Wednesday, February 26, 2014



Our town is very isolated, it takes 1hour 40 minutes drive on a highway from the closest town, if I start complaining about our inconvenient life here, I can complain maybe quite a lot. BUT, every time I see this beautiful sky and mountains, I forget all those things. :)  So gorgeous.  I LOVE the view.


We have been having very nice weather, no wind, it's around -20C in the morning but in the afternoon it goes up to -10C or warmer. Very clear, and beautiful blue sky. 

I like to take photos of the sky, I remember my friends wondered why I was taking photos of sky when I was in England, almost every day I took photos of the sky. To me the sky in England was much bluer and closer than the one in Japan(that's what I felt) and I liked it. 

I still take photos of sky here in Canada. Canadian sky is so huge, there is nothing to interrupt the beautiful view, no tall buildings, or no electric poles. Almost everyday I enjoy seeing the sky, every day, it is different. I feel so lucky to see this fantastic view every day from home. 

My friend asked me to walk together this morning.
I love the exciting(expecting)feeling that we might run into an animal on the way when we walk.
We saw some birds and 5 deer jumping over the fence beautifully. :)

What is your sky like today?
Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

cute pop cans / the Olympic closing ceremony

I have seen the green sparkling water bottles but I didn't know they make cute pop cans, "Sanpellegrino".

When we had pizza at a restaurant in Edmonton, I ordered 'blood orange pop' and the cute pop can was brought to my table. It was a bit sweet, but I kind of liked the drink. I told Col that I liked it and also liked the can design, he told me that they had some in their school vending machines.
Really? We can buy this cute Italian pops in our town!?

When we went to the supermarket in our town, Col showed me 6 cans packs on a shelf. They had orange, grapefruits, and lemon flavours. Lemon looked the cutest, my favourite blue and lemon yellow.

The cover is protection from dust, it is very unique and I like it!


シャガールの町、ラフマニノフ、バレエ、そしてサーカス、もう美しい音、人、色、が溢れていて、見とれてしまいまいした。 さすが、芸術の国!
Talking about colours, we really enjoyed watching the Olympics closing ceremony this morning.
It was BEAUTIFUL! Chagall, Rachmaninov, ballet, and circus!  The music, colours, and people were just so beautiful!  

Lots of children with yellow flowers, that was amazingly beautiful.
Juliett enjoyed watching the great fireworks.

Col and I talked about the Olympics mascots the other day, I really liked Vancouver Olympics mascots, especially Quatchi. The mascot I remembered really well was the eagle one for Los Angeles Olympics, I remember that I wanted to have Coca-Cola special yo-yo which had the eagle mascot picture on and I asked(begged) my parents to buy some Coke. (My parents were quite strict about what we drank/ate and that was such a treat for me).

I am looking forward to see what Tokyo Olympics mascots will be!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

an eventful weekend for Juliett

I was so emotionally moved and impressed by a Japanese figure skater, Mao Asada's skating for the Olympics. I cried so much when I watched her skating(I imagine so many Japanese people cried too).
I can't even imagine how the athletes handle stress and pressures.
Juliett and I enjoyed the figure skaters exhibition this morning, the Canadian pair and the Spanish skater were really fun to watch.   

私はプールのパーティーの時は、必ず見学席で見るようにしていて(ライフガードもいるけれど、大勢の子供たちがいるし、ジュリはまだ泳ぎが上手じゃないし、大波マシーンも、すごく深いところもあるため) 、今日もジュリがお友達みんなとすっごく楽しそうに泳いでるのを見て嬉しかったです。ジュリに弟か妹を産んであげられなかったことを辛く思うことがあるけれど、こうやってたくさんのお友達といい関係が作れている様子を見ると少し安心します。
Juliett is having a fun weekend, two birthday parties at the swimming pools.
Everytime she attends a pool party, I stay and watch during children are swimming. They have some life guards, and lots of kids with some adults are in the pool. But Juliett isn't a good swimmer yet, there are some deep places and also they have big wave time too. Besides, I enjoy watching Juliett having so much fun with her friends. She doesn't have any siblings and I feel very sorry for her about that. But I am happy to see Juliett has many good friends around.

