Sunday, May 26, 2013

custard pudding / busy Juliett / reading etc..

It has been rain, rain, rain.
Juliett looks happy to use her rain coat and her umbrella & boots(her Mary Poppins's).
It has been a bit busy so it is nice "re-set" quiet weekend for us, I think.

I made custard pudding for dessert. I suddenly wanted to eat it so much at 9:00 night, in Japan we have many convenience stores around and they sell really good desserts there, so you can just go and get some even 11:00 at night, or later, but we are in Canada, especially in a small town. I know I have to make it if I really want to eat. I made it, and we ate it next morning(need to be cooled in fridge), at that time my passion was gone but the pudding was still really good dessert. I love bitter caramel sauce.

I have been volunteering at school twice a week, the students have swimming class at the pool, they walk to the pool(1km away) and walk back to school. Parents volunteers walk with them and help them at changing rooms and walk back to school with them. I like it, I have seen many other parents, that give me chances to talk to them, it is always nice to walk in town surrounded by the beautiful mountains and it is fun. 

Juliett loves her school which is really good. Since it has been warm and nice, she has something every weekend, playdates or birthday parties. It was a "night" theme birthday party yesterday and dress code was PJs. She had so much fun there. (as always)
この間そんなジュリを見て、気づいちゃったんです、お友達と私のことを話すとき、もう「マイ マミィ」って言わないで、「マイ マム」って言ってる。そう言えば、クラスのボランティアに行っても、「私は自分のこと自分で全部出来るから、他のお友達手伝ってあげてね。」と言う。
Recently I realised that she didn't say "my mommy" when she talked about me to her friends, she said "my mom" . She also said to me that she didn't need help so go and help the others when I went volunteer to school.
Playdate is different from kindergarten time, kids just play themselves and they only need me to provide snack or when they need help. I don't need to do something like "let's bake bread, kids!" or "let's do craft, kids!". 

I am happy to see her growth, but sometimes I feel " Oh, Juliett, slow down, please don't be independent so quickly, let's have time together more." :) 

But even we spent each own time separately, Juliett and I never forget to have reading time together at the end of the day and the time is what we love. 

この数週間に読んでいたのは図書館でリクエストしたメリーポピンズの続編、「メリーポピンズ カムズバック」。やっぱりおもしろかったです。人を弾きつける楽しいお話がいっぱい。ジュリが話に引き込まれてジェーン(女の子)を心配して泣いちゃったり(最後はハッピーエンドで笑顔)、前回同様、メリーポピンズがいなくなってしまうところは私が涙をこぼしながら読んだり、読みすぎて夜遅くなってきているのにどうしても続きが聞きたくて(ジュリ)読みたくて(私)、遅くまで読んだり。
We use the library request system often. I have just finished reading "Mary Poppins Comes Back" that Juliett and I liked a lot. Juliett cried when Jane was in trouble, I again cried reading when Mary Poppins left.
Usually I read one chapter each night but sometimes a chapter was so long and we had to stop in the middle but Juliett wanted to listen more, I wanted to read more, then we couldn't stop reading until the chapter ended. 

The next Mary Poppins book is on request, while we are waiting for it, I started reading "The secret garden" that we requested a while ago. My impression of the book is that it is a bit harder than Mary Poppins stories but Juliett knows the story and she feels familiar because she was in the play, so she is interested in listening the original story.

I am so lucky to have to meet those books that I didn't read when I was little. It is so nice to read those books to her, it must be good for me to learn English, also it is always fun to remember about the stories with Juliett.

Juliett, when she has her own reading time, she reads these books, she loves the fairy series. I am not a big fan of it, but I understand that, when I was young I read that kind of books and shared with my friends. Her friends read the fairy books too, and they like to pretend fairies at recess. :)

Col told me that his costume was a big hit at his school, that made me smile. Actually I was told that was awesome by some teachers who we saw in town this weekend by accident.

カナダの反対側、オンタリオ州に家族に会いに行って来た友達から思いがけなくお土産をもらってルン♪ 私の印象ではカナダの人ってお土産を買う習慣が日本ほど強くない感じ。なのでびっくりしました。スリフトストアでヴィンテージ生地を探したりするのが好きな私の編み物友達、かわいい刺繍ものやヴィンテージ生地を買ってきてくれました。
My crochet & knitting friend went to Ontario to see her family and brought me some souvenirs! How lovely they are, the vintage fabric, we both like flea markets and thrift stores to see vintage things, it was really nice of her to get something for me. My impression of Canadian is that they don't get souvenirs so much, Japanese people love to get souvenirs for friends and family, so I was surprised to receive it from her. I am looking forward to useing them.


カナ said...







eriko said...

Stratford upon Avon ですね。気候も気持ちいいころでしょうか。ハチミツ色のお家、お花がいっぱいのお庭、そよそよ小川、ご主人と素晴らしい時間を過ごしてきてくださいね。


