Wednesday, January 29, 2014

wishbone / her third tooth

We kept the wishbone from the roast chicken we had the other day. Juliett has been excited about doing it since she found the wishbone.

She studied it very carefully and chose the right side to pull and she was making a wish quite seriously. :)


"YES!" Juliett was very excited and holding her big piece of the wishbone.
I wonder what she wished for...

Happy Juliett, she went up to her room straight and a few minutes later I heard her strange scream from her room, "ahhhhh!", then soon, she ran down stairs and said to me.
"I got my third tooth out!"   what an excited and busy girl, she is!

I even didn't know that she had a very loose tooth, we knew she had some little loose teeth though.
She was so scared when she got her first two teeth out, but this time she was just annoying it loosen and decided to pull it and she actually got it out all by herself. :)  Wow!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

weekend at home

Col was working all weekend, I was a kind of sick(sore throat and dull), Juliett is super well but because of my condition, we stayed home this weekend.

I don't say this weekend was boring, Juliett and I did lots of things together and we had a great time.
We did many things together when Juliett was younger, but since she started going to school, we didn't have so many chances to spend whole weekends alone, it was really nice to see her growth.

oops, the owl is upside down.


I mentioned that my friend gave me a rabbit cookie cutter for Christmas in the previous post, Juliett and I received more cookie cutters from other friends, an owl and an Eiffel tower! We thought that meant we should make cookies with those cutters, and so we did. 


Juliett made the dough almost all by herself, we baked them yesterday and decorated them today. She was so happy with her Eiffel tower, she said that she is going to take it to her school for her snack tomorrow.

At our craft time, Juliett made many bracelets with her rainbow loom that she received from her uncle K and aunt L for her birthday. I was needle felting a bird on a piece of felt that I knitted and felted. 

We read some chapters of 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban', it is getting scarier but also exciting. I like the time we exchange what we felt or thought about the stories.

For Col who comes back tired and hungry, I roasted chicken and some vegetables.
I used Jamie's recipe which was on his website, 'Roast chicken with all the trimmings', which you put a whole lemon and some thyme in the cavity of the chicken and you rub butter with thyme leaves and lemon zests over the chicken. It looked really good even before putting in the oven.

I had some parsnips, carrots, and a butternut squash, so I roasted them together. The vegetable were so sweet. Juliett liked parsnips(tried for the first time and she liked them a lot). The roasted chicken was really good with lemony flavour. Col was very satisfied with the dinner. :) 

After the dinner, I made chicken broth from the bones with some meat, and vegetables.
I filtered it through a strainer, and added leftover meat, vegetables and made chicken soup. That should sound pretty normal to people in Canada, but for me, it was only the third time to deal with whole birds(I have done a turkey once, and chicken once before), and I still feel proud of myself when I have done roasting it, making broth and making soup from it. 'yes! I didn't waist any parts!'
The soup was sooo good, I made it in a big pot, but all of us had seconds and it has all gone! 

It was plus 11C again yesterday, but this morning we saw some fresh snow on the ground and all day it was about 0C, the weather forecast says that it will be -16C tomorrow morning. Almost 30 degrees down in a few days...  I should prepare warm clothes for us to walk to school in the morning.

Friday, January 24, 2014

a warm day

I baked bagels early this week and they were so good, so I baked them again. We had been eating store-bought bread for a while but I again knew that homemade bread tasted much, much better. :)

Before I started baking bagels, I thought boiling the dough process sounded like a lot of work,
but it's not a hard work at all, it is so amazing that I can make 12 bagels in 2 hours. The 12 bagels are always gone so quickly but I am happy to see my family(sometimes friends) eating them happily.

A big cup of magic soup for Juliett. It's a simple chicken flavour based soup, but she eats any vegetables in this soup, so I can put green peppers, kale, or any veges she isn't a big fan of. :)


Is it really January??? We had a very warm, spring-like day today, plus 11C!
I don't want to imagine that we will have wintery cold days again...


Juliett and I walked to the post office this afternoon, the sidewalk has been like this icy(this photo it is better because you can walk on the grass or bare concrete) , it has been so slippery. 

We saw beautiful sunset. It has been cloudy for a while so I was very pleased to see the blue sky and the clear sunset today.

Talking about beautiful colours... this guy(picture below) is also very impressive and beautiful. We all (especially Col) enjoy observing it every day.  


Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

knitted shrug / apple crumble

「そでつけなし&まっすぐ編み 太糸あったかニット」日本ヴォーグ社より

When I saw these photos in a knitting book, I thought the patterns(especially on the back) were so beautiful, I wanted to knit it. I was looking forward to getting yarn for making this bolero. 