I felt like eating cake, so, I baked a cake yesterday.
I wanted to make a "roll cake(or you call it 'swiss roll')".

But rolling the cake was harder than I imagined. I think I made the cake too thick, or I should have made it much longer.
It didn't turn out to be a good looking cake, but it tasted so good. :)

I will do a better job next time!

We saw the beautiful golden sunset yesterday.
It looked like something very shiny coming out from the bottom of the mountains.

Have a good Sunday!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

sports day

They had 'sports day' at school today. Their dress-up theme was 'sports' too.

Juliett decided to wear her Manchester City uniform. When Col saw her in the uniform, he smiled. (He has his, he ordered hers and his from England 2 years ago.)  

When Juliett and I were walking to school, she suddenly said, "mommy, I feel so cool!"
"I feel super cool in this uniform!" :) she even said that she wanted to join a soccer team.

They had an opening ceremony, then did lots of fun "Olympics" activities at school.
I had a chance to visit the school while they were doing the event, I saw lots of children having so much fun. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

family Valentine's weekend

裏の森に散歩に行ったり、カードゲームをしたり、ベーグルを焼いたり。 ジュリに読んでいるハリーポッターを読み進めたり。
It's "Family Day" and it had no school today, so we had a long weekend.
We went to Edmonton a week before, so we spent all three days quite relaxed and quietly.
We went for a walk, played card games, I baked bagels and some cake. I read Harry Potter series to Juliett quite a lot.



Col and Juliett made chocolate chip cookies using a mix from a fundraising activity at school.

It has a very simple recipe, but it didn't look so simple when they were making. Juliett made mess on her face and clothes with powder, Col was very frustrated by mixing and making the butter smoothly.

I thought it was nice for them to experience the process of baking, and to know how much effort and work there is behind homemade desserts and bread.
The cookies were VERY sweet. The texture was really good though, crunchy outside and chewy inside. :)

I made Col's favourite Borscht and baked bread for our Valentine's Day dinner. (He had 4 bowls of them!) 

I also baked chocolate dessert. 

先日のボレロの残り糸で帽子完成。3回もいろんな形を編んで見たけれど、どれもしっくり来ず、結局何にでも合うシンプル帽子、を目指して編みました。目標は目をできるだけそろえてきれいに編むこと。メリヤスの部分は結構きれいに揃ったかなと思って満足(ゴム編みはどうもガタガタ)。でも、毛糸が足りなくて、ポンポンに紫を使っちゃっ たから、シンプルになりきれなかったけれど、残り糸も混ぜたポンポンは結構かわいいです。
I used the leftover alpaca & wool yarn and made this hat very recently. I knitted 3 different styles of hats with this yarn (knitted and redone x 3) but all didn't look good, so I made a really simple one.
I wanted to knit as beautiful as I could, I tried to knit with same tension, evenly. I think it was a good practise. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Juliett's Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

Juliett said that she had a fun Valentine's Day party at her class. 


学校の図工の時間に作ったという「ラブバグ」(バレンタインズデーカードを食べちゃうと言うモンスターポスト、写真でジュリが抱いているもの )にはクラスメートからのキャンディーやカードがいっぱい。
They made "Love bug"s, monsters who love to eat Valentine's Day cards and treats , at their art time. (she is holding hers in the photo but maybe it is hard to see it in this photo) In her monster's stomach, it had a lot of cards and treats from her classmates, teachers and friends.

I thought we would buy Valentine's cards for her classmates in Edmonton, but Juliett told me that she wanted to make the same ones that she made when she was a kindergartener. 

So, she made 25 cards last Sunday. She did almost all by herself.

She decided to make the fairies skirts prettier than the last ones :) 

It was a lot of work for her to make those cards... I was quite surprised by the photos of the last time, 5 year-old Juliett happily cutting so many hearts. At that time she was very happy to cut paper with her scissors, I remember that we were joking that cutting paper was one of her hobbies.  

Juliett had her friend over after school for their playdate today.
I thought they must have had lots of sweets at school, so I baked soft buns and prepared healthy sandwich lunch for them.


For snack, I made simple rice crispies. Then girls made shapes as they liked and decorated with melted chocolate and sprinkles. They made cute treats for their families.


