We have another exciting story about the Canadian Death Race today.
When we received the program, it was the day we were going to the lake, Juliett was interested in seeing runners names and places they were from on the list when we were driving to the lake.
She asked me if she could read the program and I passed it to her, she was reading the soloist names, then team names, then kids racer names.
She was reading aloud but suddenly she was very quiet for a while, then she said,
"... I found my name in the kids race list..... what does that mean?"
ジュリ「そう、私の名前。私のジュリエットって t が終わりに2つあるから珍しくて同じ名前の人は滅多にいないはず。しかも赤文字だし、これは私の名前!」
Col : Are you sure? Is that really your name?
Julie : This IS my name, because it is written in red letters(that means runners from GC), and this Juliett has two Ts.
Col and I : Well? Doesn't that sound fun, Juliett?
Julie : Did you register me without telling me!? I told that I didn't like "death" or "skull"!"
そうなんです、山登りの頑張る様子を見て、5キロレースを頑張れると判断した主人が(勝手に)エントリーしていたのでした。私も1週間前にいきなり「僕、ジュリをエントリーしちゃったんだよねぇ。」って聞かされたのでした。ジュリはレースの名前と骸骨が 怖くて絶対嫌いって言っていたのだけれど、子供レースは15歳以下対象の制限時間は1時間半、必要であれば一緒に親がつくのは可能、ということで主人がつくとのこと、ま、やってみてもいいかと納得したジュリでした。ちなみに子供レース226人参加予定でした。
Well, Col secretly registered Juliett a while ago, he thought she could run/walk 5km because she has been hiking really well. I didn't know about it until a week before either.
Kids race, 5km include a wilderness area for 15 under children. The goal is closed after 1.5 hours.
Col told Juliett that younger children could run with a parent so she felt much better.
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レースより随分前、超やる気満々。 |
We went to the start/goal park around 1:00 and did check-in this afternoon. There were LOTS of children there. In the racer list, there were 226 childrens' names in it.
Each kids needed to carry their own things, Juliett carried her water bottle, some candies, and of course her best friend Cutie, Cutie was cheering her from her backpack pocket. :)
Last evening, we talked about the race, we also showed her the race course.
Then a question appeared. "Is really daddy going to run with Julie?" We know that Col is a great hiker, he did an amazing Shikoku trip in Japan, but his pace is slow, if Juliett wanted to run and go, go, go, he would be really tired. For short run or short walk, I would be faster, especially for the steep hill.
We decided that I would be her buddy in the wilderness area.
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私が持つはずだった枕カバー国旗の裏面。 |
So, I left the park to the hill when the opening ceremony started. But Juliett ran to me and said, " I am getting nervous. I worry about doing the race by myself." in her eyes I saw tears coming. I told her that I would be waiting for her at the entrance of the woods, I knew she could do it and hugged her and left her to Col.
I heard the race start, I waited and waited. I heard thunder and saw dark cloud coming. Soon fast kids came running really fast and passed me, I waited and started worrying about Juliett.
I waited, lots of kids passed, even small children with parents passed. I started to worry so much, if she gave up joining the race after feeling so nervous, or if she fell down somewhere and she was crying, or... I hoped she was walking maybe holding hands with Col. Other people there were cheering so happily but I was worrying so much and it was my turn to have some tears.
Then I saw Col walking by the race course, I thought that meant Juliett would be somewhere around him, but I didn't have my glasses on, and also my eyes were full of tears and couldn't see well. When I recognized her, she already saw me and waving her hands happily and running full speed to me!
OK, she IS running, she didn't have any troubles, her face is happy, we can do it, I thought.
Soon I joined her and we started running. She told me happily that some of her classmates cheered her at the start line.
It was 2:20, I thought if we finished the wilderness area by 3:00 she would make it by 3:30 for sure. I cheered her and we kept going.
We were told that it had a big mud puddle and a troll bridge, but we had heavy rain yesterday and some parts were very muddy, Juliett once lost her shoe, it stuck in the mud. Thanks to the man(someone's father) who helped getting it. Her sock and shoe were sooooooo wet and muddy.
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雷の雲が近づいてきています。 |
After we run down the hill, we had to walk up the hill. Juliett was getting tired she asked me if she could hold my hand but I tried not to. I didn't want to pull her, I wanted her to have confidence in what she was doing by herself.
They had a drink station at the top of the hill. She had a big drink, then Col wanted to walk with her a bit in the other wilderness area.
I joined them and cheered Juliett to run more.
It started raining hard, we were very wet, I worried about my camera. I tuck it in my shirt and kept running.
Other young children were doing really well too, parents were encouraging their children, people in town were cheering for children by the trail.
Finally we saw some houses, we were getting closer to the goal.
Juliett was very tired, she said "I can't run any more." and tried to walk, but Col and I encouraged her, I told her that her legs won't get tired so soon because she has hiked 3 high mountains this summer. I also told her that if she kept this pace she would receive a medal. Col left to take a picture at the finish.
We arrived to the sidewalk, it was much easier to run on the sidewalk than muddy/gravel trail. We heard lots of cheer, everytime she heard people's cheer, she ran a bit faster. When she saw trees at the edge of the start/goal park, she started to run full speed again. When we saw the goal, I told her that she could go there by herself and I left the course. She kept running towards the goal. Her school principal was cheering for kids and she cheered for Juliett, she and Juliett did a big high five and she ran straight to the finish line!
She ran the 5 km race for 58 minutes and 28 seconds!
When I was jogging in the village last year, I was jogging 5km for 40 minutes, so I thought 5km for 58minutes for 6 years old was excellent! Big applause for Juliett!
She received a cool medal and looked so proud.
It looked like all the racers made on time. That was fantastic!
She placed 42nd of 66 under 9 racers and 182nd of 241 children.
We are so proud of our daughter.
Since Juliett saw a cotton candy advertisement on the program, she has wished to have one after the race. Of course she got one and ate it so happily. :) She told us that she was thinking about cotton candy when she was running!
I noticed she was sometimes saying something "death racer" when she was running. I asked her what she was saying and she told me that at the opening ceremony a man told racers that if they were having a hard time they should say "Go, Death racer, Go!" to themselves and that would give them cheer. That's why she was saying it when she was so tired running.
Our shoes are so muddy and dirty, we will wash them tomorrow to thank them for the nice run.
I am so glad that this turned out to be a great family event! We celebrated her first successful race.
The town is so lively, bright, and fun with full of people. I very much enjoyed this event.
We are looking forward to the next year!
hi friends!!
大人のレース同様、kids raceにも様々なドラマが有るんですよね。それを楽しみに、毎回重い足を引きずって観に行きます。
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