Juliett became 7 years old today.
Very Happy Birthday, Juliett!
We are thankful for her great health and her wonderful growth.
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ジュリの思う、今一番かっこいい姿。 |
Juliett reads so many chapter books and she knows lots of words I don't know, she learns social skills and relationships with friends at school. I often get good surprises by her knowledge, skills, and thoughts. Of course, sometimes(well, quite often) I get angry with her attitude or response. But everything is parts of her growth and I am happy to see her growing day by day.
After having a bath last night I dried her hair and told her that she was only 47cm and 3500g when she was born. She couldn't believe that how tiny she was, I also can't believe this 7 years made my daughter this big, happy, bright, funny, curious, and optimistic girl.
She received many birthday wishes, e-mails, cards, and gifts. She is a lucky girl.
"Thank you very much to everyone!" from Juliet :)
日本のじぃじ・ばぁばからはジュリが欲しいと願っていた電動鉛筆削り(こちらではほとんど見かけない)、ポケモンの、しかも削り度を調節できる優れ ものです。私の叔父・叔母からは叔父が選んでくれたと言うかわいいお洋服。カナダのパパ・ナナからはジュリの好きな石とか鉱物の本、実験の本、それに鉱物を掘り出せるキット、この秋に出張でウクライナに行ってきた家族友達からは すっごくかわいい(母さんが欲しい)マトリョーシカ!
An electric pencil sharpener, which Juliett has wanted for a long time, from Jiji and Baba, super cool science books and a crystal mining kit(she was so excited!) from Nana and Papa, cute outfits from my uncle and auntie, and our family friends who went to Ukraine recently gave Juliett the pretty Matryoshka!
Thank you so much!
We are planning to have a party with her friends on Sunday, so it wasn't a busy day today.
Col took us to a Chinese restaurant for Julie's birthday treat, so I didn't need to cook supper! :)
We don't eat out at all, we do eat at fast food restaurants when we go to GP for monthly shoppings but other than that, we don't eat out. So it was a real treat!
Juliett ordered wonton soup, large size. The waiter told her that large was very big for her, maybe too big for her, but she said she could eat it. In fact, she left some mushroom and baby corn but she ate almost all!
We sang "Happy Birthday Song" and ate cake at home. I baked marble chiffon cake. I made chocolate message, Juliett was so impressed by those hand writing chocolate decorations. ;)
I wonder what she wished for when she blew the candles.
We gave her two chapter books she wanted and a book about spy/secret, and a sea creatures kit(grow own triops). We gave the gifts to her at the restaurant. She was so excited about reading/using the spy book!

For this birthday, I had a secret gift for Juliett.
I knew that Juliett wanted to have a pink trench coat. She likes to be a detective and one of her favourite books is "Nancy Clancy". The book is about a girl, Nancy, who is a detective, solves some problems with her best friend. In the story, Nancy wears her pink trench coat and has a magnifying glass with rhinestones on and Juliett had wanted them.

If we lived in a city, it would be easy for me to get a pink coat, but we don't have stores around, I couldn't find one online either. When I a kind of gave up the idea, I remembered that once Juliett saw my old coat, she asked if she could have it in the future.
I took it out from my old clothes box, it was a pale pink coat. I decided to move buttons to make it tighter, and added some details (made a belt and a budge for the coat). I knew that the shoulder would be too big for her but she will be tall, as tall as me or taller than me in a few years, I decided not to cut or sew around the shoulder parts.
I also glued some fake rhinestones onto a magnifying glass and wrapped those for her present. :)
お洋服なんて滅多に買わないので、本当はたまにはかわいいコートを買ってあげたかったんだけれど。。。 まぁ、ずっと押入れに眠っていたコート、こんな形で活躍できて嬉しいです。何よりジュリが喜んでくれているので良かったと思います。
She LOVED it! She wore it to school today.
We don't buy new clothes for Juliett so much, so I wanted to buy a nice coat for her birthday, but my old coat did a great job, I am glad that she is happy with it and I am also glad that my old coat get to be worn again, especially by my daughter!
I am very happy to see Juliett had a good birthday today.
Her birthday was informed at the morning announce at her school today and lots of students/classmates and staff said "Happy birthday" to her. :)
I hope she will have a fantastic 7 years old.