In the last few days, Juliett and I found many "Spring" in the parks, on the sidewalks, and in the yard. That made me so happy, colourful and beautiful seasons are coming.
We also lots of kids in the parks, which was really nice for Juliett. She ran to the kids there and said "Hi, I'm Julie.", she has much better skill to make friends than I have. I wish I could have her personality...

When I saw these, I didn't know what they were.
Rhubarb! Wow! I have only seen big and long ones. It was interesting.

When we went to the park 3 days ago, a butterfly(I think that was a moth. ) stopped on Juliett's shoe. Today, Papa found a ladybug and gave to Juliett, she was happy to see it walked on her arms and hands. She came to me and said " Mommy, lady bug all gone." , but I found it walking on her hair(picture below). Maybe it found confortable there, it didn't leave her head for a while.

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