Thursday, February 28, 2013

parsnip and ginger soup / banana tarte tatin

Cooking with Jamie
From "Jamie's Food Revolution" by Jamie Oliver
p138,139 "Parsnip and Ginger Soup"
p334,335 "Banana Tarte Tatin"

見た目は白いにんじんみたいなんだけれど、味はにんじんよりもずっとくせがあって、 私はローストして食べるのが一番好き。ほくほく甘くておいしいです。
I like parsnips. I have had them when I was in England, so they were not new to me, I usually roast them with other vegetables. I love the flavour.

But I had never cooked them in different ways, always roasted them. I was curious and looking for a parsnip recipe without roasting and found this parsnip soup, with ginger. I wondered if both of them have too strong flavours in the soup. So I decided to try it.

Butter squash soup, Green peas soup, and this parsnip soup... the way to make is very similar and very simple. Col and I liked this parsnip soup. Juliett, maybe she doesn't like the texture of the soups, she prefer thin soups, but she ate small bowl of it. Good job, Juliett.


On the next page of this soup, Jamie wrote about his ideas of toppings for soups.
I don't like coriander, he suggests to put some coriander leaves on this parsnip soup but I didn't , instead of coriander, I put mint on it.  I also baked whole wheat 7 grains bread, so I toasted it and had with the soup. It was good. 

We had a frozen pastry puff in our freezer( thanks to our friends). I decided to make banana tarte tatin with it. The photo of the recipe looked so delicious, when I imagined eating it with vanilla ice cream... so yum!

But... I don't know, maybe it wasn't a good baking day for me today, I failed.
The recipe says "Place the pan on a low heat, let the butter melt, add the sugar, and stir constantly until completely combined", so I did, it supposed to be golden and caramelized but nop, it didn't.
The sugar turned out mushy crumbs. I knew this because I have made caramel many times. When I make caramel, I never stir until it started turning to brown (then add cream),....maybe I shouldn't have stirred? I don't know.

Anyways, the sugar crumbs turned OK after I baked it well, but the pie didn't look like the one in Jamie's book. Mine looked very mushy... not beautiful.
I didn't want soggy(caramel sauce soaked too much) pastry, so I put it back to the oven and bake it more. Then the pastry part turned crunchy and the pie actually went really well with vanilla ice cream. I used very ripened bananas and they gave quite strong alcohol-like flavour. Col was surprised to know that it didn't have any liquor in it. Maybe next time I will use new bananas?
It tasted much better than I expected. The orange zest and cinnamon gave good flavour. 

同じ350℃で焼いている間にジュリのおやつを同時に焼いてしまえ、とマフィンを作ったのだけれど、これまたバターと砂糖を混ぜてそこにたまごを入れる時、今まで失敗なんてしたことがなかったから、いつも通りボウルに直接たまごを割り入れたら、真っ赤な白身登場、こんな卵を見たことがないし気味が悪いし、びっくりして慌ててボウルに入らないようにしたけれどそれでも数滴生地にのってしまって。。。 この卵はお店で買ったものでなくてファームからたくさん届いたから、と分けてもらっていたもので、なんかとても真っ赤だし水っぽいしどうも気になって、またバターと砂糖を無駄にしてしまいました。
Besides, my baking bad luck brought me to waste more butter and sugar..
I thought I could make muffins for Juliett's school snacks while I was baking the pie(both 350F).
So I mixed sugar and butter as usual and added a egg as usual. I have made these muffins so many times, the recipe says that you should crack the eggs in a small bowl and mix well, then add the egg to the sugar and butter mix, but usually I just crack two eggs into the butter mix bowl and mix altogether well.
We had some fresh eggs from a farm and I cracked one of them, then I saw something really unusual.
It had red white(very bloody white), I was so surprised and tried not to let it in my bowl but too late.. some went on the mixture...  I wasn't sure if it was bad for you or not, and I worried, so I gave up making muffins with the mixture.... wasted expensive unsalted butter... :(

I learned that I shouldn't be lazy, I will crack eggs in a separate bowl next time(from now on), it might contain small pieces of egg shells too.

