loves eating the potatoes and carrots, I love parsnips so much, I added red onions and they melted so nicely in mouth. Yum!
Gravy, it wasn't so starchy, it had nice wine flavour and we liked it.
The best was Yorkshire pudding.
I had many when I was in England, I made some with my friends and had them at Sunday dinners, or at pubs. I don't know why but I had a image that making Yorkshire pudding was hard, so I had never tried since I left England. It was the first time to make them since.
Col helped holding a really really hot pan in the oven and I poured the mixture in it as quick as I could. They turned out soooooo good. Outside is crisp and inside is chewy and soft. Col and I loved them. Juliett didn't . :)

She liked the chicken very much, which was good. We expected it to have more lemony flavour but it didn't so much. But herbs gave it nice flavours. It was not too dry, we had many and didn't have so much left over... (typical us).
よけても家の中がつながっているから伝っていってしまうし、ドアを閉めてもずっと閉めっ放しにもできず。。。 ファブリースもきりないし。。。うちはオーブンの上に換気扇がないからそれも大きいだろうなぁ。
It was a wonderful dinner, but one thing I didn't like is that cooking/baking smell spreaded everywhere in our house. It stays on fabric and I don't like it at all. I have tried some ways to protect clothes but winter jackets easily get the smell and hold it. We don't have a fan above the oven and there are not so many doors in this condo, quite open, maybe that is one of the reason...
If you know any good idea to protect jackets from cooking smell, or to erase the smell away, please share with me. ( I am not a big fan of Febreze...)
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