It had been quite mild weather this month but suddenly we got -30 yesterday.
It's -10 this morning, 20degrees differences from yesterday.
We had snow falling warning last night and today.With snow and some wind, it looked/I felt much colder today than yesterday.
Juliett's class is having a field trip to the town pool today. If it was yesterday, I guess children's hair got easily frozen after swimming. But it was not too cold this afternoon, which was good.
I joined them as a volunteer, the huge pool for only 2 classes! Children were able to do the big slider, the lazy river, and the kid pool and even the wave area and the hot tub! They(parents volunteer too) had a great time there!
My hair froze when I walked home from school( school bus drove children and us from the pool to the school). :)
I am going to show some things I have knitted recently.
Knitting on the sofa on a cold day is my favourite.
My mom wanted to have a hat for herself, so I knitted this hat and sent it to her.
She received it yesterday. I decided to make this one because it is not so cold where she lives, and I wanted her to wear in Fall, Winter, and Spring too. It's not too warm or heavy. The colour should be her favourite if my memory is right. :) This hat was really fun to knit, I like to cable knit, it is really interesting to make the beautiful patterns.
I made this bag(left) last year, it had been only a few month since I learned knitting.
It took a long time to knit it, also it was a lot of work for me to knit it. I tended to knit tight and the bag was smaller than it should have been. But I was very happy about I tried and actually made what I had wanted to make for a long time.
どこを探してももう同じ毛糸の残りはなくて、持ち手を作れなかったので、前のからはずしてつけました。 これ、ヌメ革のハンドルをつけてもかわいいと思うので、本体に対してハンドルが短いのでいつかいいのに会えたら変えようと思います。
But the bag was quite small for me who always carries some things, I liked it though.
So it had been a bag of small yarn balls in my knitting basket.
I decided to try once again. I gathered all the left over yarn and made another one(right).
Knitted by the same person(me), used the same yarn, and knitted seeing the same pattern, but this time I made it right, the gauge was right, the bag is the size it is supposed to be!
(I didn't have any yarn left to make handles so I took them from the small bag and put them to the big one.)
I like it very much.
I'll soon start using it, I am thinking that maybe I should sew a fabric bag for inside of the knitted bag.
でも。。。取っ手なしの小さいバッグ、ほどこうか、それとも取っ手を作ったら荷物の小さい母は使うかな、私とお揃いで。 いや、ジュリがアランニットの帽子と一緒に使うかな?なんてにらめっこして考え中。
I might make another handles and give this small bag to my mom.
She doesn't carry things as many as I do.
I started making a toque for Col a while ago, but it is too simple and I get bored easily...
But he wears the toque which was my second knitting work I did last year and it got looser and it looks tired(worn out), he says that he likes it because it it very warm but I feel bad... I chose better yarn and better colour this time, I will concentrate knitting this toque this weekend.
Boniettaは大好きなイングランドで出会ったあるうさぎの名前。 もともとは旅先や大好きなフリーマーケットやガレージセールで見つけたお気に入りのもの、趣味のクラフトについて書くブログとしてはじめましたが、2006年11月に娘が生まれ、2008年に主人の出身国であるカナダに移住。 現在は好きなものや趣味のことに加え、カナダでの子育てや生活文化などについて書いています。
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
literacy week
ジュリの学校では全校生徒が1冊ずつ寄付したい(いいコンディションの)本を持ってきて、週の終わりには他の生徒の持ってきた本の中からもらいたいものを1冊選んで持って帰っていいのだそう。 それっていいアイディアだなと思いました。
It's Literacy week.
Juliett school does a fun event, each students are bringing one book each that they would like to swap with other students beginning of this week, and end of this week, they can choose one book from the all donations.
Juliett loves books, so it took a long time for her to chose what she would donate, but after she decided one, she started looking forward to the book swap.
I think that is a great idea.
Juliett and I walked to the library yesterday, they had a literacy week event there for young kids.
They had some children there and had games, Juliett likes to play Bananagrams (she needs help though) and she did that, she did letter(upper/lower cases) matching game, and some other reading games. She had fun there.
I was happy there too because I met some interesting people there and also I found 2 boxes full of old library books out of the library room, "FREE" was written on the boxes.
I love old books. It was very windy and it was hard to encourage Juliett to walk to the library from home, but she really enjoyed the event and I did too, I thought to go out of the house was important.
There were many novels and chapter books for teenagers, they also had picture books in the boxes.
I chose those 9 books. I didn't have time, so I judged by the covers. :)
My favourite time when I buy/get old hardcover books is to take the covers off and see the books themselves. Sometimes the pictures are the same with the covers, but sometimes they have absolutely different atmosphere. And when I see really different designs, that makes me smile.
This made me big smile! This book is the centre one in the photo of 9 books.
"You Look Rediculous" by Bernard Waber. We haven't read any of those 9 books yet, so we don't know about stories yet, but I like this kind of surprise, very different impression from the book cover.
I didn't notice that I chose 3 Bernard Waber books until I got home and looked through all books, this one is the one middle row left in the 9 books photo, "The House on East 88th Street".
This one is bottom left, "Bernard the Brave", a chapter book. I was very surprised to see the beautiful purple book when I took the mouse cover off.
Juliett and I keep reading every day. We will sure to read the all 9 books soon.
At the library event, she was asked, "what is your most favourite book?" by the event lady.
Juliett thought and thought and thought..... then she said, " I like lots of books and I can't chose one".
Me too... I don't know which one I would say if I was asked the same question. I don't have the most favourite book that I have read many, many, many times. I can choose 10 or 20 favourite books easily though.
Our reading exploring continues, maybe it would be nice for Juliett to meet a book she loves a lot.
ジュリの学校では全校生徒が1冊ずつ寄付したい(いいコンディションの)本を持ってきて、週の終わりには他の生徒の持ってきた本の中からもらいたいものを1冊選んで持って帰っていいのだそう。 それっていいアイディアだなと思いました。
It's Literacy week.
Juliett school does a fun event, each students are bringing one book each that they would like to swap with other students beginning of this week, and end of this week, they can choose one book from the all donations.
Juliett loves books, so it took a long time for her to chose what she would donate, but after she decided one, she started looking forward to the book swap.
I think that is a great idea.
Juliett and I walked to the library yesterday, they had a literacy week event there for young kids.
They had some children there and had games, Juliett likes to play Bananagrams (she needs help though) and she did that, she did letter(upper/lower cases) matching game, and some other reading games. She had fun there.
I was happy there too because I met some interesting people there and also I found 2 boxes full of old library books out of the library room, "FREE" was written on the boxes.
I love old books. It was very windy and it was hard to encourage Juliett to walk to the library from home, but she really enjoyed the event and I did too, I thought to go out of the house was important.
There were many novels and chapter books for teenagers, they also had picture books in the boxes.
I chose those 9 books. I didn't have time, so I judged by the covers. :)
My favourite time when I buy/get old hardcover books is to take the covers off and see the books themselves. Sometimes the pictures are the same with the covers, but sometimes they have absolutely different atmosphere. And when I see really different designs, that makes me smile.
