Boniettaは大好きなイングランドで出会ったあるうさぎの名前。 もともとは旅先や大好きなフリーマーケットやガレージセールで見つけたお気に入りのもの、趣味のクラフトについて書くブログとしてはじめましたが、2006年11月に娘が生まれ、2008年に主人の出身国であるカナダに移住。 現在は好きなものや趣味のことに加え、カナダでの子育てや生活文化などについて書いています。
Thursday, May 29, 2014
cinnamon rolls with cream cheese icing
We have been having rainy/heavy cloudy days since last week. I have also been having headache/migraine for about a week. This morning I woke up without headache. To me, days without headache are very precious, I feel so happy.
Cleaning, baking, cooking, volunteering, babysitting, doing craft with kids, and cheering kids soccer... I was able to do many things today. :)
I made cinnamon rolls with cream cheese icing, they looked and tasted really good. Usually I reduce the mount of sugar but I used as much as the recipe says, they tasted very yum.
"kierkegaardian" "feijoada" "augenphilologie" とか、聞いても見当のつかないような単語ばかりを中高校生が答えていて、本当にすごいわ。問題の中に「四分一 shibuichi 」と言う言葉が出てきて、日本語だ、色だ、みたいなことを言っていたんだけれど、発音は外国人発音だし、私、日本人なのにわからなかった。。。「shiburichi」かと思った。。 圧倒されながら見てます。
We are watching national spelling bee competition in the U.S. on TV. The students are AWESOME, and AMAZING! I am so impressed by watching them answering super complicated words. They even had a Japanese word which I didn't know, and I couldn't spell right. :(
Sunday, May 25, 2014
osprey, loon, and geese
We drove to Pierre Grey's lake on Saturday.
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ジュリは寒くてダディのジャケットをかけて。 |
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コケ類が地面にいっぱいでふわふわ。 |
Yes, this is where we found Osprey's nest last summer, we were curious and wondering if they would come back to the same nest or not. When we reached the end of the island, we saw a bird flying into the nest(the photo), Col noticed first, I only saw its tail but Col told us that was an Osprey.
The hiking courses were closed... why? bears? or something else?
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右側にルーン。ここはマスを釣るのに人気な湖です。 |
We saw a loon diving into the water. It was a bit windy and we weren't able to see any fish in the water, but I was happy to see the beautiful blue sky, clear water, and fresh green everywhere.
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ギース2羽左側に。町に近づくと山も近づきます。 |
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水はとっても冷たくて透明。 |
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流木拾って砂に絵を描いて遊んでいたジュリさんでした。 |
We stopped by at a lake on the way home for Juliett to play, but it got windier and colder, we stayed there a bit and went home. It was so nice to go out and listen to birds.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Japanese Calligraphy
I have been looking forward to this week, I got a chance to talk about Japanese and do Japanese calligraphy in Julie's class!
I have been volunteering the class twice a week since October. I really like the class, Julie's teacher is really wonderful, assistant teachers are also great, and her classmates are awesome. They are very bright, curious, fun, and kind, very good kids. I thought maybe they would be interested in knowing/learning Japanese, so I asked the teacher if she would like it. :)
When I was 22 years old, I went to England and homestayed at an elementary principal's house for about a year. I went to her school everyday with her and the school gave me some times to introduce Japanese culture to students there. I did calligraphy, origami, making sushi, Japanese words, and I some times wore my yukata(casual summer kimono). It was a great experience.
When I was preparing things for Julie's class, I was remembering about those days.
I thought grade 2 children would understand things quite well, so I decided to talk about Japan and how we got 3 different types of alphabets(kanji, hiragana, and katakana). I worried about my English explanation, and asked Col to help me to practice. He is a teacher, he is so good at planning things and he knows how to get children's attention and interest, he was a great help.
日本の両親から筆と墨汁と半紙を送ってもらっていたのだけれど、墨汁だけはいろいろ考えて、有害でない"non toxic" な絵の具を代わりに使うことにしました。もう少し学年が上でしっかりと書道と言う目的を持ってやる機会だったら墨汁を使いたいけれど、アートのひとつとして提案したものだったので、汚れたら落とせて、子供たちが使い慣れている絵の具で。
Big thanks to my parents, they sent me some brushes, special Hanshi paper, and ink.
