It's "future career day" at her school today.
Juliett still wants to be a detective. :) When I got my camera out, she told me that she would do 'her very detective-like pauses' for me and she pretended she was looking for a clue. I thought that was cute.
We saw little chefs, firefighters, scientists, singers, superheros,... it is so nice to have bright future and wonderful dreams. :)
While I was baking bread for Julie's snack, I was wondering what I would like to be.... maybe a baker or an artist.... ;)
私は少し寂しい気持ちさえするけれど、 でも、「じゃ、行ってくるね~!」ってバックパックを背負って嬉しそうに玄関を出る後ろ姿を見て、大きくなったなぁ。。。なんて感じている1週間です。
This week, Juliett has been much busier than usual. She left home for school this morning and she will be back home around 9:00 this evening. She will go straight to her one week event practice after school. Juliett loves practicing and that makes us(parents) very happy.

Juliett got awarded at an assembly yesterday. Her teacher mentioned that she was good at writing, reading, and has wonderful creativity, Juliett looked very very happy.
Every students get awarded, taking turns once a year, but Julie doesn't know about it, she believes that because she has been working so hard especially this month, she was chosen. :) I received a note from her teacher about the assembly a few days ago, but Julie said to me on the way home from school, "mommy, you were so lucky to be there for volunteering today, that's why you saw me awarded! You even had a camera with you? Wow! You are so lucky!". ;)
Usually I read some chapters to her in bed and then she reads until she gets sleepy at her bed time, but she must be so tired, she slept while I was reading last night.
Juliett, you have been working so hard, we are very proud of you.
3 more practice days!
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