I chose Alpaca and wool mix yarn for the shrug, I thought I chose perfect yarn for it, but when I was knitting it, I realized that I made sure the needle size and gouges were right for the pattern at the yarn store but I didn't check the length of yarn. The pattern says that I use 210g but I used 350g, which means I bought heavier yarn. Next time when I buy yarn I will make sure of the length for the weight  too.

I knitted little by little, so it took to make this shrug about 2 weeks. It was a great practice for me.

I knitted, felted, and made a purse. It is still hard for me to felt knitted items to the right size, I need more experiences.

のつもりだったし、味も香りも近かったけれど、バターの分量を間違えたのか、クランブルがほとんどできなかった。。 英国でホームステイした時に散々作ったデザートだったから、余裕でできるかと思ったのに何だかパサパサ、粉っぽかったです。調子に乗ってレシピに勝手に胡桃の砕いたのとかオーツとかブルーベリーとか入れちゃったから良くなかったかな。。。 
I baked apple crumble yesterday. I had made it a lot when I was homestaying in England, so I thought it would be very easy for me to make...but I think I made a mistake, maybe I measured butter wrong. But it tasted good, especially with vanilla ice cream(when I was in England, I always had it with warm custard). I hope I can make more crumble-like next time. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

a walk with family friends on a beautiful day!

Our friend spotted the deer.
Our Saturday walk.
We walked with our friends family all together today!

It is always so much fun walking in the woods, and the fun doubles or more when you walk with friends.
Juliett looked so happy walking with her friend, she didn't complain much. Our friends listen to her so nicely, Juliett was a super chatter box all the way, she was so happy and her stories never ended. :)

Juliett and I have done some playdates and walks with girls but we haven't done anything with husbands together. I had been wishing for doing something all together in nature, so I was so happy to walk with them all. Col had a good time as well.

About 2.5 hours walk.
Our friend spotted deer and we all observed them so quietly, they also spotted a kind of secret hideout over a small stream and we all went down to check it out(it was well made and very cool!), we listened to birds, girls picked branches and imagined and talked about Harry Potter's world, oh... what a fun time!

I also enjoyed taking photos of "colours' in winter forest.
Actually, it has been so warm and I found the forest was much greener than last week.



friend spotted the interesting squiggling pattern on the tree.
The strong wind caused many trees damaged,
this pine spruce tree still had beautiful fresh smell.



It was about 10C(plus)! We felt it was like Spring already.
After the fun walk on the trail, we arrived to the hill that Juliett ran for the race last Summer. We saw some boys snowboarding on the hill.
Thanks to our friends, it was a really nice walk, I liked it a lot, I also liked the trail. I hope we will be able to do lots more fun things in nature together with them. :)



Friday, January 17, 2014

windy days

It has been quite warm, which is very nice, but it has also been so windy, which I DO NOT like. It is so stressful to walk to/from school on extremely icy road on very windy days. It's dangerous.

We had an unbelievably windy night (wind gust 100 to 120 km/h), we lost power, and even after the power came back we didn't have internet connection for a while. We didn't sleep well with the sounds of strong wind. It was OK because the temperature wasn't bad at the night but if it was -20C or -30C without power, it would have been really dangerous.

What do you do on super windy days?
I knit, and Juliett plays with her Lego and do puzzles.  :)

Her triops is now more than an inch in length, it is growing so quickly. :)

Monday, January 13, 2014

fun puzzles and games

We received the puzzle game from our family friends when Juliett and I went to Japan. This is an awesome puzzle game, (if you are interested in it, please google it), I like Tetris, it's a similar idea, but the good point is you can do it with your hands, not by computer buttons.

'IQ Link'
Juliett received a similar idea game from her Nana for one of her Christmas gifts. The great thing is this is a pocket size, you can travel with it. I like this game too, when I start doing it, it is hard for me to find a chance to stop/give up. :)

ひとつだけ私も楽しいと感じたゲームは 'Blokus' というゲーム、テトリスに似てるけれど4人でできるゲームで楽しかった。多分、私には英語での説明とか戦略とかそういうのがややこしくて、戦い系のゲームとかクイズ系はとても面倒くさく・難しく感じて苦手意識があるんだと思います。言葉の要らない黙々系のパズルが好き、オセロとかやりたいなぁ。。。
Juliett and Col like board games which are much more 'games' than 'puzzles', they had a really good time with friends and families to play some kinds of games this winter holiday. 
I joined playing a game called "Blokus", it was so much fun and I like that kind of game. Maybe because I still have a hard time understanding explanations/instructions of complicated board games, I much prefer to simple puzzle games. 

Juliett received a 1000 pieces puzzle from my parents in Japan. She is so excited about making it all by herself. I like jigsaw puzzles and I would LOVE to help her, but I will wait and see. She has just started!