Juliett loves muffins, I put lots of fruits in and put only half mount of sugar of the recipe, I use brown sugar. When I see Juliett eating them so happily, I feel very happy too. She and Col will take one muffin each for their snacks to school today.
I had one(blue berry and dark chocolate one) for my breakfast with a cup of coffee. Yum!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I spy.

Lovely moment... we spied the little bunny in the woods.

My friend took me to a walk in the woods just behind our condo. It was so close, I didn't know that we had trees so close to our condo! Only after10 minutes walk, we arrived to the entrance of the woods.


This road goes to a lake, but we went into the woods and walked on a trail(which was covered with snow).
I was so happy to see so many trees. I had missed them. We can see trees and mountains away from our house, but I thought that we needed to get there by car. We really didn't know that there was a walking way to the nature so close! 

We did a bit adventure, the deepest snow, we had our thigh high deep. But it was so much fun walking in nature with my new friend. I had a great time with her and it was so clear and no wind, what a nice day!

In summer, we need to be more careful of bears and wild animals, we need to walk in a bigger group and carry bear spray. Today we only saw the tiny bunny and we were very happy observing it. 

My friend told me birds by their singing, we compared the sizes of animals foot prints, how far they could hop, it was a lot of fun! I thought I was really lucky to have met someone very interesting.
I would like to bring Col and Juliett there maybe this weekend, I am looking forward to Spring and Summer! 

Monday, February 25, 2013

my first drop spindle experience / new friends 

Library. It always brings us chances to meet/know wonderful people there. I saw a lady with a girl who was wearing hand knitted sweater and a hat at the town library and I talked to her, "Did you knit the sweater and the hat?"
Soon we found that we had lots of common hobbies and I was so happy to meet someone who can share what I was interested in. 

While we were talking about knitting and yarn there, Juliett joined our conversation and she said, "my mom says that she wants to have a sheep so she can have her own yarn from her sheep!". Then the lady asked if I have done/heard drop spindles. I had never heard it before. She said that I could spin my own yarn from rovings with a drop spindle.

Wow! That sounded so interesting, I invited her to our apartment and she visited and showed me how to drop spindle! How simple and how fun!
I also appreciated having a new friend over. It was really nice to have someone's visit. We didn't have anyone since we moved here in November.

She said that her image of Japan was "Japan pop culture". So she found interesting to see my taste, she said she liked "vintage" 'antique" and "handmade". I was happy to know that she had similar taste and I had a great time with her. She noticed my handmade things such as the wall decoration, the mobile, coasters,  and blankets in our place. I thought they must have been so proud to be noticed!
We found that we lived so close, Juliett became friends with her daughter, I am excited having new friends. 

I borrowed her drop spindle. It looks so simple but it is quite difficult to make the yarn's thickness evenly. But it is, wow, so much fun, and thinking about knitting something from the hand spun yarn? That is so exciting! I am thinking to buy one spindle for myself.

その糸でとりあえず編める分だけ編んだらコースターくらいの大きさになったので、うしろにフェルトを縫ってコースターに。編み目はちょっとユニークすぎる かな。。。フェルトは深いターコイズを使ったので、かわいいのだけれど、糸をもう少し均等に紡げるように練習したいと思います。 
I wanted to see how it looks when I knit with the yarn, so I made this coaster. I like to have some chunks but the first yarn I made had too much chunks and I think it is too unique. I need to practice to spin more evenly and I look forward to make something big with my hand spun yarn!

ちなみにパターンはアンマリー・ニルソンさんの「スウェーデンから届いたニット」NHK出版 からです。本ではしましまの糸で作っているけれど、私のは暖色が混ざったような糸で。
I knitted right hand glove last night while I was watching Academy Awards on TV. It's been snowing today, I started knitting left hand. I think they are really warm if I wear under bigger mitts.