This made me big smile! This book is the centre one in the photo of 9 books.
"You Look Rediculous" by Bernard Waber. We haven't read any of those 9 books yet, so we don't know about stories yet, but I like this kind of surprise, very different impression from the book cover.
I didn't notice that I chose 3 Bernard Waber books until I got home and looked through all books, this one is the one middle row left in the 9 books photo, "The House on East 88th Street".
This one is bottom left, "Bernard the Brave", a chapter book. I was very surprised to see the beautiful purple book when I took the mouse cover off.
Juliett and I keep reading every day. We will sure to read the all 9 books soon.
At the library event, she was asked, "what is your most favourite book?" by the event lady.
Juliett thought and thought and thought..... then she said, " I like lots of books and I can't chose one".
Me too... I don't know which one I would say if I was asked the same question. I don't have the most favourite book that I have read many, many, many times. I can choose 10 or 20 favourite books easily though.
Our reading exploring continues, maybe it would be nice for Juliett to meet a book she loves a lot.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
"Old-school pork chops with apples and sage"
cooking with Jamie
From "Cook with Jamie" by Jamie Oliver
p178, 179 "Old-school pork chops with apples and sage"
p298, 299 "Rosemary-roasted cubed potatoes"
Col has volunteer for whole weekend at the school, I decided to welcome him with fancy Jamie dinner.
I wanted to try this recipe because it uses apples, I like cooked apples and I thought that apples and pork were good combinations.
材料はeating apples(e.g. Cox or russet) とあったけれど、町のお店で見つけられなかったし、クッキングアップルでなければいいんだろうと判断し、好きなグラニースミスで作りました。
For ingredients, it said " eating apples(e.g. Cox or russet) but I didn't find both of them at the supermarket in town, so I chose Granny Smith which is my very favourite.
It was very simple, but see? It looked very nice! I like it, I was very happy that it turned out so good.
My photos might give you impression that the pork chops were quite dry but no, they were juicy and soft. I liked eating them with the cooked apples. Very yum!
ジェイミーはチーズをのせてもおいしいと書いていて、ほんとその通りだと思います。 絶対合う。
Col liked the sage. He likes very dry meat, such as chicken breast. So, it was a bit greasy for him(I didn't think it was greasy at all, I don't like greasy meat either.). Juliett and I really liked the pork.
Jamie suggests to cook with good cheese too, and I think that sounds very yum too.
But Juliett doesn't like cooked fruits, so she eat the pork with the roast potatoes. She said that was really delicious, and I was very happy to hear that.
"Bash up the rosemary leaves in a Flavour Shaker or pastle and mortar. " 前半はわかったけれど、聞いたことがない名前が後半に。
Potatoes were so soft inside and outside was crispy, we all liked them so much.
When I was making it, I found that there was a sentence that I didn't understand, so I read aloud this to Col, " Bash up the rosemary leaves in a Flavour Shaker or pastle and mortar."
Then I saw him grinned. He said, " Eriko, it's time to use that."
ん?あれ?Flavour Shakerって。。。フレーバーシェーカーってもしかしてあれ?
"That!? Do you mean Flavour Shaker..... !! Flavour Shaker that I have!?"
This is the "Flavour Shaker" I received from Col's brother and sister-in-law for Christmas long long time ago. I didn't have so many chances to use it, because I didn't cook Jamie's recipes so much and usually I chopped things with knives.
I was glad to use it today, and I hope I will have many chances to use it because it was fun to shake herbs in it! Thank you again, L&K!
While I was cooking both the potatoes and the pork, I noticed that I have taken out the olive oil bottle many times from shelf. I don't use so much oil when I cook for our regular meals, so I thought " olive oil again? " " another olive oil?" while I was cooking them.
Jamie doesn't write exact measurements for olive oil, he uses "some", "a glug", "a little" or so.
I thought I could(should) control the mount of oil for ourselves.
I really liked the colour of the meal(include the carrot and mint salad, which I love and eat every day!), I thought it would be a nice meal for special dinner with friends or family.
From "Cook with Jamie" by Jamie Oliver
p178, 179 "Old-school pork chops with apples and sage"
p298, 299 "Rosemary-roasted cubed potatoes"
Col has volunteer for whole weekend at the school, I decided to welcome him with fancy Jamie dinner.
I wanted to try this recipe because it uses apples, I like cooked apples and I thought that apples and pork were good combinations.
材料はeating apples(e.g. Cox or russet) とあったけれど、町のお店で見つけられなかったし、クッキングアップルでなければいいんだろうと判断し、好きなグラニースミスで作りました。
For ingredients, it said " eating apples(e.g. Cox or russet) but I didn't find both of them at the supermarket in town, so I chose Granny Smith which is my very favourite.
It was very simple, but see? It looked very nice! I like it, I was very happy that it turned out so good.
My photos might give you impression that the pork chops were quite dry but no, they were juicy and soft. I liked eating them with the cooked apples. Very yum!
ジェイミーはチーズをのせてもおいしいと書いていて、ほんとその通りだと思います。 絶対合う。
Col liked the sage. He likes very dry meat, such as chicken breast. So, it was a bit greasy for him(I didn't think it was greasy at all, I don't like greasy meat either.). Juliett and I really liked the pork.
Jamie suggests to cook with good cheese too, and I think that sounds very yum too.
But Juliett doesn't like cooked fruits, so she eat the pork with the roast potatoes. She said that was really delicious, and I was very happy to hear that.
"Bash up the rosemary leaves in a Flavour Shaker or pastle and mortar. " 前半はわかったけれど、聞いたことがない名前が後半に。
Potatoes were so soft inside and outside was crispy, we all liked them so much.
When I was making it, I found that there was a sentence that I didn't understand, so I read aloud this to Col, " Bash up the rosemary leaves in a Flavour Shaker or pastle and mortar."
Then I saw him grinned. He said, " Eriko, it's time to use that."
ん?あれ?Flavour Shakerって。。。フレーバーシェーカーってもしかしてあれ?
"That!? Do you mean Flavour Shaker..... !! Flavour Shaker that I have!?"
This is the "Flavour Shaker" I received from Col's brother and sister-in-law for Christmas long long time ago. I didn't have so many chances to use it, because I didn't cook Jamie's recipes so much and usually I chopped things with knives.
I was glad to use it today, and I hope I will have many chances to use it because it was fun to shake herbs in it! Thank you again, L&K!
While I was cooking both the potatoes and the pork, I noticed that I have taken out the olive oil bottle many times from shelf. I don't use so much oil when I cook for our regular meals, so I thought " olive oil again? " " another olive oil?" while I was cooking them.
Jamie doesn't write exact measurements for olive oil, he uses "some", "a glug", "a little" or so.
I thought I could(should) control the mount of oil for ourselves.