子供たちのアクティビティーや食べ物の準備と片付けと準備と片付けと。。とを繰り返してとても疲れたので、主人へのバレンタインズデーデザートは今週末のいつかに作ると言うことにしてもらいました。 なので今日はジュリのヴァレンタインズデーの様子だけ、です。
I was very tired cleaning up and preparing the playdate activities, food, and such, so I didn't do anything Valentine's day-ish for my family, I will do something this weekend, I think.
Have a lovely weekend!



Wednesday, February 12, 2014

cactus, snail, snow, and glasses case

We bought cactus at the super market in town. We chose a pot with 2 cactus.

Beautiful creation... I was so impressed by the details. 

The triops has died, the growing kit instruction said that it lived about a month or so, so we knew that was coming. Juliett has more eggs and she and Col will raise them again. It was a very interesting creature, we all enjoyed observing it very much. 

Our fish are gone, the triops is gone, the fish that we believed that it brought disease from a store also died a while ago. Our water tank looks very empty....but we still do have a snail in it. 

We kind of ignored it for a while after our fish died because of one of them(the black fish or this snail) brought disease to the tank. But I see it everyday moving its tentacles and moving slowly in the tank, I started to care about it a bit, like "Hi, snail. You look fine today, as usual."
Actually, the movements of tentacles in the water is kind of interesting.(that reminds me Ohmu's tentacles in 'Nausicca of the valley of the wind' .)

I heard that they had some snow in Japan, the snow caused problems in cities, such as lost transportation. My parents told me that they shovelled snow on the road with neighbours. I thought it must have been really a hard work for them without big snow shovels, snowboots, or anything for snowy weather.

Yesterday we had snow all day, it was unusually humid. When Juliett and I walked to school in the morning, we both got white hair around our faces (it was -17C), I said to Juliett, "you look cute even you have white hair", Juliett said to me, "mommy, you look like Hagrid".


I bought this glasses case in Edmonton. I saw it before but it was a bit expensive at that time, it was on sale this time, lucky me. :)  Since I started knitting, I have been interested in textures of fabric, especially knitted, felted, and woven ones. I thought this yarn was interesting, it has puffy things. They look like puffy rice.

Inside the case is bright turquoise. It was a good surprise and I liked it. The things I have made always have strong "handmade" impression and I sometimes don't like it. I would like to make something handmade but a bit sophisticated... it is very hard.

I have been using my plastic glasses case that I received when I bought my glasses in Japan. This case look really nice but I worry a bit about the protection... I am thinking how to use this case... for glasses? or something else.

Sunday, February 09, 2014

city fun

We were in Edmonton from Wednesday night to yesterday morning. They had teachers' convention there and Col had to attend it.
Big thanks to Col's brother and sister-in-law, we stayed with them(and their cutest puppy and cats) and had a great time there.   

What a treat for Juliett, she spent a fun time with her uncle K, aunt L, and puppy A. Auntie L read and solved codes and puzzles with Juliett, Uncle K went for a walk with A and J.
They cooked delicious risotto for supper and took us to a really nice Italian pizza restaurant. The pizzas were so good, I used to love to eat the thin pizzas in Japan but I have never had similar pizzas in Canada, so I was very appreciated the chance to eat that kind of pizza. Lemon sorbet was wonderful too. 

We thanked them and left their house yesterday morning and excitedly headed to...

テラス ワールド オブ サイエンス。
Telus World of Science! 

They are having "Harry Potter The Exhibition" right now. Since I started reading Juliett Harry Potter series before Christmas, we had wanted to go to the exhibition. What a great timing! 

They had photo place at the beginning, everyone was able to choose a house scarf, Juliett of course chose a Gryffindor scarf. :)
The photo was $26! Very expensive, but we decided to buy one, because we have never done this kind of family fun before.

I have read till middle of "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" with Juliett so far(Col had read all series in the past) and we all watched the first 3 movies . There were some characters who Juliett and I don't know but we recognized most. I was so impressed by seeing those items and costumes in the movies, so many details and efforts. It was an amazing world. Juliett enjoyed it so much, she felt like she was in Harry Potter world. :) 

At the beginning, they had the sorting hat ceremony.  Juliett raised her hand so straight and keenly like how Hermione does for volunteer, and luckily she was chosen to wear the sorting hat in front of people. She was asked which house she hoped to join and she said " Gryffindor!" , the hat told her that she would belong to Gryffindor. ;) She was so excited. 