I decided not to use the ink, instead of that I used school paint.
Everyone is interested in how Kanji made from pictures. I made some samples and did quiz with the class, everyone had fun guessing what the Kanji meant/came from. I also made bookmarks for everyone with their names in Katakana on it. Then I asked each children what they would like to write, their names or one of those simple Kanji, they did wonderful jobs writing with the brush and paint.
名前を書いた子、漢字がかっこいいといって漢字を選んだ子、それぞれみんな真剣に取り組んでくれて、嬉しかったです。初めて見るカタカナで書かれた自分の名前を見た時のみんなの反応、「ワーォ!」「クール!」「名前の中にスマイルがある!(シとかツのこと)」 準備してよかったなぁと思う瞬間です。「なんだか、英語よりも日本語の方が上手に書ける気がするなぁ。」なんて喜びながら書いてくれた子、「これは y のさかさまに似てて、これは l(エル) で、これは t に似てて。。。」って全部アルファベットの形と比べながら書く子、いろんな反応がおもしろかったです。本当に「シ」と「ツ」が人気で人気で!名前にスマイルマークがあったら嬉しくなるもんね。
I was very glad that everyone seemed enjoying writing words and names. I liked their expression when they saw their names written in Japanese(Katakana), "Wow! Cool!" .
Some founds 「ツtsu」「シshi」 looked like smile faces. :)
When everyone did and I finished packing things up and went back to the classroom, all students and teacher said, "Arigato!" to me with big smiles. That made me super happy. I was lucky to have the chance to do it with them, I said "Dou Itashimashite(you are welcome)" to them with my biggest smile!
I have been looking forward to this week, I got a chance to talk about Japanese and do Japanese calligraphy in Julie's class!
I have been volunteering the class twice a week since October. I really like the class, Julie's teacher is really wonderful, assistant teachers are also great, and her classmates are awesome. They are very bright, curious, fun, and kind, very good kids. I thought maybe they would be interested in knowing/learning Japanese, so I asked the teacher if she would like it. :)
When I was 22 years old, I went to England and homestayed at an elementary principal's house for about a year. I went to her school everyday with her and the school gave me some times to introduce Japanese culture to students there. I did calligraphy, origami, making sushi, Japanese words, and I some times wore my yukata(casual summer kimono). It was a great experience.
When I was preparing things for Julie's class, I was remembering about those days.
I thought grade 2 children would understand things quite well, so I decided to talk about Japan and how we got 3 different types of alphabets(kanji, hiragana, and katakana). I worried about my English explanation, and asked Col to help me to practice. He is a teacher, he is so good at planning things and he knows how to get children's attention and interest, he was a great help.
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みんなが知ってる「忍者」は3通りに書けると話したらみんなびっくり。 |
日本の両親から筆と墨汁と半紙を送ってもらっていたのだけれど、墨汁だけはいろいろ考えて、有害でない"non toxic" な絵の具を代わりに使うことにしました。もう少し学年が上でしっかりと書道と言う目的を持ってやる機会だったら墨汁を使いたいけれど、アートのひとつとして提案したものだったので、汚れたら落とせて、子供たちが使い慣れている絵の具で。
Big thanks to my parents, they sent me some brushes, special Hanshi paper, and ink.
I decided not to use the ink, instead of that I used school paint.
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成り立ちを当てるゲーム、「川」が簡単で、「手」が一番難しかった。 |
Everyone is interested in how Kanji made from pictures. I made some samples and did quiz with the class, everyone had fun guessing what the Kanji meant/came from. I also made bookmarks for everyone with their names in Katakana on it. Then I asked each children what they would like to write, their names or one of those simple Kanji, they did wonderful jobs writing with the brush and paint.
