カフェで読書休憩 |
We were in Edmonton from Wednesday night to yesterday morning. They had teachers' convention there and Col had to attend it.
Big thanks to Col's brother and sister-in-law, we stayed with them(and their cutest puppy and cats) and had a great time there.
What a treat for Juliett, she spent a fun time with her uncle K, aunt L, and puppy A. Auntie L read and solved codes and puzzles with Juliett, Uncle K went for a walk with A and J.
They cooked delicious risotto for supper and took us to a really nice Italian pizza restaurant. The pizzas were so good, I used to love to eat the thin pizzas in Japan but I have never had similar pizzas in Canada, so I was very appreciated the chance to eat that kind of pizza. Lemon sorbet was wonderful too.
We thanked them and left their house yesterday morning and excitedly headed to...
テラス ワールド オブ サイエンス。
Telus World of Science!
They are having "Harry Potter The Exhibition" right now. Since I started reading Juliett Harry Potter series before Christmas, we had wanted to go to the exhibition. What a great timing!
あぁ、ジュリ、嬉しそう。 |
They had photo place at the beginning, everyone was able to choose a house scarf, Juliett of course chose a Gryffindor scarf. :)
The photo was $26! Very expensive, but we decided to buy one, because we have never done this kind of family fun before.
I have read till middle of "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" with Juliett so far(Col had read all series in the past) and we all watched the first 3 movies . There were some characters who Juliett and I don't know but we recognized most. I was so impressed by seeing those items and costumes in the movies, so many details and efforts. It was an amazing world. Juliett enjoyed it so much, she felt like she was in Harry Potter world. :)
At the beginning, they had the sorting hat ceremony. Juliett raised her hand so straight and keenly like how Hermione does for volunteer, and luckily she was chosen to wear the sorting hat in front of people. She was asked which house she hoped to join and she said " Gryffindor!" , the hat told her that she would belong to Gryffindor. ;) She was so excited.
I have watched some movies before but never read the books. Now I really enjoy reading Harry Potter series with Juliett, I found books were much more interesting than movies. But, to see those well-made items, costumes, and props, I thought it was so amazing that they made those to make such a short(3 hours or so) movies, so many details and wonderful works!
At the end of the exhibition they had a shop. Juliett has saved up her allowance and gift money for this chance since before Christmas. But everything was so expensive there! Juliett wanted to buy a wooden wand but it cost $50, a time turner was $75, the cheapest snack was $6! She spent time there, looked at each items, thought about them, and made her decision. She bought a Chocolate frog, a box of Bertie Bott's beans, and a wand pen. I was glad to see her thinking well about how to spend her precious money and making her decision all by herself.
かえるチョコのカードはプロフェッサースネイプで、しかもかえるが跳ねない、と、ちょっとがっくり。 |
We bought a box of beans too and we opened it in the car on the way home, we did a game which you had to pick a bean without seeing from the box, eat it(you could see the colour when you eat), and guess the flavour. It actually had some really horrible ones, such as rotten egg, vomit, and ear wax,... it was so much fun!