I really liked the colour of the meal(include the carrot and mint salad, which I love and eat every day!), I thought it would be a nice meal for special dinner with friends or family.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
fun school in the long winter

In the middle of the long winter, Juliett's school has lots of fun events and they make the students never get board.
They had a visitor who sings and makes songs with kids, Juliett told me that each classes did workshop with him making lyric in the afternoon and put them together, made a school song, they sang it at the end of the day in the gym! I thought that sounded so much fun!
I enjoy volunteering at her school. When I do volunteer there, I walk to school 3 times(take J school, volunteer, and pick J up), that gives me nice exercise I think, and I love to walk on the nice crispy day seeing the beautiful mountains.
I baked some muffins for snack. Blueberries and dark chocolate, bananas and semi sweet chocolate, and raisins and carrots(for Juliett's school snack).
They were so good, Juliett came home from school and ate them like a wild animal!
They are also doing "amazing race" at her class this week, small groups help each other and solve problems(phonics, word/sentence making and more). Juliett loves that kind of challenges, she said that she was in team green and needed to wear team colour clothes. That's why she wears green every day this week.

Actually not every day, except today because it is "beach day" today at the whole school.
I suggested her to wear T shirt, shorts, and sandals, but she said that she wanted to be a stylish lady who drinks special drink with tiny umbrella on by the beach! So she wore hibiscus dress with the sunglasses, shiny sandals with pedicure, and the hat. :) It looks like a kind of "Emilio Pucci" look a bit?
Anyways, I hope children are having a fun beach day today!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
"Pea and Mint Soup" / "Baked Creamy Leeks"
cooking with Jamie
From "Jamie's Food Revolution" by Jamie Oliver
p132 "Pea and Mint Soup"
p223 "Baked Creamy Leeks"
I made those because they looked really simple, easy, and good.
I especially liked that I used a lot of vegetables to make them.
When I started this project, choosing dishes was quite frustrating to me because I didn't have perfect ingredients( I wrote about that before), but since I bought some common herbs, such as basil, mint, thyme, rosemary, and Italian parsley, finding recipes that I could make with what I have in my kitchen became easier!
We can get fresh herbs at the supermarket in town, but they weren't as fresh as we expected, so I needed to use them quickly, I enjoy making salads with some herbs these days.
Mint... I think if I didn't do this project, I didn't care about mint so much. My image of mint is toothpaste, meals with toothpaste... I was not interested in it at all.
We had some mint in our refrigerator because Col made some Mojito, but I had never made dishes with mint before.
But I found the beet salad was really delicious with mint and I am kind of liking it.
They sell a big bunches of mint at stores, I wonder how people use them. For salads like I make, we don't use much, only a few small bunches, you don't eat it straight like you eat lettuce, right?
Maybe ... mint water?
I found an interesting soup, pea and mint soup and I made it.
It was very simple, the new thing to me was put some mint leaves in soup.
I failed because I used cheap chicken broth(Jamie suggested organic one). My soup turned out quite salty. So after I cooked veges in the broth, I took some broth out and added water and made it less salty. The broth itself was quite yellowish and brownish and it also had carrots, so my soup didn't became as green as Jamie's. But we enjoyed having it with bread I baked.
Col likes comfort food very much, and he enjoyed the soup a lot. He said that it was hearty and warming meal with fresh mint accent. Juliett did a good job too, I annoyed pea skins a bit, I might strain it to take off the skins next time.
Leek. I have made leek and potato gratin before, but I haven't made only leeks one.
I took a photo of leeks and green onions to compare sizes for my friends and family in Japan.
This recipe used two leeks, when I chopped them I thought they were a lot but just like onions, after I cooked with oil and butter, the volume was much smaller, and they were very sweet!
I think this is supposed to be a side dish, but we enjoyed as a main. I can't have too much oil, or butter, or any greasy food, and my stomach misses rice and miso soup if we keep having Western food. So, I(Col and Juliett too!) enjoyed having this cheesy creamy leek dish with rice and miso soup(veges and egg in). It is a strange combinations, but that's the way we do.
I enjoyed thyme flavor in it, Juliett liked the baked cheese part.
Col really liked this one too, he said that he liked it much more than what I usually make, such as potato and seafood ones, or chicken and celery one.
I made rye bread for the first time.
It was dense and hard, I liked eating it one day after I baked. We enjoyed having it with the soup.
From "Jamie's Food Revolution" by Jamie Oliver
p132 "Pea and Mint Soup"
p223 "Baked Creamy Leeks"
I made those because they looked really simple, easy, and good.
I especially liked that I used a lot of vegetables to make them.
When I started this project, choosing dishes was quite frustrating to me because I didn't have perfect ingredients( I wrote about that before), but since I bought some common herbs, such as basil, mint, thyme, rosemary, and Italian parsley, finding recipes that I could make with what I have in my kitchen became easier!
We can get fresh herbs at the supermarket in town, but they weren't as fresh as we expected, so I needed to use them quickly, I enjoy making salads with some herbs these days.
Mint... I think if I didn't do this project, I didn't care about mint so much. My image of mint is toothpaste, meals with toothpaste... I was not interested in it at all.
We had some mint in our refrigerator because Col made some Mojito, but I had never made dishes with mint before.
But I found the beet salad was really delicious with mint and I am kind of liking it.
They sell a big bunches of mint at stores, I wonder how people use them. For salads like I make, we don't use much, only a few small bunches, you don't eat it straight like you eat lettuce, right?
Maybe ... mint water?
I found an interesting soup, pea and mint soup and I made it.
It was very simple, the new thing to me was put some mint leaves in soup.
I failed because I used cheap chicken broth(Jamie suggested organic one). My soup turned out quite salty. So after I cooked veges in the broth, I took some broth out and added water and made it less salty. The broth itself was quite yellowish and brownish and it also had carrots, so my soup didn't became as green as Jamie's. But we enjoyed having it with bread I baked.
Col likes comfort food very much, and he enjoyed the soup a lot. He said that it was hearty and warming meal with fresh mint accent. Juliett did a good job too, I annoyed pea skins a bit, I might strain it to take off the skins next time.
Leek. I have made leek and potato gratin before, but I haven't made only leeks one.
I took a photo of leeks and green onions to compare sizes for my friends and family in Japan.
This recipe used two leeks, when I chopped them I thought they were a lot but just like onions, after I cooked with oil and butter, the volume was much smaller, and they were very sweet!
I think this is supposed to be a side dish, but we enjoyed as a main. I can't have too much oil, or butter, or any greasy food, and my stomach misses rice and miso soup if we keep having Western food. So, I(Col and Juliett too!) enjoyed having this cheesy creamy leek dish with rice and miso soup(veges and egg in). It is a strange combinations, but that's the way we do.
I enjoyed thyme flavor in it, Juliett liked the baked cheese part.
Col really liked this one too, he said that he liked it much more than what I usually make, such as potato and seafood ones, or chicken and celery one.
I made rye bread for the first time.
It was dense and hard, I liked eating it one day after I baked. We enjoyed having it with the soup.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
my art and craft area
Our favourite space is almost done, the trip back from Calgary with the big table top in the car was really hard but now I have the beautiful table for myself!
