Juliett had her teeth check-up at the dentist. In Japan, we had babies' teeth check-ups at the city health centre, so it was the first time for Juliett to sit on the special chair and have her teeth cleaned.
"Let's go to the dentist!" と車の中ではかなりウキウキ。歯医者さんへも勢い良く入っていって、待合室で歌を歌いながら待ちました。歯科衛生士さんが待合室にジュリを呼びに来てくれました。それも喜んで返事をして診察室に1人で元気に入りました。She was so excited about going to the dentist.

ちゃんということを聞いて診察台に座りました。はじめに好きな歯ブラシをあげるよと言われて、速攻 'Princess, please!' "Pink one, please!" とシンデレラのピンクの歯ブラシをもらいご機嫌。ライトが眩しいかもしれないからサングラスかけるか?と聞かれると、"Yes, please!" 嬉しそうに黄色のふちのサングラスを選んでかけていました。
The hygienist gave her a princess tooth brush and a mirror. Juliett also wore the cute sunglasses. She had fun there.
先にクリーニングと歯ブラシ指導〔私に)から始まりました。ジュリはバキュームと機械のブラシがイヤみたいで、口に手を当てて、"No, I'm finished! Finished!!" と何度も拒否したけれど、子供になれている衛星士さん、すごくきれいに磨いてくれました。
The doctor checked her teeth while he and Juliett counted her teeth slowly together.
When she finished her check-up, she was shown beautiful toy rings and was told that she could have one. She looked through all the rings and chose the one which had the biggest diamond. Well done, Juliett!

I had Implant surgery on Wednesday. I was a little bit nervous to have a surgery in other country, but all staff was so kind and explained what was going on to me really well, so I felt safe. I thank them a lot.

These are pictures Juliett drew today. The left one is " Julie on the train" . She went to downtown with Daddy on the c-train. The right one is " Mommy, cheek(tooth) pain".
Thanks for my lovely birthday present! I can't wait to use the stamp set. I also loved Julie's drawings in the card. I hope you are feeling better after your surgery.
Hi, Laura!
Thank you for your comment.
and Happy Birthday! Did you have a nice birthday? Juliett kept saying "Happy Birthday, Laura!" at home on Sunday. She likes "birthday"!
It was good to hear that you liked the stamps.
I feel good, thanks. I thought it was great that I was able to eat almost anything on the day after the surgery!
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