お母さんとお父さんがどんな方でどんなものを好むのかがわからなかったので(私は1度しか会ったことがなくて)、買っ たプレゼントは絵本。でも、それ加えて何かお祝いできないかな、とごそごそ、ジュリの昔のよだれかけ(写真左、いちごの。)を見つけてその型をとってよだれかけ2枚と手作りのカード(くまだまりさんの「かわいいポップアップカード」主婦の友社、参考)と一緒にプレゼントしました。作っている時、こんなに赤ちゃんの小物ってちっちゃいんだっけ。。本当にこのサイズでいいんだっけ?って心配になったくらいです。
We went to a baby shower party this afternoon. It was for Col's co-worker's baby girl.
We bought a book as a gift but I wanted to add something special, so I made bibs for her.
I made those 4 bibs, I found the blue one I made for Juliett a long time ago, I used it(them, I made a lot of bibs) a lot, they were useful, so I made the same size ones to Juliett's.
I was very surprised to see how small they were. I was even worried if they were big enough, but when I saw the 4 week old baby at the party, I thought they were sure big enough. :) I totally forgot how tiny babies were.
Juliett and Col chose 2 pink ones for gift, so I gave them with our gift and my handmade card. I am going to give the purple ones to my nephew and my friend's daughter.

We don't know much about the family yet, so our gift was small, but many people gave many dresses, clothes, lots of gifts. We don't have baby shower parties in Japan, but people bring gifts to newborn babies and families too.
生まれて4週間の赤ちゃん、抱っこさせてもらいました。小さくてその軽さにびっくり。幸せな時間を分けてもらいました。金色の長いま つげがいっぱい、鼻も高くて、目がとっても大きくて、すごく美人さんでした。
I had a happy time holding the pretty baby. She was so pretty, had long eyelashes, and beautiful big eyes. I always think that babies have something special that makes people around so happy and peaceful.
When Juliett put her hand next to the baby's hand, we were both surprised how big Juliett's hand was. Every morning when we walk to school I hold her hand and I know how small her hand is. But to compare to baby's hand, wow, 6 years old is so big.

I made Juliett's hair my favourite hair style today for the party and noticed how long her hair was. It has only been 1 year and 8months since she had the big hair cut. She says that she will donate her hair again. Maybe this summer?
She is attending her classmate's birthday party at the town pool tomorrow. Actually she has received 2 more birthday invitations, but she forgot about the invitation and bringing them home, when she remembered and brought them home, the parties were already done while ago...
It was good that this time she brought the invitation on time...
Juliett and I made a cool card that we drew his favourite hokey team "Oilers"'s logo that we changed to his name. She is looking forward to the party!
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