Juliett had so much fun at her friend's pool birthday party yesterday. They rented the big town pool and about 20 kids and some adults spent an hour there alone! I met some classmates moms and had good time chatting with them too.  The birthday boy liked our hand made "Oilers" card very much and we were so happy to see the very happy birthday boy.
The boy's mom is a very nice person, she is fun to be with. She is liked by lots of children at school. We do volunteer at school every time together, I always have a good time with her. I am lucky to have met such good friends already.
I thought birthday party at the pool was a great idea, kids and adults all enjoyed the fun time. Maybe someday for Juliett...  :)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

parties weekend

お母さんとお父さんがどんな方でどんなものを好むのかがわからなかったので(私は1度しか会ったことがなくて)、買っ たプレゼントは絵本。でも、それ加えて何かお祝いできないかな、とごそごそ、ジュリの昔のよだれかけ(写真左、いちごの。)を見つけてその型をとってよだれかけ2枚と手作りのカード(くまだまりさんの「かわいいポップアップカード」主婦の友社、参考)と一緒にプレゼントしました。作っている時、こんなに赤ちゃんの小物ってちっちゃいんだっけ。。本当にこのサイズでいいんだっけ?って心配になったくらいです。
We went to a baby shower party this afternoon. It was for Col's co-worker's baby girl.
We bought a book as a gift but I wanted to add something special, so I made bibs for her.
I made those 4 bibs, I found the blue one I made for Juliett a long time ago, I used it(them, I made a lot of bibs) a lot, they were useful, so I made the same size ones to Juliett's.
I was very surprised to see how small they were. I was even worried if they were big enough, but when I saw the 4 week old baby at the party, I thought they were sure big enough. :) I totally forgot how tiny babies were. 

Juliett and Col chose 2 pink ones for gift, so I gave them with our gift and my handmade card. I am going to give the purple ones to my nephew and my friend's daughter.

We don't know much about the family yet, so our gift was small, but many people gave many dresses, clothes, lots of gifts. We don't have baby shower parties in Japan, but people bring gifts to newborn babies and families too.

生まれて4週間の赤ちゃん、抱っこさせてもらいました。小さくてその軽さにびっくり。幸せな時間を分けてもらいました。金色の長いま つげがいっぱい、鼻も高くて、目がとっても大きくて、すごく美人さんでした。
I had a happy time holding the pretty baby. She was so pretty, had long eyelashes, and beautiful big eyes.  I always think that babies have something special that makes people around so happy and peaceful.
When Juliett put her hand next to the baby's hand, we were both surprised how big Juliett's hand was. Every morning when we walk to school I hold her hand and I know how small her hand is. But to compare to baby's hand, wow, 6 years old is so big. 

I made Juliett's hair my favourite hair style today for the party and noticed how long her hair was. It has only been 1 year and 8months since she had the big hair cut. She says that she will donate her hair again. Maybe this summer? 

She is attending her classmate's birthday party at the town pool tomorrow. Actually she has received 2 more birthday invitations, but she forgot about the invitation and bringing them home, when she remembered and brought them home, the parties were already done while ago...
It was good that this time she brought the invitation on time...
Juliett and I made a cool card that we drew his favourite hokey team "Oilers"'s logo that we changed to his name. She is looking forward to the party!

Friday, February 22, 2013

more cooking, baking, and knitting

On TV, I see many shows talking about Academy Awards on Sunday, they show celebrity style make-up ideas, dresses, and party ideas. 

すごいドレスとか出てくるけれど、都会の人たちはこういうの着てパーティーしたりするのかな、私には無縁。。。 もし日曜の夜にテレビを見るとしたら、ソファにブランケットと飲み物と編み物と一緒に座って、授賞式前のレッドカーペットでのきれいな女優さんたちの衣装を見たいです。街から離れて住むようになってからは映画もほとんど観ないので女優さんもよくわからないのだけれど。
If I watch Academy Awards TV show on Sunday(I haven't decided to watch it yet), I would like to watch it sitting on our sofa with my blanket, knitting, and some warm drinks. That sounds lazy, but comfy, I like to see actresses dresses.

