We went to Calgary for a week.
This rabbit was sunbathing at Col's parents' front yard.
On the way to Calgary, we were talking what we would like to do in Calgary and I said that I wanted to see a rabbit, so I was so glad to see it so close.
We saw many birds, deer, and a squirrel when we did a walk in Glenmore park.
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街中に黒リスをいっぱい見たけれど、自然の中に行けば茶色のリス。かわいい。 |
I know that I don't need to take photos of birds or squirrels, we have lots of them around our town, but they always make me smile no matter where.
Col and I did some 'city' shopping and some things that we can't do in a small town. Juliett had so much fun at Calgary zoo with her Nana and Papa, she also loved everyday walks with her Papa.
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20個ずつ、見つけられるかな? |
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たまごの中にはお菓子やおもちゃが!ありがとう! |
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主人の誕生日テーマカラーのシャツでお祝いしてくれたご主人。 |
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ご主人の天然酵母パンをテイスティングさせてもらいました。美しい。 |
ジュリは数日前から毎朝起きては「今日S君のお家に行く日?」と聞いていたほど本当に楽しみにしていて、レゴやポケモンでいーっぱい遊んでもらって「最高」の時間だったと言ってました。 私も全く同感。そんなに会うのが待ち遠しくて楽しみなお友達がいるってすごく幸せなこと。家族全員、お友達家族に感謝です。
We went to see our friend family in Calgary. My friend just had her birthday, so we were going to celebrate her birthday, but they secretly planned "Spring birthdays party" which included Col's and their son's. We had a yum birthday cake(my friend baked it), Col received a gift, they also prepared 'early Easter egg hunt' at their yard. Thanks to them, as always, we all had a super fun day with them.
ナナには「フラットスタンレー」のミュージカルに連れて行ってもらって、家族で楽しみました。フラットスタンレーはある晩、ベッドの横の壁に飾ってあったブルテンボードが少年スタンレーの上に落ちてきて、平らになってしまったスタンレーのお話で、ちょうどジュリのクラスで先生が読んでくれて、どうやらこれから平らのスタンレーをお話の中にあるように実際に封筒に入れて世界を旅させる、なんてことも考えているみたいで、 ジュリにとってはまさにぴったりなショーでした。
Juliett's Nana took us to a musical, "Adventures of Flat Stanley". Juliett's class is reading "Flat Stanley", so it was a perfect event for Juliett. We all had fun watching the musical.
We also had a delicious dinner with Col's aunt family and cousins, and we had a great time with Col's parents as always.
We kind of wanted to stay in the city being apart from our real life for few more days but also wanted to go back to mountains. I was a kind of moody in the car, but everytime I see those beautiful mountains I look forward to going home. I so look forward to seeing the views changing to greener day by day to Summer!
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