We came back from Calgary last night.
Col thought that we wouldn't go to Calgary for this Spring break, but thanks to Col's parents who suggested him to come down and have some relax days, he changed his mind and we were able to visit them(Julie and I wanted to go there)! He was happy on the way home yesterday that he had a great days in Calgary.
We had fun days there, one of the exciting events was.... that we saw BEAVERS!
Julie's Papa told us that he saw 3 beavers just a few days ago at the reservoir at dawn. Julie, Papa, and I went there to see if we could spot some beavers too.
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何かが泳いでいるのが見えます。 |
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鳥も飛んで、鳥の声もたくさん聞こえて、美しい夕暮れ時。 |
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何かをかじってるビーバー、この写真では2匹。 |
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望遠鏡をのぞくと、しっかりとその姿が見えました。ジュリはしっぽに感動。 |

Papa took his binoculars and stand telescope with him. Luckily the weather was great, no wind, so that we could see the surface of water very well.
Papa spotted a beaver swimming across the river, he pointed the 'V' shape wave on the water, Julie and I saw that too. Then he set his telescope and focused on to the beaver, it was so exciting to see it, we saw it gnawing a branch or something by the river bank, we saw its rubbery tail too. Then Papa spotted more beavers, Julie and I took turns to watch them through his telescope. It was a GREAT experience!
なにせ、数週間前にふくろうを見て、今回のビーバー、これで私の見てみたい動物リストに残るはカリブーだけなので、大興奮でしたよ。それを見て、散歩中の人たちも「何見てるの? 何が見えるの?」って寄ってきました。
I can tick off "beavers" from my "I want to see these wild animals" list. There is only one animal left in my list, which is Caribou. Maybe I will make a list again, this time it will be more detailed, such as "great gray owl" instead of just 'owl' . :)
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氷の上にいるたくさんの白いのはかもめ、左側、水の上にいるのが白鳥。 |
We also saw swans. It was so lovely to see many birds in Calgary.

When we were watching swans and birds, we also saw deer on the grass just below us.
I think it is wonderful to have so many wildlife in big parks in Calgary, it is such a big city but they also have great nature in the city.
Papa, Col, and Julie went golfing(she was watching them play and picking up broken tees), they went to see a great horned owl's nest and saw its horns sticking out from its nest. :)
Papa and Nana told us that they saw a Northern pygmy owl in a park and drove us there but we didn't see it the day. I have held it once at Birds of prey centre but I would love to see it in nature someday!
その日、ナナ(義母)と私は日本領事館でジュリの教科書(3年生前期)を受け取ったり、買い物をしたりしてました。ランチはカルガリーに来るといつも連れて行ってくれる、ベルギーのベーカリー・パティスリー Manuel Latruwe で。カルガリーに来る前にマシュマロとマカロンをお土産に作って行こうと思ってマカロンを久しぶりにやったら失敗したので(マシュマロは成功)、ランチの後にマカロンをいくつか買ってみました。おもしろそうなフレイバーもあったけれど、自分が作ってみたいものを主に。
While boys and Julie were golfing, Mom-in-law and I went shopping, she also drove to Japanese consulate so that I was able to receive new Japanese textbooks for Julie. We had lunch at Manuel Latruwe, it was lovely. I bought some macarons and we enjoyed tasting them.
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上からアールグレイ、キャラメル、レモン。 |
甘いだろうと思って、4等分して、みんなで少しずつ食べたんだけれど、どれもおいしかった!1番はアールグレイ、しっかりと紅茶の味が出ていて、あれは作ってみたい。ゆずは本当にゆずの味がしました。 キャラメルはジュリは好きだったけれど、ちょっと甘すぎかな。
Julie and I loved the Earl Grey flavour one, I bought lemon, raspberry with chocolate cream, salty caramel, and yuzu with chocolate cream. I thought yuzu tasted quite yuzu-like. There were more interesting flavours such as anise, or olive oil. I would like to try them next time.
Big big thanks to Col's parents, we had a wonderful time in Calgary with them. We ate very good foods there with them too. Julie loves salmon, they cooked a gorgeous wild salmon for her, she had salmon sushi too. What a lucky granddaughter she is!
Col and I were very happy to eat Col's favourite comfort food(Mom's stews) too.
My friend's birthday was on the 3rd, we went their house in the evening to surprise them. Julie knocked their door in her Brownie's uniform holding 2 cookie boxes. :)
When Col and I heard their surprising screams, we smiled. It was a success.
They were in the middle of having their supper, but they welcomed us and we had such a fun time playing and chatting for 2 hours! That was very nice!

We went to Canyon Meadows theatre to see movies. Julie and I really wanted to watch Paddington but we weren't around cities in February(when the movie was on), so we sadly gave up. We were very lucky to find out that they were showing it at the theatre for just $5! We enjoyed watching it. It was very fun to see where we went last summer in the movie, such as Natural History Museum, and Portobello road market.
I went to the movie theatre once when I visited Calgary for the first time with Col 12 years ago. I picked "Legally Blonde 2" and we watched it together.
I was so shocked by seeing audience's reactions to the movie, because we watch movies very quietly at theatres in Japan. It was a big culture shock to me to see people laughing loud, saying "awwww", "oh", "wow" loud, and eating a huge bucket of popcorn constantly.
I thought I would understand the movie but it was very hard for me to understand their fast talking and humour. I couldn't laugh when everyone but me laughing so much, gradually I became angry, stressed out, sad, and miserable with my poor understanding. At the end of the movie, people were smiling but I was crying so badly(poor Col). Since then, I have never gone to the theatre, a kind of traumatised. :)
I was joking with Col that maybe it was time to go there again to get over the bad experience. Well, to get over it, I shouldn't have chosen a children movie, but I really enjoyed watching "Paddington" there. Good bye, my bad memory!
We did lots of fun things in Calgary that we can't do in mountains.
Thank you so much again to Col's parents.
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