今編んでいるのは薄い手袋。アルパカの細い糸をエドモントンで買ったので初めてサイズ1の針を使って細かく編んでいます。ちょっとワクワクなのは、初めて指を編んでいること。説明を読めばこういうのもできるんだなぁ。。。と。数年前の私は手袋を編むなんてできるわけがない、手袋は買うものだ、と思っていたので。 できたらのせます、まだはじめの手なのですごく時間がかかると思うけれど、次の冬までにできればいいかな。
My knitting challenge, is making gloves. Before I started learning knitting, I had thought mitts and gloves were things we buy not the things we make. But I found that when I followed the pattern carefully, it wasn't that hard. It just has some detail works. And making something I had never tried before is always fun.Well, this is the first hand, so I need to do this again for left hand,  I will be done by next winter. :)

ブログにのせようと思って撮っておいた写真がいくつかあるだろうから、まとめてのせようと思ってファイルの中を見たら、食べ物と山の写真ばっかりでびっくり。。。 通りでこのごろ体重が。。
I thought that I had some photos I kept for blog, and I checked them and saw almost the photos I kept were food photos... (and mountains). That's why I am gaining weight... :( 
Since I started doing Jamie project, we have lots of food at home, well, lots of vegetables and herbs... so this can't be my excuse.

This meatballs in tomato soup is really delicious, we love it. Especially when we add lots of basil, it is fantastic. I can say this is Col and my very best hit. I like to eat it day after I made.

Quinoa... it has been sitting on my cabinet. 
When I had a fennel bulb, I searched recipes on internet and found one at Martha Stewart's. It was OK, it looked good, and it was interesting to try something new.

I am not a big fan of green pepper since I was young. So I don't buy peppers so often, but they had a good sale at the town supermarket, 3 big peppers(red, orange, and green) were in bag and it was $1.99. So I bought a bag and made stuffed peppers. This is a photo of the leftover my lunch the next day, the peppers were very sweet and I kind of liked them. I might start using peppers more often. 

My interest is more in cooking recently than baking and I haven't baked bread for a while.
Juliett and I had a playdate today and I decided to take some bread for lunch, I bake this apple cinnamon ring and also I baked bagels. 

Wow, the bagels were so good, I have totally forgotten how yummy the fresh baked bagels were. I baked 12, 6 for friends, and 6 for us, and soon they were all gone!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

student of the week

見てみると、「Student of the week 今週の生徒」のお知らせでした。
Last night, Juliett gave me a sheet of paper she received from her teacher. It said, " Student of the week" and it had information about it.

I like the idea of student of week/month/day,  I don't know if they do similar things in Japan.
I think it is nice to give all students even chances to be spotlit, special, recognized, and respected and interested by classmates.

At her school, there is a display shelf which has 6 spaces, and every week, 6 special students put their special items that show their hobbies, family, interests, etc... there in the shelf.

I often go to school for volunteer and see the shelfevery time I visit, each spaces has unique and interesting things and I enjoy seeing other children's special things.

So, now it is  Juliett's turn to display her things there!
The space size is 30cm high,  30cm deep, and 45 cm wide. We started thinking what she would put there...
Then I kept reading and saw at the end of the sheet, it said " Please send them in on or before the date below.  Date February 19, 2013 ".

What!? It was already the 20th yesterday.
We checked the date that the letter was published/made, and it said "February 13".  

I think February 13 was the day Juliett came home early because she started getting the flu and she didn't go to school till 19th , so I guess her teacher didn't have a chance to give the sheet.
Juliett looked a bit disappointed when she counted and found that she only had 5 days at most to put her displays on. So we cheered her up and gathered what she wanted to show. I quickly made some information and got out some photos.

