Sunday, December 30, 2012

lots of fun in city

クリスマス明けに主人の両親が連れて行ってくれたのは、劇場。カルガリーに行くたびにジュリにおもちゃをあげるよりも目でいいものを見てほしい、体でいろいろなことを体験して欲しいと言ってくれる義理の両親。私はすごくそれがありがたく感じます。今回はチャーリーブラウンのミュージカル「You are a good man, Charlie Brown」を見せてくれました。おもしろかった~!
We have been having a great time in Calgary.
After Christmas Col's parents took us to a theater to watch the musical "You are a good man, Charlie Brown" . It was fun! I liked the jazzy music and their singing and dances. Juliett really enjoyed the show too. It is so nice of them(her Nana and Papa) to give us chances to experience this kind of things in city. How lucky Juliett is, she has seen so many live musicals!


We visited our family friends' house (luckily I visited them twice!) and they made delicious homemade noodles for lunch and supper. I saw him(my friend's husband) making noodle from scratch, Col and I experienced stomping the noodle dough, it was very interesting.

My friend made tempra, lots of sweets(muffins, cookies, Stollen, ..), and gyoza! Everything was so delicious and we just ate, ate, talked and laughed, and ate, ate, laughed and talked,...  Juliett had so much fun playing with their son from noon to 10:00 night.   

私たちのためにこんなにもしてくださるお友達夫婦の優しさに心から感謝。夏に私たちのところに遊びに来てくれたら、いっぱい私もおもてなししたい。そんな風に考えたら、山に帰るのも楽しみになって来さえします。  いつもどうもありがとう。
We are so lucky that we have someone who always welcomes us every time we come down to Calgary. They said that they would visit us in summer, I look forward to entertain them then.


Juliett's preschool friend's family came to Calgary to see us! They drove 2 hours on highway and came to see us, how wonderful that was! We were so excited when we knew that we were able to meet them and we had been looking forward to it. We got together at Spark(the science museum) and spent whole afternoon. It was so nice, we haven't done anything as family friends before, we have done some play dates when we lived in the town though, so it was the first time to get together the whole families.
Juliett was so happy to see him. There were many small attractions in the museum, they tried those together, helped each other, laughed a lot together, held hands and walked in the museum, danced in the cafe, and played at the children play area really nicely and happily. His sister was so nice to Juliett too, Juliett said that she wanted to have a big sister like her on the way home. Dads enjoyed chatting and coffee, my friend and I couldn't stop talking from beginning to the end(whole 4 hours). It was a special and wonderful afternoon.  

We have done some shopping in the city. IKEA, we bought some furniture(and meatballs).

And of course, I can't miss Anthropologie. I LOVE the store. Their displays always give me motivation of creating something, I like the atmosphere so much, I can spend hours there for sure. They had nice Canadian animal sculptures(I saw owls and beavers too, they said that they were handmade and going to be on auction after Christmas).

都会の写真、車からパシャパシャ撮っています。5年前はここに住んでいたのが信じられない。約100万人の都市から5年後のいまは人口4000人の町。段々住むところの規模が小さくなって(まぁ、今の町は村より大きいけれど)、信号やビルディングや夜景が珍しいというレベルになってしまいました(苦笑) うわぁ、信号がいっぱい、ビルすごい高いね~!って。
I can't believe that we lived in this city 5 years ago. The city has about 1 million population, our town has 4000 people there(the village had 2000 people there).  Now we feel "wow!" to traffic lights(we only have one or so in town, none in the village), so many tall buildings, and night views. :) 

これはすっごいお金がかかったと言う橋らしい。 イタリアのデザイナーがデザインした歩行と自転車用の橋だそう。通りかかったので記念にパチリ。

We will be in the city a few more days. I will write more about it later.
Have a happy new year! 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Col's family lived in Germany for a few years, so they have many beautiful wooden ornaments.
Every year I enjoy looking at them.

