From "Jamie's Food Revolution" by Jamie Oliver
p138,139 "Parsnip and Ginger Soup"
p334,335 "Banana Tarte Tatin"

見た目は白いにんじんみたいなんだけれど、味はにんじんよりもずっとくせがあって、 私はローストして食べるのが一番好き。ほくほく甘くておいしいです。
I like parsnips. I have had them when I was in England, so they were not new to me, I usually roast them with other vegetables. I love the flavour.
But I had never cooked them in different ways, always roasted them. I was curious and looking for a parsnip recipe without roasting and found this parsnip soup, with ginger. I wondered if both of them have too strong flavours in the soup. So I decided to try it.

Butter squash soup, Green peas soup, and this parsnip soup... the way to make is very similar and very simple. Col and I liked this parsnip soup. Juliett, maybe she doesn't like the texture of the soups, she prefer thin soups, but she ate small bowl of it. Good job, Juliett.
On the next page of this soup, Jamie wrote about his ideas of toppings for soups.
I don't like coriander, he suggests to put some coriander leaves on this parsnip soup but I didn't , instead of coriander, I put mint on it. I also baked whole wheat 7 grains bread, so I toasted it and had with the soup. It was good.
We had a frozen pastry puff in our freezer( thanks to our friends). I decided to make banana tarte tatin with it. The photo of the recipe looked so delicious, when I imagined eating it with vanilla ice cream... so yum!

But... I don't know, maybe it wasn't a good baking day for me today, I failed.
The recipe says "Place the pan on a low heat, let the butter melt, add the sugar, and stir constantly until completely combined", so I did, it supposed to be golden and caramelized but nop, it didn't.
The sugar turned out mushy crumbs. I knew this because I have made caramel many times. When I make caramel, I never stir until it started turning to brown (then add cream),....maybe I shouldn't have stirred? I don't know.
Anyways, the sugar crumbs turned OK after I baked it well, but the pie didn't look like the one in Jamie's book. Mine looked very mushy... not beautiful.
I didn't want soggy(caramel sauce soaked too much) pastry, so I put it back to the oven and bake it more. Then the pastry part turned crunchy and the pie actually went really well with vanilla ice cream. I used very ripened bananas and they gave quite strong alcohol-like flavour. Col was surprised to know that it didn't have any liquor in it. Maybe next time I will use new bananas?
It tasted much better than I expected. The orange zest and cinnamon gave good flavour.
同じ350℃で焼いている間にジュリのおやつを同時に焼いてしまえ、とマフィンを作ったのだけれど、これまたバターと砂糖を混ぜてそこにたまごを入れる時、今まで失敗なんてしたことがなかったから、いつも通りボウルに直接たまごを割り入れたら、真っ赤な白身登場、こんな卵を見たことがないし気味が悪いし、びっくりして慌ててボウルに入らないようにしたけれどそれでも数滴生地にのってしまって。。。 この卵はお店で買ったものでなくてファームからたくさん届いたから、と分けてもらっていたもので、なんかとても真っ赤だし水っぽいしどうも気になって、またバターと砂糖を無駄にしてしまいました。
Besides, my baking bad luck brought me to waste more butter and sugar..
I thought I could make muffins for Juliett's school snacks while I was baking the pie(both 350F).
So I mixed sugar and butter as usual and added a egg as usual. I have made these muffins so many times, the recipe says that you should crack the eggs in a small bowl and mix well, then add the egg to the sugar and butter mix, but usually I just crack two eggs into the butter mix bowl and mix altogether well.
We had some fresh eggs from a farm and I cracked one of them, then I saw something really unusual.
It had red white(very bloody white), I was so surprised and tried not to let it in my bowl but too late.. some went on the mixture... I wasn't sure if it was bad for you or not, and I worried, so I gave up making muffins with the mixture.... wasted expensive unsalted butter... :(

I learned that I shouldn't be lazy, I will crack eggs in a separate bowl next time(from now on), it might contain small pieces of egg shells too.
Juliett loves muffins, I put lots of fruits in and put only half mount of sugar of the recipe, I use brown sugar. When I see Juliett eating them so happily, I feel very happy too. She and Col will take one muffin each for their snacks to school today.
I had one(blue berry and dark chocolate one) for my breakfast with a cup of coffee. Yum!
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