From " Happy Days with the Naked Chef " by Jamie Oliver
p284, 285 "Lovely Lemon Curdy Pud"
From " The Naked Chef " by Jamie Oliver
p200 "Vanilla Sugar"
バニラビーンズのツブツブがカスタードプリンやバニラアイスクリームに入っていると、ちょっとおしゃれって嬉しくなるけれど、ジェイミーは初めて出した本に、バニラビーンポッドをナイフで開いて、ビーンズとさやをグラニュー糖に入れておく(この時はフードプロセッサーで混ぜるよう書いてある)といい香りの「バニラシュガー」ができるよって言っていて、そんな素敵でおしゃれなものがキッチンにあるなんて。。。♪ と、憧れたものでした。
It's fancy and a small happiness to have vanilla beans in ice cream or custard pudding.
Jamie suggested making your own "vanilla sugar" in his first book. When I saw that, I adored a dreamy kitchen that has fancy things like that.
When I saw vanilla bean pods in Canada for the first time about 4 years ago, I was excited. It was a bit expensive for me to buy with regular food budget at that time, so I bought it with my pocket money as my luxury item. I went home really happily and made my first vanilla sugar. I felt so special and smelled it many many times(I still like to smell it a lot). Since then I use it (I have made it many times) when I make whipped cream or cake.
"Lovely Lemon Curdy Pud "
"Lovely Lemon Curdy Pud "
I love lemony dessert, especially really tart ones.(I don't like fake flavour ones or too sweet ones)
So I decided to try Jamie's lemon dessert.
The recipe says "sugar(vanilla sugar is nice)", yes, I used my vanilla sugar.
It also says "It looks good cooked in a Pyrex dish, as it goes into layers as it cooks,...", so I used my clear Pyrex glass dish. :)
It was really simple, it was just like making cake, but putting lemon grated rind was a bit special, lemon and vanilla both made the kitchen smelled really happy.

I took it out from the oven and had a big one scoop but the bottom("lemon curdy custard") was too runny and returned it to the oven and let it bake a bit more. Then the custard part turned to be like custard pudding, I am not sure I should have baked that much or should have stopped before it turned to pudding. (I tend to fail when I make pudding with eggs because I worry about raw(uncooked) eggs too much)
Anyways, the meringue-ish sponge part was really good with lemon flavour.
Juliett liked eating that part.
I think sponge cake with lemon is a good combination and I like that, I also thought it was interesting to make the cake which has two different textures layered. But maybe I am not a big fan of lemony custard so much, or maybe if the custard part was more rich and tart like lemon curd, then I might like more.
My image of English people is that they love custard. I had a lot when I was in England, especially at Sunday lunch, we poured warm custard on crumbles or other desserts. So, I thought English people would like this dessert.
ちなみに主人の感想は「普通においしいよ、とても英国風だね」 でした。
I am not sure we supposed to eat it when it is warm or cool, I preferred eating it cool.
Col thought it was OK and it was very British.
I have been looking through all his books and I noticed that I was a typical Japanese and I don't have Western food ingredients so much in my kitchen. I don't have fancy cheese or ham, sausage. I also don't have so many spices or herbs, even colourful peppers or purple onions! I would like to try more often, but each recipes has something I don't have. I should go slowly and gradually those new items will be added to my regular members in my kitchen.
But, looking through his books so seriously is very interesting and actually this is the first time for me to do that. I enjoy it. Now I see some of his favourite ingredients and ways to cook/mix, it's fun.

When I saw this special belly band on the book at a book store in England, you can imagine how much I was excited. It was just after his first show series was done or almost done. I even didn't know his books were published yet at that time and I was really excited to see his books in the store, and then found that only 5 books there had the navy blue belly bands on, and I read it, and......! I WAS SO EXCITED!
I saw Jamie's autograph on the first page.
"author" って「著者」でしょう?サインって。。。
I bought it and went straight to a cafe I often went by myself, then I sat there, calmed myself down, and opened the book store bag and saw the book and his autograph again and again!
I was young at that time . :)
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