名前を書いた子、漢字がかっこいいといって漢字を選んだ子、それぞれみんな真剣に取り組んでくれて、嬉しかったです。初めて見るカタカナで書かれた自分の名前を見た時のみんなの反応、「ワーォ!」「クール!」「名前の中にスマイルがある!(シとかツのこと)」 準備してよかったなぁと思う瞬間です。「なんだか、英語よりも日本語の方が上手に書ける気がするなぁ。」なんて喜びながら書いてくれた子、「これは y のさかさまに似てて、これは l(エル) で、これは t に似てて。。。」って全部アルファベットの形と比べながら書く子、いろんな反応がおもしろかったです。本当に「シ」と「ツ」が人気で人気で!名前にスマイルマークがあったら嬉しくなるもんね。
I was very glad that everyone seemed enjoying writing words and names. I liked their expression when they saw their names written in Japanese(Katakana), "Wow! Cool!" .
Some founds 「ツtsu」「シshi」 looked like smile faces. :)
When everyone did and I finished packing things up and went back to the classroom, all students and teacher said, "Arigato!" to me with big smiles. That made me super happy. I was lucky to have the chance to do it with them, I said "Dou Itashimashite(you are welcome)" to them with my biggest smile!
Sunday, May 18, 2014
goats, goats, GOATS!
This was our breathtaking moment in Jasper.
Mountain goats! Since we moved to this town, I have wished to see one someday. We were so lucky today, we saw them very close, they were just by the highway.
The weather forecast didn't look so good, but we decided to go to Jasper early morning hoping rain would start late afternoon. We didn't make any plan to do there, so we went straight to the tourist information. We asked about short hiking courses, and I asked if there were any spots where we could see mountain goats. Then they showed us a goat lookout point on a map.
ちなみに、観光案内にあったリンクスの剥製。猫系は苦手なのですが、この耳の上の不思議な毛、太目の足、 いつか遠くに見れたら嬉しいです。
This is a stuffed lynx, we saw it at the tourist centre. I would like to see it someday. The looks is very mysterious and interesting to me.
Talking about cat family animals, we heard that a person spotted a cougar in the middle of our town, since then I have been a bit scared and careful walking to school with Juliett.
We had early lunch at Col's favourite bakery, Juliett and I did exciting shopping at the gem store. Then we headed to the goat lookout with excitement and expectation.
At the lookout, the view was wonderful but we didn't see any white creatures anywhere around.
"Of course. We can't be THAT lucky, we should come here some times and we might see them if we were very lucky!" I told that to myself and when we started walking back to our car..., we suddenly saw 4 white things on the other side of the highway! HOW EXCITING!
No one made any sounds, we were so astonished. I started walking towards the highway slowly, kept taking photos. The highway wasn't busy at all. Some cars came to the scene, then they stopped their cars at the shoulder, and they were talking photos very quietly too.
What beautiful and mysterious creatures they are. Beautiful white fur, strong hooves, and long faces.
Then we drove to Maligne canyon to hike. We(especially I) were still so excited about the goats.
We hiked there for 2 hours, it was a lovely hike.
Col and Julie were curious about gorge and falls, I was happy to see pretty flowers.
Enjoy the photos I took!
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クロッカス!このお花、とても好きです。 |
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元気もりもり。 |
We saw a black bear on a field far away from the highway, an elk was crossing the highway very slowly, we also saw many big horn sheep. We saw many female sheep last time but this time we saw their great horns too.
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これ、カリブーか!?って思ったけれど、エルクだろうな。 |
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手前のくるんと丸まるホーン、初めて実物を見ました。 |
We always have fun, excitements, and surprises, there in Jasper. I love the park.
We had a fantastic time there, I am looking forward to visit there again and again in summer time!
Friday, May 16, 2014
Our favourite season has arrived!
Yes!! May long weekend!
It was a gorgeous day today, plus 18C!!!
But...we see a rain warning tomorrow... we were thinking to go to Jasper, well, we will see. :(
Col finished his work at noon today too, so we went to Sulphur Gate in the late afternoon.
We don't see so much green in town yet, I was surprised by seeing much more green outside of town.
New leaves, tiny flowers, everything was so beautiful, shiny, and lively.
Our favourite season has finally arrived! :)
I baked those bread for lunch, 4 kinds of bread and meringue.. Juliett thought she was like in a bakery!
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