I have watched some movies before but never read the books. Now I really enjoy reading Harry Potter series with Juliett, I found books were much more interesting than movies. But, to see those well-made items, costumes, and props, I thought it was so amazing that they made those to make such a short(3 hours or so) movies, so many details and wonderful works!

At the end of the exhibition they had a shop. Juliett has saved up her allowance and gift money for this chance since before Christmas. But everything was so expensive there! Juliett wanted to buy a wooden wand but it cost $50, a time turner was $75, the cheapest snack was $6! She spent time there, looked at each items, thought about them, and made her decision. She bought a Chocolate frog, a box of Bertie Bott's beans, and a wand pen. I was glad to see her thinking well about how to spend her precious money and making her decision all by herself.


We bought a box of beans too and we opened it in the car on the way home, we did a game which you had to pick a bean without seeing from the box, eat it(you could see the colour when you eat), and guess the flavour. It actually had some really horrible ones, such as rotten egg, vomit, and ear wax,... it was so much fun!

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

a fun experiment on a cold, cold day!

It was -30C(it said it felt like -38C) this morning, Col drove Juliett to her school on the way to his school.
It is -28C right now, today the schools finished at lunch time, I walked to pick Juliett up and we walked home. It is sunny and it IS cold but not too bad. I am getting used to the real coldness in Canada. I think -20C isn't too bad if it doesn't have wind, we can still walk if it is -25C without wind. I thought my friends and family would be surprised to hear that, can they even imagine how cold that is? The place I was grown up didn't get minus temperatures often, usually plus even in winter time.

We did this experiment. We have done it before but it is still fun to see.  It was cool! :)


Monday, February 03, 2014

anpan / setsubun

It is Setsubun(bean-throwing ceremony) in Japan today, my parents sent us beans and masks, and I thought we could share some with the Japanese couple who live in this town.
I also thought I could bake some anpan(red bean paste buns) and give some to them. So, I baked them.

I was very glad that I made those bread so beautifully. (the sausage rolls were for Julie and Col's lunch/snack.)

Anpan with green tea.... what a wonderful treat for me(it was my snack today). Col isn't a big fan of bean paste but Juliett loves them. They are so good.

I made boxes for us to put beans in. My friends, my brother and sister-in-law sent me many beautiful Origami but I haven't used them, they are too beautiful to use... But I decided to use one piece of Totoro(which Juliett became for last Halloween) origami for making a box for Juliett. Aren't they so pretty? I like the washi paper texture too.  


We threw beans to Oni(monster) this evening. "Sorry, Daddy", she was saying it but she was throwing beans at the monster seriously.
You are supposed to eat beans the same number as your age, so Juliett could have 7 but of course the beans are tasty, she ate much more.  :)

サンキュー折り紙! 日本の文化、ここで広げていくぞぉ。

Sunday, February 02, 2014

a short walk in nature


We went a short walk today. Juliett got sore throat on Friday and she missed school on the day, so we(she) have been having a quiet weekend. She(her voice) is much better and we decided to have some fresh air in nature. 


鹿はむちゃくちゃあったのであえて写真は撮らなかったけれど、うさぎと、うさぎの集まり場?あとはりすかな? それと小さな小さな動物と。
We walked on a trail that goes north side of town. We saw lots of animal footprints on snow.




We came across the golf course, so we walked down the temporary trail for winter in the golf course.

It was a beautiful day, only -7C and no wind, we had a good walk.

I have been fun felting recently, I made this place mat but I realized that I can't wash it easily. It is hard to make something interesting but also useful. I will used it with a good care though. :)

We got snow again and also the temperature went down but we could tell that spring is coming little by little. When we walk to Juliett's school, it isn't so dark any more, and it is not dark when Juliett's swimming class finishes and we walk to the parking.  

After a walk in nature we always feel so good and get motivated for the new week.
Have a wonderful week!