There. We sent them with her this morning. I think someone would put them in her space today.
When we were thinking about her hobbies, I felt a bit sorry for her that we didn't have any chance to put her in classes in this town yet. I heard that there were swimming, figure skating, and hokey. But swimming was full and she wasn't interested in skating so much, I wish we could have dancing classes or music classes or more swimming classes..  well, that is a bit sad point of living in a small town.
But Juliett told us that her hobbies and also her talents were reading and drawing and she was proud of herself. She is always very positive, totally opposite from myself. ;)  I am really happy for her confidence in herself,  actually her reading is really really good.

They are also having "show and tell" today at her class, for that, she took some of her favourite Pokemon cards and goods.... She looked so happy taking them to school this morning too!

Pukka Pineapple with Bashed-up Mint Sugar / Pancake

Cooking with Jamie
From "Happy Days with The Naked Chef" by Jamie Oliver
p262, 263 "Pukka Pineapple with Bashed-up Mint Sugar
From Jamie Oliver Twitter, "Pancake recipe" on February 12th 2013

Juliett doesn't like cooked or baked fruits, I like baked apples but I like to eat fresh fruits too. So I don't usually make fruit pies or bake fruits.
I found this super simple recipe, I don't think we call it cooking, it is just adding a bit fancy things. We had a good pineapple and lots of mint home, so I made it for our holiday breakfast.

Mint and yogurt, it was a good match, and sweet pineapple, I liked it. But I thought because the pineapple was really sweet, we didn't need to add more sugar on it. Next time I will just add chopped/smashed mint leaves without sugar.

パンケーキは普通の小麦粉を切らしていて、セルフライジングがあったので、ジェイミーのレシピにセルフライジングを使ったパンケーキがありそうだなと思って探してみたら、ちょうどその頃 Shrove Tuesday ですっごく簡単なパンケーキレシピをジェイミーの twitter で見つけました。
I usually make pancakes with regular flour, but I didn't have it the morning, and only I had was self -raising flour. So I searched pancake recipe that uses self-raising flour on Jamie's website. I found his twitter pancake recipe on the Shrove Tuesday. It was super easy and simple, Juliett made(added and mixed) it for us. 

Self-raising flour... I bought this when I made scones. I didn't know it had quite a lot of salt in it and I added more salt(followed a recipe though) and my scones turned out terribly salty. Since then I hadn't used it. 

Jamie's recipe says "1 cup self-raising" and "pinch of salt" for his pancake. I decided not to add salt. 

The pancake looked nice, but I found it salty again. Juliett and Col ate it happily though. 

I thought maybe because I had eaten "Hotcake" since I was a little. Hotcake is our common pancake in Japan, we put sugar in the batter, so it is little bit sweet. That's why I expected the pancake sweet, not salty. Or Juliett and Col always pour a lot of syrup on their pancakes and they didn't notice the saltiness... I don't know. Only I can say is I love fluffy sweet pancakes with a bit of butter.  

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

crisp air / belated Valentine's Day



It is a bright and clear morning, it was -18℃ when Juliett and I walked to school, the air was really clear and crisp, the dark winter morning has gone. Juliett and I love walking to school in the morning, We have seen the beautiful mountains many times but every morning they look different and Juliett is really impressed by seeing them, "Look, Mommy, the mountains are so beautiful! I see pink, I see orange, we can see the top of the mountain today!" 

I noticed her winter boots worn out. We hope they will last till the end of this snow season. She wears them everyday and at every recess during winter time, snow boots are so important for children in Canada, I thought. I walked to my school when I was young, but I don't remember if we had snow, we had lots of rain on rainy seasons though.    

青と白。 何度も見ている眺めだけれど、きれいだなぁ。。。って立ち止まってボーっと眺めてしまいます。そして、この景色にあうようなきれいな色で編み込んだセーターや帽子が作りたくなって、「編み物しよう!」と足取り軽く家に向かいます。
It was a beautiful day yesterday too, I walked to downtown after volunteering at school. The blue and white view always makes me to want to knit something colourful and very winter-ish. 