This room has Col's computer, his office area and Juliett and my art craft area in it. It has huge windows to see the beautiful mountains.
We all have our own cork boards to put something inspiring us, Col has his huge(double size of mine) one full of his important work stuff, Juliett has a small one(half size of mine) and she put some her favourite stuff.
I always like having an "inspiration board", I think I had it when I was in university living alone for the first time, since then I liked to put something I like on the boards.
I saw Juliett put a candy wrapper on her board. I asked why and she told me that she liked the design. :) That sounded like her mother. I do have some candy wrappers I liked on my inspiration book I made when I was in Japan.
See? → :)
People say that Juliett and I are not a like, Juliett is more like Col include looks and personalities. So I was a bit happy to see that she and I did something similar.
I like this picture so much, this was Juliett's first "picture" (not doodling) and I embroidered it . I remember that her interest in drawing suddenly opened wide, she was so happy about herself who was able to draw.
She drew this beautiful hare last year, I really like it, I put it in a frame and it is on my table.
My board is full of things that I have kept for a long time for the inspiration board. Old stamps, postcards, memos or letters from Juliett, a watch I bought in N.Y.(my adventure trip), a handmade sheep pin I bought in England, glass beads I made with Col, souvenirs from friends, some pieces of favourite fabric, and a necklace that I bought when I was in high school.
うさぎが好き、と書くと、何だかかわいい感じに聞こえるから少しイヤだし、好きと言う割に詳しくその生態も知らないのだけれど、耳が長くて立っていて、足が長くジャンプや走るのが得意なうさぎ、かわいいと言うよりもかっこいいうさぎ、特に多分こちらでは "hare" と呼ばれる野うさぎものを見るとどうも気になってしまいます。私も野うさぎのリアルな絵が描けたらいいなぁ。。。と。
When I was making this board, I noticed that I have many rabbit/hare items that I like. Maybe it is because my Chinese zodiac symbol is hare? I do like hares. I don't like cute mascot style rabbits though.
This blog title"Bonietta" was one of my little friend's pet rabbit's name. I guess I really like rabbits!
I actually have many rabbit/hare goods at home, I will put their photos someday on the blog.
This is Juliett's area! She enjoys doing Tangram puzzles, the one she is doing in the photo is a calender her Nana gave to her last year, it was a bit hard for her to do it at that time but now she is really good at it!
We all like Playmobil a lot. Juliett has some sets, some were gifts from her family and friends, she also saved up her allowance and bought some. But they(5 people in the photo) are mine. :) I saved up my allowance and bought them. They are so adorable little people.
I kept all(I believe so) of letters and memos Juliett gave to me. They are all my treasure.
I have more things on my table, people might think they are junk, such as stones from by a river, a piece of empty beehive, stamps from letters my friends sent to me, and on and on.... I am so happy to be surrounded by those special things.
I don't have my own chair yet, we don't have enough book shelves so my craft idea books are still in boxes, but I am so glad to have this space.
When Col saw my handmade albums for the first time(when we were dating), he was so impressed by them, and told me that he would get a craft room for me in the future. This is not a room but I am really, really happy to have my own space and appreciate it.
Juliett is also happy to have her own work space too! Lucky her! These spaces are in Col's office(we decided to use the master bed room for our office/activity room), so all of us can do own work in a same room. That is so nice and we all like this room very much.
Our favourite space is almost done, the trip back from Calgary with the big table top in the car was really hard but now I have the beautiful table for myself!
This room has Col's computer, his office area and Juliett and my art craft area in it. It has huge windows to see the beautiful mountains.
We all have our own cork boards to put something inspiring us, Col has his huge(double size of mine) one full of his important work stuff, Juliett has a small one(half size of mine) and she put some her favourite stuff.
I always like having an "inspiration board", I think I had it when I was in university living alone for the first time, since then I liked to put something I like on the boards.


See? → :)
People say that Juliett and I are not a like, Juliett is more like Col include looks and personalities. So I was a bit happy to see that she and I did something similar.
I like this picture so much, this was Juliett's first "picture" (not doodling) and I embroidered it . I remember that her interest in drawing suddenly opened wide, she was so happy about herself who was able to draw.
She drew this beautiful hare last year, I really like it, I put it in a frame and it is on my table.
My board is full of things that I have kept for a long time for the inspiration board. Old stamps, postcards, memos or letters from Juliett, a watch I bought in N.Y.(my adventure trip), a handmade sheep pin I bought in England, glass beads I made with Col, souvenirs from friends, some pieces of favourite fabric, and a necklace that I bought when I was in high school.
うさぎが好き、と書くと、何だかかわいい感じに聞こえるから少しイヤだし、好きと言う割に詳しくその生態も知らないのだけれど、耳が長くて立っていて、足が長くジャンプや走るのが得意なうさぎ、かわいいと言うよりもかっこいいうさぎ、特に多分こちらでは "hare" と呼ばれる野うさぎものを見るとどうも気になってしまいます。私も野うさぎのリアルな絵が描けたらいいなぁ。。。と。
When I was making this board, I noticed that I have many rabbit/hare items that I like. Maybe it is because my Chinese zodiac symbol is hare? I do like hares. I don't like cute mascot style rabbits though.
This blog title"Bonietta" was one of my little friend's pet rabbit's name. I guess I really like rabbits!
I actually have many rabbit/hare goods at home, I will put their photos someday on the blog.
This is Juliett's area! She enjoys doing Tangram puzzles, the one she is doing in the photo is a calender her Nana gave to her last year, it was a bit hard for her to do it at that time but now she is really good at it!
We all like Playmobil a lot. Juliett has some sets, some were gifts from her family and friends, she also saved up her allowance and bought some. But they(5 people in the photo) are mine. :) I saved up my allowance and bought them. They are so adorable little people.
I kept all(I believe so) of letters and memos Juliett gave to me. They are all my treasure.

I have more things on my table, people might think they are junk, such as stones from by a river, a piece of empty beehive, stamps from letters my friends sent to me, and on and on.... I am so happy to be surrounded by those special things.

I don't have my own chair yet, we don't have enough book shelves so my craft idea books are still in boxes, but I am so glad to have this space.
When Col saw my handmade albums for the first time(when we were dating), he was so impressed by them, and told me that he would get a craft room for me in the future. This is not a room but I am really, really happy to have my own space and appreciate it.
Juliett is also happy to have her own work space too! Lucky her! These spaces are in Col's office(we decided to use the master bed room for our office/activity room), so all of us can do own work in a same room. That is so nice and we all like this room very much.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
"Stuffed Cypriot Chicken"
cooking with Jamie
From "Jamie Oliver's Meals In Minutes" by Jamie Oliver
p118,119 " Stuffed Cypriot Chicken"
I was looking for a recipe that uses feta cheese because I had left over from the beet salad and found this recipe.
