Thursday, October 04, 2007

Juliett Oct.4th


Juliett and I went to the clinic and had 10months check up the other day. She was about 73cm, 10 kg. The doctor said that she was chubbier than average and her skin color was too yellow because of eating lots of pumpkins and carrots. We need to have a check up again next month. He also wants to see if Juliett gets any teeth then.
I will care about orange foods and play more actively with her(I do think she does exercise enough right now...but...). About teeth, we just wait for them...

Juliett enjoys eating sticks of sweet potatoes and toast. She can eat seaweed and natto(fermented soybeans) . Very Japanese!


Anonymous said...

10 months old! Wow! She looks great. I think it's ok to be a little chubbier than average for a baby. Once she's walking and running that will change. Plus, she has some big genes on her Daddy's side. Riley has always been above the 100th percentile for height and weight. Emma is always around the 80th percentile (that means out of 100 children her age she'll be bigger than 80 of them statistically). Nathan is around the 70th percentile. They are all growing so fast! I enjoy so much seeing the pictures of Juliett on your site and reading about your life. Thank you for sharing with us.

eriko said...

I glad to know you often see my blog. Thank you very much. These days I find a lot of new developments in Juliett everyday. I'm so happy to share them with you.