It was her first day yesterday since she came home with stomach flu last Wednesday.
" I got lots of late Valentine treats and cards!" she came out from school cheerfully. 

As soon as she got home, she started opening the cards from her classmates. Disney characters, super heroes, Hello Kitty, ... it was fun to see what other children liked.
Then suddenly Juliett did a strange reaction to one card, "!?!? Who is this? What kind of card is this!?"

彼女の手にしたカードを覗き込んでみたら、カナダのアイドル、ジャスティン・ビーバーのカードでした。小学1年生でもこういうアイドル好きな子っているのねぇ。。。 うちは歌謡曲?をほとんど聞かないので、ジュリは全く知らなくて。というか、私もカナダのアイドル=ジャスティン・ビーバーって思うからわかっただけで、これが他の人だったら全然わからなかったし、普段そういうの見ないから久々に見たジャスティン随分大人になったわねぇ。。と思いました。なんかもっと髪の毛が昔はさらさらしてたような。。。?
It was Justin Bieber's card. :)
We don't listen popular music, and Juliett didn't know who he was(actually I didn't know either if it didn't say "justin" on the fake tatoo. I thought, wow he had grown up... )
I was quite surprised to see some grade 1 students like him. My image of grade 1 kids is they like Barbie, superheroes, and cute characters, not a real person yet.

しかも、「アイ・ラブ(ハート)・ジャスティン」の水をつけて貼り付けられる、なんちゃってタトゥーも一緒についていて、一瞬「ハートのタトゥーだ! マミィ、つけて、つけて!」と盛り上がったジュリ、ハートの中に「ジャスティン」と書いてあることを教えると、「ジャスティン。。。知らないから、やっぱりつけない。」って。
Juliett was excited to put the heart tatoo on her arm at the beginning but I told her that it said "I love Justin." and she decided not to... :) funny. Her reaction was funny.

Col offered to have the tatoo. :) I asked if his students liked Justin but he told that now lots of students liked One Direction. I have heard the group name before, but I don't know much... I am an old lady. :)
In Japan, we usually use the same letters for B sound and V sound, so "beaver" and "Bieber" are written exactly the same. That sometimes makes things complicated to pronounce to me.

ジュリもいつかは私が光GENJIや男闘呼組の切抜きを下敷きに入れてキャッキャ騒いでいたような、そういうときが来るのかな。 ジャスティン・ビーバーへのリアクションを見る限り、当分先だとは思うけれど。
But I had that kind of adoring singers/actors time when I was young, I wondered when Juliett would start being interested in that kind of world.

Anyways, these are the cards Juliett received from her classmates. She liked them all. She was also happy to give her belated Valentine's Strawberry Shortcake cards to them on Tuesday.

Monday, February 18, 2013

to our beautiful friend, Ricco.






辛い闘病生活から開放されて体が楽になったこれからは、天国からまた行きたかったヨーロッパの蚤市場や美術館、世界中の美しい自然、大好きなジャックラッセルたちをゆっくり眺めてくださいね。 ブログもまた見にきてくださいね。



Riccoさん、どうもありがとうございました。 大好きです。

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Wow, we were surprised to see lots of snow outside this morning.
We haven't had snow for a while. We drove to GP yesterday and saw bare mountains by highway, we were saying that winter was over and early spring had arrived. 

But, it is still in the middle of February, Canadian spring doesn't arrive that early, I guess.

It was not cold at all, it was like -2 or so. Col asked Juliett to go for a walk, Juliett's stomach flu is gone and she is fine, so she went outside with Daddy.

While they were away, I made this snowman at the deck. It was so easy to make the big snowman. The snow was very sticky. I was outside with my shorts, thin long T-shirt and boots on. It was very warm!