It says "jarred sun-dried tomatoes" for the ingredients but I only had a bag of sun-dried tomatoes, so I let them soaked in extra virgin olive oil for a while.
I think my chicken was too thick, it took much longer time to cook, but it smelled really good while I was cooking in the pan, Col and Juliett were curious what I was making.
It was a bit hard to hold the stuffing in the chicken, I really should have bought thinner ones.
Except that, it went well, and I am not a big fan of chicken breast because it is dry( Col likes chicken breast that's why we always buy it), but this chicken was very juicy and soft, I liked it.
Feta cheese's saltiness and many herbs made good taste. I also thought that using this stuffing idea, I could make something different more reasonable(without using a bit expensive feta).
Col said that he was really excited when he smelled it but it tasted OK not as exciting as the smell. But he liked the juiciness.
This book is different from his other recipe books, he shows 50 meals(main, salad, dessert, and extra) in this book. The other dishes Jamie included with this chicken were "pan-fried asparagus & vine tomatoes" , " cabbage salad ", "flat breads", "St. Clement's drink", "vanilla ice cream float". In this book, the all the ingredients and the all the instructions are included for the entire meal.
Someday I would like to try making a whole meal.
From "Jamie Oliver's Meals In Minutes" by Jamie Oliver
p118,119 " Stuffed Cypriot Chicken"
I was looking for a recipe that uses feta cheese because I had left over from the beet salad and found this recipe.

It says "jarred sun-dried tomatoes" for the ingredients but I only had a bag of sun-dried tomatoes, so I let them soaked in extra virgin olive oil for a while.
I think my chicken was too thick, it took much longer time to cook, but it smelled really good while I was cooking in the pan, Col and Juliett were curious what I was making.
It was a bit hard to hold the stuffing in the chicken, I really should have bought thinner ones.
Except that, it went well, and I am not a big fan of chicken breast because it is dry( Col likes chicken breast that's why we always buy it), but this chicken was very juicy and soft, I liked it.
Feta cheese's saltiness and many herbs made good taste. I also thought that using this stuffing idea, I could make something different more reasonable(without using a bit expensive feta).
Col said that he was really excited when he smelled it but it tasted OK not as exciting as the smell. But he liked the juiciness.
This book is different from his other recipe books, he shows 50 meals(main, salad, dessert, and extra) in this book. The other dishes Jamie included with this chicken were "pan-fried asparagus & vine tomatoes" , " cabbage salad ", "flat breads", "St. Clement's drink", "vanilla ice cream float". In this book, the all the ingredients and the all the instructions are included for the entire meal.
Someday I would like to try making a whole meal.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
" Lovely Lemon Curdy Pud "
cooking with Jamie
From " Happy Days with the Naked Chef " by Jamie Oliver
p284, 285 "Lovely Lemon Curdy Pud"
From " The Naked Chef " by Jamie Oliver
p200 "Vanilla Sugar"
バニラビーンズのツブツブがカスタードプリンやバニラアイスクリームに入っていると、ちょっとおしゃれって嬉しくなるけれど、ジェイミーは初めて出した本に、バニラビーンポッドをナイフで開いて、ビーンズとさやをグラニュー糖に入れておく(この時はフードプロセッサーで混ぜるよう書いてある)といい香りの「バニラシュガー」ができるよって言っていて、そんな素敵でおしゃれなものがキッチンにあるなんて。。。♪ と、憧れたものでした。
It's fancy and a small happiness to have vanilla beans in ice cream or custard pudding.
Jamie suggested making your own "vanilla sugar" in his first book. When I saw that, I adored a dreamy kitchen that has fancy things like that.
When I saw vanilla bean pods in Canada for the first time about 4 years ago, I was excited. It was a bit expensive for me to buy with regular food budget at that time, so I bought it with my pocket money as my luxury item. I went home really happily and made my first vanilla sugar. I felt so special and smelled it many many times(I still like to smell it a lot). Since then I use it (I have made it many times) when I make whipped cream or cake.
"Lovely Lemon Curdy Pud "
"Lovely Lemon Curdy Pud "
I love lemony dessert, especially really tart ones.(I don't like fake flavour ones or too sweet ones)
So I decided to try Jamie's lemon dessert.
The recipe says "sugar(vanilla sugar is nice)", yes, I used my vanilla sugar.
It also says "It looks good cooked in a Pyrex dish, as it goes into layers as it cooks,...", so I used my clear Pyrex glass dish. :)
It was really simple, it was just like making cake, but putting lemon grated rind was a bit special, lemon and vanilla both made the kitchen smelled really happy.
I took it out from the oven and had a big one scoop but the bottom("lemon curdy custard") was too runny and returned it to the oven and let it bake a bit more. Then the custard part turned to be like custard pudding, I am not sure I should have baked that much or should have stopped before it turned to pudding. (I tend to fail when I make pudding with eggs because I worry about raw(uncooked) eggs too much)
Anyways, the meringue-ish sponge part was really good with lemon flavour.
Juliett liked eating that part.
I think sponge cake with lemon is a good combination and I like that, I also thought it was interesting to make the cake which has two different textures layered. But maybe I am not a big fan of lemony custard so much, or maybe if the custard part was more rich and tart like lemon curd, then I might like more.
My image of English people is that they love custard. I had a lot when I was in England, especially at Sunday lunch, we poured warm custard on crumbles or other desserts. So, I thought English people would like this dessert.
ちなみに主人の感想は「普通においしいよ、とても英国風だね」 でした。
I am not sure we supposed to eat it when it is warm or cool, I preferred eating it cool.
Col thought it was OK and it was very British.
I have been looking through all his books and I noticed that I was a typical Japanese and I don't have Western food ingredients so much in my kitchen. I don't have fancy cheese or ham, sausage. I also don't have so many spices or herbs, even colourful peppers or purple onions! I would like to try more often, but each recipes has something I don't have. I should go slowly and gradually those new items will be added to my regular members in my kitchen.
But, looking through his books so seriously is very interesting and actually this is the first time for me to do that. I enjoy it. Now I see some of his favourite ingredients and ways to cook/mix, it's fun.
When I saw this special belly band on the book at a book store in England, you can imagine how much I was excited. It was just after his first show series was done or almost done. I even didn't know his books were published yet at that time and I was really excited to see his books in the store, and then found that only 5 books there had the navy blue belly bands on, and I read it, and......! I WAS SO EXCITED!
I saw Jamie's autograph on the first page.
"author" って「著者」でしょう?サインって。。。
I bought it and went straight to a cafe I often went by myself, then I sat there, calmed myself down, and opened the book store bag and saw the book and his autograph again and again!
I was young at that time . :)
From " Happy Days with the Naked Chef " by Jamie Oliver
p284, 285 "Lovely Lemon Curdy Pud"
From " The Naked Chef " by Jamie Oliver
p200 "Vanilla Sugar"
バニラビーンズのツブツブがカスタードプリンやバニラアイスクリームに入っていると、ちょっとおしゃれって嬉しくなるけれど、ジェイミーは初めて出した本に、バニラビーンポッドをナイフで開いて、ビーンズとさやをグラニュー糖に入れておく(この時はフードプロセッサーで混ぜるよう書いてある)といい香りの「バニラシュガー」ができるよって言っていて、そんな素敵でおしゃれなものがキッチンにあるなんて。。。♪ と、憧れたものでした。
It's fancy and a small happiness to have vanilla beans in ice cream or custard pudding.
