It started with this beautiful sunrise this morning.
I love to see the mountains and the sky in the morning.
I will write about my weekend sewing.
I have made so many bags since I received my sewing machine as our wedding gift 2005 summer.
I have made a lot of bags for friends and family, for Juliett, and for myself.
But everytime when I have a big trip, I feel like making a new bag.
On Saturday, I made this passports case.
I wanted to make it perfectly for 2 passports(Julie's and mine) and also I wanted to make it with bright colours then I could find it easily in my bag.
I have made this style before, it was very simple and it is very useful. Our passports fit in it so perfectly! I was happy with it.
When I was glad to made this case, Juliett came to me and said, "Mommy, I want you to make something special for me too." :)
I asked her which bag she was going to carry in the airplanes. She was saying that she would take her school backpack because she could many things in it, but she changed her mind and decided to take a small backpack with a fairy applique on.
Juliett loves fairies and their world. She sometimes has other interests such as Pokemon, board games, but always comes back to fairies.

She has been reading her fairies books again and again, she even borrows fairies chapter books and reads in bed every night. She loves to write journals, she has made some fairies journals too. I like to see her working on her journals, she is so focusing and spent so many houses on her work. That is amazing.
Last week, when she and I were walking to school in a cold and very crispy morning, she suddenly said " !?!! What was that!?"
I was walking a bit ahead of her, and so I turned and looked at her, then I saw her very surprised face turned into a huge smile. And then she said, "Mommy, something shiny and cold touched my hand just now and I thought that was a piece of ice, but I think it was a fairy. :) A fairy greeted to me."
I believe you, Juliett. If you believe in fairies, you can see them someday, it says in books.
Juliett told all her friends about it at school and some of her friends said to her, " I have had that kind of experience too, I think there ARE fairies around us." That made Juliett very happy.
Disney Fairies "In the realm of the Never Fairies - The Secret World of Pixie Hollow "
Disney Fairies "The Hidden World on Fairies "
These two books are especially her favourite(my favourite too).
This books show details of fairies lives. I don't know if it is good to give children so detail information because fairies are their imagination. Pushing one idea too much is not so good, I think, everyone has their own idea and imagination, so of course it is no problem to be different from these books ideas.
But the stories and information are written quite nicely in these books and the pictures are nice too, they are really fun to read.
"they boil roots, bark, blueberries, beets, dandelions, blackberries, and certain kinds of grass to create dyes ..." They dye their clothes, not only colouring them, they weave and make clothes from beetle hair, spiderwebs, dandelion fluff, ... oh, I would like to do that if I could!
話はそれるけれど、この本はちょっと切なくて優しくて温かい大好きな本、"Sophie's Masterpiece" by Eileen Spinelli、たくさんの足を上手に使って糸を織るクモのアーティスト、ソフィーのお話です。
This is a book about a spider who spins and weaves her thread. See? I like the small creature dreamy world too.
Let's go back to Juliett's fairies books. Juliett wishes to make their tiny sweets, I suggested to make with some subsistence but she wants to make them with exact ingredients, such as mouse milk, hummingbird eggs, and buttercup nectar.
She loves this kind of puzzles a lot. She can spend hours solving word searching puzzles too(I bought a puzzle book for her activity in airplanes. It has lots of word puzzles! I am going to knit there).
ナナがジュリに去年かその前にプレゼントしてくれた着せ替え人形は、そのティンカーベルと友達のもので、衣装も花びらを使ったドレス等、着せ替え人形の中にはミツバチやハミングバード、りすなんかも入っていて、もちろん私も参加。 それからもスリフトストアで遊べる本を見つけてジュリの着せ替え、増えています。
Juliett's Nana sent her some of these paper dolls. They are her favourite! I like the beautiful costumes and pictures. Hove you ever dressed up bees, humming birds, and squirrels? We like them a lot.
This is the bag Juliett chose to take with her, it was from my friend in England. Juliett asked me to make a fairy that she can take with her to Japan.(because the bag is quite small and she decided to leave Cutie and Dotty(the big dog) with her Daddy's very best care.
Juliett wanted me to make the exact size with other fairies in her books, it says that fairies are 5 inches, so I made it 5 inches tall. Juliett chose the eye and hair colours matching with herself.
With my new passport case and her new fairy doll, our trip became more fun and excited.
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