Hina matsuri (Girls Festival in Japan).
This is the 7th Hina matsuri for Juliett. Thank you so much to her beautiful dolls, she has been very healthy, good, and always happy.
Juliett and I made Shiratama dango this afternoon.

It sounds like each colours have meanings, I checked up some books and websites but there were many ideas and I wasn't sure which one was the traditionally right one. The common information is pink is peach blossoms, white is snow, and green is land with new leaves, leaf buds and all colours show spring and life.
I accidentally added too much red food colour and the pink turned out too pink. Juliett liked them but I didn't and I made another pink dango. The green dango, I mixed some Macha powder into the dough. It looked very Japanese-ish green and smelled also tasted good. Juliett ate very pink ones, pink ones, and white ones. She likes dango too.
I didn't make Chirashi zushi( a kind of typical sushi for Hina matsuri) for dinner, Juliett and I had planned to have surprise early birthday party for Col. I made his favourite pavlova for his birthday cake(dessert) and made his favourite meatball tomato stew for supper, Juliett and I made cards for him too.
We are going to go to Japan for 3 and half weeks, we will leave home this week, so we can't celebrate his birthday(14th) with him(Col has school and he is not coming).
I gave him a knitted hat again.
Cooking with Jamie
From "COOK WITH JAMIE" by Jamie Oliver
p390, 391,392, 393 "Basic meringue" "Eaton mess"
パヴロヴァはもう何度も何度も作っています、いつも使うのは "COOK WITH JAMIE" からのレシピ "Basic meringue" そして、作ったメレンゲをつぶしてボルサミックヴィネガーであえたフルーツとクリームを混ぜて食べる "Eaton mess"、主人はこれが大好き。普通のケーキと違って焼いたメレンゲはオーブンの中に隠して置けるのでサプライズにいいデザートです。
Pavlova is one of Col's most favourite desserts. It's good for surprise party because you can keep meringue in the oven. :)
Jamie suggests some extra flavours idea in the book, I have made this meringue for many times but have never added something in the mix. For the cake, I added lemon zest this time.
いきなりジュリと私がキャンドルに火のついたケーキを歌いながら持ってきたので、びっくりしてました。 しかも、すっごくおいしかった。小さなケーキ、主人はこの半分を食べましたよ。
It was success! Col said that he didn't know about our secret plan at all. He was surprised when Juliett and I brought the pavlova cake with 6 candles lit and singing "Happy Birthday" song.

It was so good, it had a great lemon flavour and we liked that a lot.
Lemon zests on the surface of the pavlova became dark brown but inside they did a great job to give a really nice flavour.
Col ate the half of the cake. Juliett couldn't stop eating the crumbs.
I made 2 small meringue circles and a bigger rectangle one. After you add whipped cream, it gradually turns into soggy meringue, so I used the small circles for his birthday cake, and the other one for snack for maybe tomorrow or later( then you can add cream when you eat it).
Col looked happy reading our cards. He thanked us a lot, I was very glad that he was happy.
I hope he will have a lovely birthday.
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