Jamie suggested making your own "vanilla sugar" in his first book. When I saw that, I adored a dreamy kitchen that has fancy things like that.
When I saw vanilla bean pods in Canada for the first time about 4 years ago, I was excited. It was a bit expensive for me to buy with regular food budget at that time, so I bought it with my pocket money as my luxury item. I went home really happily and made my first vanilla sugar. I felt so special and smelled it many many times(I still like to smell it a lot). Since then I use it (I have made it many times) when I make whipped cream or cake.
"Lovely Lemon Curdy Pud "
"Lovely Lemon Curdy Pud "
I love lemony dessert, especially really tart ones.(I don't like fake flavour ones or too sweet ones)
So I decided to try Jamie's lemon dessert.
The recipe says "sugar(vanilla sugar is nice)", yes, I used my vanilla sugar.
It also says "It looks good cooked in a Pyrex dish, as it goes into layers as it cooks,...", so I used my clear Pyrex glass dish. :)
It was really simple, it was just like making cake, but putting lemon grated rind was a bit special, lemon and vanilla both made the kitchen smelled really happy.

I took it out from the oven and had a big one scoop but the bottom("lemon curdy custard") was too runny and returned it to the oven and let it bake a bit more. Then the custard part turned to be like custard pudding, I am not sure I should have baked that much or should have stopped before it turned to pudding. (I tend to fail when I make pudding with eggs because I worry about raw(uncooked) eggs too much)
Anyways, the meringue-ish sponge part was really good with lemon flavour.
Juliett liked eating that part.
I think sponge cake with lemon is a good combination and I like that, I also thought it was interesting to make the cake which has two different textures layered. But maybe I am not a big fan of lemony custard so much, or maybe if the custard part was more rich and tart like lemon curd, then I might like more.
My image of English people is that they love custard. I had a lot when I was in England, especially at Sunday lunch, we poured warm custard on crumbles or other desserts. So, I thought English people would like this dessert.
ちなみに主人の感想は「普通においしいよ、とても英国風だね」 でした。
I am not sure we supposed to eat it when it is warm or cool, I preferred eating it cool.
Col thought it was OK and it was very British.
I have been looking through all his books and I noticed that I was a typical Japanese and I don't have Western food ingredients so much in my kitchen. I don't have fancy cheese or ham, sausage. I also don't have so many spices or herbs, even colourful peppers or purple onions! I would like to try more often, but each recipes has something I don't have. I should go slowly and gradually those new items will be added to my regular members in my kitchen.
But, looking through his books so seriously is very interesting and actually this is the first time for me to do that. I enjoy it. Now I see some of his favourite ingredients and ways to cook/mix, it's fun.

When I saw this special belly band on the book at a book store in England, you can imagine how much I was excited. It was just after his first show series was done or almost done. I even didn't know his books were published yet at that time and I was really excited to see his books in the store, and then found that only 5 books there had the navy blue belly bands on, and I read it, and......! I WAS SO EXCITED!
I saw Jamie's autograph on the first page.
"author" って「著者」でしょう?サインって。。。
I bought it and went straight to a cafe I often went by myself, then I sat there, calmed myself down, and opened the book store bag and saw the book and his autograph again and again!
I was young at that time . :)
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
knitting days
その時は左手首の部分を編んでいたのだけれど、担当の人が会話の中で「私は数年前にニューファンドランドから越してきたの。」と話しているのが聞こえて、「ニューファンドランドですか?私ね、いま手袋編んでいるんだけれど、これ、ニューファンドランドの伝統のだって聞いたんだけれど。。」と出来上がっていた右手のを見せたら、「あぁ~っ!それ、懐かしいぃぃ!本当よ、それ、ニューファンドランドのミトン、やだ、すごく嬉しい、うちの近くの通りのOOって言うお店ではたくさん手編みのそれが売っていてとっても人気だったの!」と、すっごい嬉しそうに話してくれて、 なんだか私もすごく嬉しくなった。
My mitts are done.
We(Col) had an appointment at a bank last weekend. When we have that, Juliett carries her drawing set and I carry my knitting thing with us to wait. I was knitting the left wrist part while Col and the bank person were talking. Then I heard that she said she was from Newfoundland.
I said, " You are from Newfoundland? I am knitting mitts and I heard that they are Newfoundland traditional mitts. Have you seen this kind? " and showed her my right mitt that I already made.
She looked so excited seeing it and said that they were traditional mitts. She also told about her hometown. :) She looked very happy to see those mitts and I was happy too.
They are really warm. I am looking forward to wearing them and the roving will set and fit to my hands well.
When I was knitting the left one, I made the same size with my right one, but it was tight to my left hand, and I noticed that my left fingers were longer than right ones, so I added more 3rounds and now it nicely fits to my left hand. That is one big attraction of hand knitting I think, you can customize.
The blanket I made for my birthday is really really useful and warm and it is my very favourite.
The mustard yarn makes me happy every time I see it.
I bought the Le Creuset mug at Chapters to match with the blanket. The colour name is 'Dijon Yellow'. I like this mug a lot, it hold tea really warm.
The blanket and the mug make my winter days happy and warm.
その時は左手首の部分を編んでいたのだけれど、担当の人が会話の中で「私は数年前にニューファンドランドから越してきたの。」と話しているのが聞こえて、「ニューファンドランドですか?私ね、いま手袋編んでいるんだけれど、これ、ニューファンドランドの伝統のだって聞いたんだけれど。。」と出来上がっていた右手のを見せたら、「あぁ~っ!それ、懐かしいぃぃ!本当よ、それ、ニューファンドランドのミトン、やだ、すごく嬉しい、うちの近くの通りのOOって言うお店ではたくさん手編みのそれが売っていてとっても人気だったの!」と、すっごい嬉しそうに話してくれて、 なんだか私もすごく嬉しくなった。
My mitts are done.
We(Col) had an appointment at a bank last weekend. When we have that, Juliett carries her drawing set and I carry my knitting thing with us to wait. I was knitting the left wrist part while Col and the bank person were talking. Then I heard that she said she was from Newfoundland.
I said, " You are from Newfoundland? I am knitting mitts and I heard that they are Newfoundland traditional mitts. Have you seen this kind? " and showed her my right mitt that I already made.
She looked so excited seeing it and said that they were traditional mitts. She also told about her hometown. :) She looked very happy to see those mitts and I was happy too.
They are really warm. I am looking forward to wearing them and the roving will set and fit to my hands well.
When I was knitting the left one, I made the same size with my right one, but it was tight to my left hand, and I noticed that my left fingers were longer than right ones, so I added more 3rounds and now it nicely fits to my left hand. That is one big attraction of hand knitting I think, you can customize.

