Our favourite space is almost done, the trip back from Calgary with the big table top in the car was really hard but now I have the beautiful table for myself!
This room has Col's computer, his office area and Juliett and my art craft area in it. It has huge windows to see the beautiful mountains.
We all have our own cork boards to put something inspiring us, Col has his huge(double size of mine) one full of his important work stuff, Juliett has a small one(half size of mine) and she put some her favourite stuff.
I always like having an "inspiration board", I think I had it when I was in university living alone for the first time, since then I liked to put something I like on the boards.


See? → :)
People say that Juliett and I are not a like, Juliett is more like Col include looks and personalities. So I was a bit happy to see that she and I did something similar.
I like this picture so much, this was Juliett's first "picture" (not doodling) and I embroidered it . I remember that her interest in drawing suddenly opened wide, she was so happy about herself who was able to draw.
She drew this beautiful hare last year, I really like it, I put it in a frame and it is on my table.
My board is full of things that I have kept for a long time for the inspiration board. Old stamps, postcards, memos or letters from Juliett, a watch I bought in N.Y.(my adventure trip), a handmade sheep pin I bought in England, glass beads I made with Col, souvenirs from friends, some pieces of favourite fabric, and a necklace that I bought when I was in high school.
うさぎが好き、と書くと、何だかかわいい感じに聞こえるから少しイヤだし、好きと言う割に詳しくその生態も知らないのだけれど、耳が長くて立っていて、足が長くジャンプや走るのが得意なうさぎ、かわいいと言うよりもかっこいいうさぎ、特に多分こちらでは "hare" と呼ばれる野うさぎものを見るとどうも気になってしまいます。私も野うさぎのリアルな絵が描けたらいいなぁ。。。と。
When I was making this board, I noticed that I have many rabbit/hare items that I like. Maybe it is because my Chinese zodiac symbol is hare? I do like hares. I don't like cute mascot style rabbits though.
This blog title"Bonietta" was one of my little friend's pet rabbit's name. I guess I really like rabbits!
I actually have many rabbit/hare goods at home, I will put their photos someday on the blog.
This is Juliett's area! She enjoys doing Tangram puzzles, the one she is doing in the photo is a calender her Nana gave to her last year, it was a bit hard for her to do it at that time but now she is really good at it!
We all like Playmobil a lot. Juliett has some sets, some were gifts from her family and friends, she also saved up her allowance and bought some. But they(5 people in the photo) are mine. :) I saved up my allowance and bought them. They are so adorable little people.
I kept all(I believe so) of letters and memos Juliett gave to me. They are all my treasure.

I have more things on my table, people might think they are junk, such as stones from by a river, a piece of empty beehive, stamps from letters my friends sent to me, and on and on.... I am so happy to be surrounded by those special things.

I don't have my own chair yet, we don't have enough book shelves so my craft idea books are still in boxes, but I am so glad to have this space.
When Col saw my handmade albums for the first time(when we were dating), he was so impressed by them, and told me that he would get a craft room for me in the future. This is not a room but I am really, really happy to have my own space and appreciate it.
Juliett is also happy to have her own work space too! Lucky her! These spaces are in Col's office(we decided to use the master bed room for our office/activity room), so all of us can do own work in a same room. That is so nice and we all like this room very much.
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