Thanks to Jamie cooking project, I have lots of vegetables to use for snowman parts. Of course I will take them off later and cook them for supper. :) 

Juliett was so excited to see the snowman!
She jumped around and kept saying, "Can I play with him? Can I? Can I?"

She got a fun game idea, throwing snow balls to us(Col and I were at the sofa by the window. She played such a long time on the deck, she laughed SO loud.
I was glad to see her fine now, she still has bad coughs though. 

After playing in snow, she came back with a bowl full of snow, "My stomach is all better, now I can eat snow, right?"
Well, the snow is very fresh and we know she loves eating snow.. OK, you can have some.
She looked VERY happy while she was eating it with some syrup!

"There is nothing better dessert than snow!" 

Friday, February 15, 2013

"The Best Prawn and Parsley Frittata" / "Apple Salad"

Cooking with Jamie
From "Jamie's Italy" by Jamie Oliver
p 44, 45 "la migliore frittata di gamberetti e prezzemolo - the best prawn and parsley frittata"
From "Jamie Oliver's Meals In Minutes" by Jamie Oliver
p258, 259 "Apple Salad"

Frittata... I had heard the name before but I hadn't made it. 
"Jamie's Italy", this book's recipes need many ingredients that we can't get easily or we can't afford, such as interesting cheese and seafood, that's why I hadn't tried any recipes before.
This recipe needs "fresh" prawn, we can't get it fresh here, but we got frozen raw shrimp, so I decided to use it for this recipe.
Shrimp is one of my most favourite foods, so I know fresh ones are much much better and have wonderful texture. Maybe in the future, if we live a bit close to ocean, I can make it with fresh ones 

In the recipe, he says "Any thinner and it's not a frittata. Any thicker and I think it gets frumpy." and he suggests about 1 inch thick. I thought using 6 eggs and lots of shrimps easily made 1 inch thickness but my pan was too wide..  mine was about 2cm, a little bit thinner.

It was delicious! We all liked it a lot. Lots of parsley was a great idea.
But I wondered what is the difference between Frittata and Spanish omelet... I have made Spanish omelet - like thick omelet with potatoes and vegetables... I don't know.
I could have made it a bit goldener. It was very easy and good, I am sure that I will make again and again (maybe add more vegetables?).

こういうサラダはいいですね、 作っているうちに楽しくなってくるし、きれいな色合いに食欲もそそります。
I love this salad!
The beautiful colours, especially when I was adding zests of lemon on the crispbread with cream cheese and black pepper... I thought it was a kind of art. It was so beautiful and made me feel so happy making this salad.  


It had many different textures and it was fun to eat. Maybe this is the most favourite of this project so far, I love it, Thanks Jamie!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

quiet Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!
Juliett had been so excited about Valentine's Day, but... she got a stomach flu.

They are having Valentine's Day party and also hot dog lunch today at her school, but she had to miss the fun. Poor Juliett...she was so disappointed last night and this early morning but now she is watching Pokemon TV show and so-so happy.

Well, I will turn off the TV after the show and we will have a quiet Valentine's Day at home today, maybe some reading, knitting, drawing, and napping for her.

She and I made Valentine's cards last year and the year before last year but we bought cards this year.
Juliett wanted to make ones because she thought there were only Barbie or Princess cards at stores and she doesn't like both, but she saw Strawberry Shortcake cards and she thought they were OK. (She wanted to have Totoro or Pokemon cards.) 



I am not a big fan of heart motifs, our Valentine's Day decorations are very simple.  

I made the cupcakes(first photo) yesterday morning, they turned out very dry cupcakes and I won't use the recipe again but I liked the lemon butter cream idea, I added more lemon zest and much less sugar, and more lemon juice though.
Juliett saw the cupcakes when she came home around lunch time and really wanted to eat one.
She begged me and showed me how fine she was, jumping and singing around, so I gave one late afternoon and..........I shouldn't have done it. Bad mom.

I hope she will be better soon and I also hope Col didn't get the flu.
Have a happy Valentine's Day!