The blanket I made for my birthday is really really useful and warm and it is my very favourite.
The mustard yarn makes me happy every time I see it.
I bought the Le Creuset mug at Chapters to match with the blanket. The colour name is 'Dijon Yellow'. I like this mug a lot, it hold tea really warm.
The blanket and the mug make my winter days happy and warm.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Crunchy raw beetroot salad with feta and pear
cooking with Jamie
From "Cook with Jamie" by Jamie Oliver
p35,36 "Crunchy raw beetroot salad with feta and pear"
I have had beets when Col made borscht before but I had never had raw beets.
I bought Feta at superstore. 200g for about $6, a treat for us. :)
I thought it was made in Greece, but it was made in Denmark. Maybe I should have bought "Greek Feta"? Hmm...
It had a drainer in the case and the small cubed cheese looked like small tofu to me.
The title says "pear" but we forgot to buy pear, how silly I was I forgot to take a shopping list with me to the city. :( That is typical Eriko. But the recipe also says that "you could use apples", so I made with apples.
"Remember to wear an apron when chopping beetroot", thanks Jamie, I do have my oilcloth apron for cooking pomegranates and beets.
See? It has a nice message on.
It was a very simple recipe, but when I put them on a plate, I felt special because the colour was so pretty!
Raw beets were very crunchy, they matched quite well with lemony dressing and sweetness of apples. I thought feta cheese was salty enough that I didn't need to add salt. I forgot to add black pepper at the first and added it later, it gave nice contract from sweetness. Before eating it I thought mint might give too strong flavour, but Col and I both liked it very much, it made the salad really fresh and interesting.
Juliett liked the apple and mint leaves. :) I am glad that she tried it at least.
I would love to make this salad again. I will use good pears next time.
I really enjoyed the texture of raw beets, I am going to look for more recipes with raw beets.
From "Cook with Jamie" by Jamie Oliver
p35,36 "Crunchy raw beetroot salad with feta and pear"
I have had beets when Col made borscht before but I had never had raw beets.

I bought Feta at superstore. 200g for about $6, a treat for us. :)
I thought it was made in Greece, but it was made in Denmark. Maybe I should have bought "Greek Feta"? Hmm...
It had a drainer in the case and the small cubed cheese looked like small tofu to me.

The title says "pear" but we forgot to buy pear, how silly I was I forgot to take a shopping list with me to the city. :( That is typical Eriko. But the recipe also says that "you could use apples", so I made with apples.
"Remember to wear an apron when chopping beetroot", thanks Jamie, I do have my oilcloth apron for cooking pomegranates and beets.
See? It has a nice message on.
It was a very simple recipe, but when I put them on a plate, I felt special because the colour was so pretty!
Raw beets were very crunchy, they matched quite well with lemony dressing and sweetness of apples. I thought feta cheese was salty enough that I didn't need to add salt. I forgot to add black pepper at the first and added it later, it gave nice contract from sweetness. Before eating it I thought mint might give too strong flavour, but Col and I both liked it very much, it made the salad really fresh and interesting.

Juliett liked the apple and mint leaves. :) I am glad that she tried it at least.
I would love to make this salad again. I will use good pears next time.
I really enjoyed the texture of raw beets, I am going to look for more recipes with raw beets.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
cooking with Jamie
Jamie Oliver.
I like him. I have liked him for such a long time. I would have said "he is my most favourite chef in the world!" a few years ago, but I haven't been to England for a long time and also my chances to see his TV programs and website are fewer now, so I hesitate to say "I am a huge fan of him".
I went to England in 1998 just after graduated my university. I joined a volunteer program that I introduce Japanese culture to children abroad.
I could choose a country and a school level(elementary, junior high, high) that I wanted to go, and the company gave me the chance to go to an elementary school(K to grade2) at a small town in the centre of England. I had a really good time all year with the children and teachers there, I am still good friends with some of them.
But homestay experience was not so good. It was because it was the first time for me to live with someone else, and I had learned English but hadn't had chances to communicate in English before. I couldn't get along with the host mother well, I wanted to explain and give my opinion to her but it was hard and there were lots of culture differences(I know she had had hard a time with me too). I wanted to change home stay family but if I did so, I couldn't go to the school any more. I spent lots of my time in my room thinking about the better(best) way to solve the problem.
One day I was bored and tired thinking, and I put the TV on.
I saw Jamie Oliver on TV, it was his first TV show and it had just started. The 30 minutes show was so much fun, I had never thought that cooking was so easy, fun, simple, and stylish before. In the show, he was talking as if he was talking to his friends, he was very cool too, soon I became a fan of him, I enjoyed watching his show every week until I left England.
His show also gave me interests what I eat in England too, after I started watching his show, I enjoyed going to cafes and delis in towns and cities in England.
I liked to go to markets and vintage clothes stores in London before, I also enjoyed "eating" in London after watching his show.
だから、彼のお料理が好きと言うよりは、あの時の自分をひょいって救い出してくれたジェイミーが好き。 なんです。今も感謝してます。
So, I like Jamie Oliver because he(his shows) changed my life in England and gave me interests in food, cooking, and baking. I still appreciate that.
He once produced a Japanese cafe&restaurant in Tokyo in 2002, I went to see him there on the opening day.
There were so many people came to the restaurant on the day the restaurant was at underground, but the waiting line was up the stars and continued far outside of the building. I went there so early that I was able to see him cooking through glass windows while we were waiting the restaurant opened. I saw him picking herbs and crushing them in the stone bowl(herb crusher?), I saw him poring olive oil into a frying pan, I was very impressed to see him cooking with my eyes.
They made regular lunch and also they had special opening day limited 60 lunches. My friend and I were lucky and we arrived early enough to have the special lunches there. Warm squid salad, potato and green beans pest pasta, roasted quail, champagne jelly and white wine. We were very impressed to see their beautiful presentations and I thought how stylish cooking was, how wonderful cooking was to make people so excited and happy.
When we were paying at the entrance of the restaurant(Japanese style), Jamie passed by, and he asked if we enjoyed his lunch. Of course we did! I was able to gave him a letter, I was also got a ticket to meet him in person after the lunch time, I shook his hand that makes amazing bread, pasta, and beautiful dishes, I also told him that I saw his first show in England and that changed my life and I appreciated him. I was so happy, I wanted to learn English more and more, I wanted to learn cooking and baking more too.
Since Col and I went to his restaurant "Fifteen" in London during our honeymoon, we haven't been to England. But I enjoy checking his books, and sometimes website and TV shows.
In Japan, we didn't have a big oven and I just saw his recipe books as beautiful photo books, but now we have an oven in Canada, I have tried some of his recipes and we all enjoyed them.
I thought.... " I have lots of his books, why don't I try his recipes more?" and thought about one of my favourite movie, "Julie and Julia".
Shall I do "Jamie and Eriko"?!
Hmmm.....No. We can't afford his fancy ingredients. I never want to cook rabbits and we can't get any fresh fish in town. If I try making one of his recipe every day(every meal?) then our Engel's coefficient would go so high too.
平日は次の日のお弁当を考えながらの夕食の献立になるので、いつも通り和食が多いと思うけれど、 ローテーションになりがちな日々の食事にちょっと新鮮なものが加わったらおもしろいかなと思って、ま、とりあえずやってみようと思うのです。
But I have many books, and I think it would be so nice to try some simple recipes to know something new. I would like to try new recipes too. Col will enjoy that idea for sure, Juliett might too.
I love baking but cooking is ok and I have cooked similar things as routine, it might be a nice idea to know about cooking more.
So I decided to do this project, "cooking with Jamie".
前置きが長くなりましたが、2013年のプロジェクト、曜日も指定せず(多分週末を主にできれば週1のペースで)、その時の気分と季節や天候、家計状況でできるペースで進めていきます。前菜も主食もデザートもドリンクも、ジェイミーの本に載っているもの全て対象。うちはお肉をそれほど食べないので野菜ものが多くなるかな。 レシピは載せられないけれど、どの本からどんなものを作ったか、あまり素敵なコメントはできないだろうけれど、作ってみて食べて感じたこと、書いていきたいと思います。
プロジェクトのタイトル兼レイベルは「cooking with Jamie」です。
I am not going to make strict rules because they might make me dislike cooking.
Depends on the weather and seasons, and our budget, I will decide what I can make from his recipe books and I will write about them. I hope I will do it once every week. Salads, main, desserts, pasta, drink, anything from his recipes is considered as the project. Label is " cooking with Jamie ".
I am looking forward to it!
Jamie Oliver.
I like him. I have liked him for such a long time. I would have said "he is my most favourite chef in the world!" a few years ago, but I haven't been to England for a long time and also my chances to see his TV programs and website are fewer now, so I hesitate to say "I am a huge fan of him".
I went to England in 1998 just after graduated my university. I joined a volunteer program that I introduce Japanese culture to children abroad.
I could choose a country and a school level(elementary, junior high, high) that I wanted to go, and the company gave me the chance to go to an elementary school(K to grade2) at a small town in the centre of England. I had a really good time all year with the children and teachers there, I am still good friends with some of them.
But homestay experience was not so good. It was because it was the first time for me to live with someone else, and I had learned English but hadn't had chances to communicate in English before. I couldn't get along with the host mother well, I wanted to explain and give my opinion to her but it was hard and there were lots of culture differences(I know she had had hard a time with me too). I wanted to change home stay family but if I did so, I couldn't go to the school any more. I spent lots of my time in my room thinking about the better(best) way to solve the problem.
One day I was bored and tired thinking, and I put the TV on.
I saw Jamie Oliver on TV, it was his first TV show and it had just started. The 30 minutes show was so much fun, I had never thought that cooking was so easy, fun, simple, and stylish before. In the show, he was talking as if he was talking to his friends, he was very cool too, soon I became a fan of him, I enjoyed watching his show every week until I left England.
His show also gave me interests what I eat in England too, after I started watching his show, I enjoyed going to cafes and delis in towns and cities in England.
I liked to go to markets and vintage clothes stores in London before, I also enjoyed "eating" in London after watching his show.
だから、彼のお料理が好きと言うよりは、あの時の自分をひょいって救い出してくれたジェイミーが好き。 なんです。今も感謝してます。
So, I like Jamie Oliver because he(his shows) changed my life in England and gave me interests in food, cooking, and baking. I still appreciate that.
He once produced a Japanese cafe&restaurant in Tokyo in 2002, I went to see him there on the opening day.
There were so many people came to the restaurant on the day the restaurant was at underground, but the waiting line was up the stars and continued far outside of the building. I went there so early that I was able to see him cooking through glass windows while we were waiting the restaurant opened. I saw him picking herbs and crushing them in the stone bowl(herb crusher?), I saw him poring olive oil into a frying pan, I was very impressed to see him cooking with my eyes.
They made regular lunch and also they had special opening day limited 60 lunches. My friend and I were lucky and we arrived early enough to have the special lunches there. Warm squid salad, potato and green beans pest pasta, roasted quail, champagne jelly and white wine. We were very impressed to see their beautiful presentations and I thought how stylish cooking was, how wonderful cooking was to make people so excited and happy.
When we were paying at the entrance of the restaurant(Japanese style), Jamie passed by, and he asked if we enjoyed his lunch. Of course we did! I was able to gave him a letter, I was also got a ticket to meet him in person after the lunch time, I shook his hand that makes amazing bread, pasta, and beautiful dishes, I also told him that I saw his first show in England and that changed my life and I appreciated him. I was so happy, I wanted to learn English more and more, I wanted to learn cooking and baking more too.
Since Col and I went to his restaurant "Fifteen" in London during our honeymoon, we haven't been to England. But I enjoy checking his books, and sometimes website and TV shows.
In Japan, we didn't have a big oven and I just saw his recipe books as beautiful photo books, but now we have an oven in Canada, I have tried some of his recipes and we all enjoyed them.
I thought.... " I have lots of his books, why don't I try his recipes more?" and thought about one of my favourite movie, "Julie and Julia".
Shall I do "Jamie and Eriko"?!
Hmmm.....No. We can't afford his fancy ingredients. I never want to cook rabbits and we can't get any fresh fish in town. If I try making one of his recipe every day(every meal?) then our Engel's coefficient would go so high too.
平日は次の日のお弁当を考えながらの夕食の献立になるので、いつも通り和食が多いと思うけれど、 ローテーションになりがちな日々の食事にちょっと新鮮なものが加わったらおもしろいかなと思って、ま、とりあえずやってみようと思うのです。
But I have many books, and I think it would be so nice to try some simple recipes to know something new. I would like to try new recipes too. Col will enjoy that idea for sure, Juliett might too.
I love baking but cooking is ok and I have cooked similar things as routine, it might be a nice idea to know about cooking more.
So I decided to do this project, "cooking with Jamie".
前置きが長くなりましたが、2013年のプロジェクト、曜日も指定せず(多分週末を主にできれば週1のペースで)、その時の気分と季節や天候、家計状況でできるペースで進めていきます。前菜も主食もデザートもドリンクも、ジェイミーの本に載っているもの全て対象。うちはお肉をそれほど食べないので野菜ものが多くなるかな。 レシピは載せられないけれど、どの本からどんなものを作ったか、あまり素敵なコメントはできないだろうけれど、作ってみて食べて感じたこと、書いていきたいと思います。
プロジェクトのタイトル兼レイベルは「cooking with Jamie」です。
I am not going to make strict rules because they might make me dislike cooking.
Depends on the weather and seasons, and our budget, I will decide what I can make from his recipe books and I will write about them. I hope I will do it once every week. Salads, main, desserts, pasta, drink, anything from his recipes is considered as the project. Label is " cooking with Jamie ".
I am looking forward to it!
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