ジュリはナナとパパの通う教会でクリスマスのミサの時にこのろうそくの意味を読み上げる役を前日にもらい、本番ステージに立って、しっかりと読み上げました。wreath, represent, centre, など、初見で読めなかった字も本番すらすらっと上手に読めて、教会のサービスに来ていたたくさんの人たちから褒めてもらいました。あの子は度胸がある。堂々と長い文章を読み上げる姿に私も主人も驚き、感心しました。
Juliett received a role to read some parts of story of Advent candles at her Nana and Papa's church service. It had some difficult words, such as " represents" "wreath" and " centre" those were the words she couldn't read when she saw the sheet for the first time, but she practiced them and she read very nicely at Christmas Eve service at the church. Col and I were quite impressed to hear her reading. Lots of people gave her compliments after the service.
We were so happy to see our old friend family there, the boy who used to play with Juliett recognized her and both of them looked so cute together.

Juliett's Nana and Papa's beautiful tree. There were a lot of presents under it.
Juliett chose to wear the dress she wore last Christmas, she loves it so much. It shone beautifully under lights at the stage of the church. We bought her the pretty shoes.

The hard gingerbread cookies Juliett and I baked the other day, she put them on a plate and prepared a glass of milk for Mr. Santa. She worried that the hardness of cookies might make Mr. Santa's teeth break. She thought the glass of milk would help to make the cookies softer. 

Papa, who likes jokes, put one of his old plastic tooth models on the gingerbread after Mr. Santa ate some. On the Christmas morning, Juliett saw this, and she said, " This is not a real tooth, because it doesn't have roots. I know who did this, Papa, you did it." She is quite smart!

She received a My Neighbor Totoro DVD from Mr. Santa. That was what she asked for and she was really happy to received it!

We had many small gifts in our big stockings too. We had fun opening gifts all together, I like that time. I like to see family smiling when they open presents and those were what they guessed or wanted. I also like to see them surprising. This Christmas, Col and I didn't have shops around, we also didn't have enough time to prepare, so we did our best finding presents for family, but not ourselves, we decided to exchange gift cards, but we were very happy to see family members were happy with our gifts. 

This is Col's brother and his wife's dog, Abby. She is so cute, soooo cute. Juliett and I were very happy to spend some time with her. She came to the party with cute Christmas collar on! Juliett prepared her a present and she liked it. I think Juliett had so much fun playing with her. 

It was Col's parents' turn to have Christmas dinner party this year.
The dinner was delicious, as always. Juliett, Col, and I all had the second!  
I made Eton(pavlova) mess for dessert. I liked the strawberries marinaded with balsamic vinegar and sugar. It was really good. But I felt bad because one of the guests didn't eat eggs, so I will think about something new without gluten or eggs if I could have a chance to make dessert in the future.  

It was a fun party, as always. :) I thought I was so lucky to have such a wonderful family in Canada.
Every Christmas, I miss my parents and wish if they were there with all of us. I see Col and his brother being with their parents so happily, I see my sister-in-law and her family being together very happily, it would be so nice if I could have my parents and maybe my brother & his wife were here too. The first Christmas in Canada I missed them so much and I felt sad but this was my 5th Christmas(actually 6th if I count the time when we visited here from Japan).
Because Col's parents and brother, sister-in-law and her family have been so nice to us, I don't feel lonely so much any more. I really appreciated their warm kindness.   

I will update more soon.
I hope you all are having a lovely Christmas holiday. 

Friday, December 21, 2012

Thank you so much.

Our oven has been very busy this afternoon to evening.
We are going to Calgary tomorrow, Col's parents have been really really nice to us and I wanted to bring some Christmas baking to them, so I made three different treats.

Juliett wanted to make gingerbread men for them, so we baked lots. I don't know what real gingerbread's texture is, ours always turn out quite hard. They taste really good though. 

Juliett enjoyed making shapes and decorating them.

I made the peppermint meringue kisses again. This time with peppermint extract. :)
I failed once, so these are the second try. I think I failed and made the meringues shrink because I took them out from the oven too early. 


I also made caramel popcorn. I made a lot, double or triple of them(in the photo) but they are dangerous yummy. Col and I had some for just tasting then couldn't stop tasting!  

I thought the meringue and popcorn were good for my sister-in-law who doesn't have gluten.


I am thankful that I have friends and family who enjoy my baking.
I would like to try lots of new baking and cooking next year too.

Juliett had a good time at her class party this morning. She brought home many crafts she made at school. Their school will start on the 7th January.


I think I will write blog in Calgary but ...  I'd like to say,


                                      感謝の気持ちを込めて  Eriko  
Big thank you for visiting my blog this year.
To write blog encourages me a lot, I feel I connect to you and that always makes me feel that I am not alone, that also gives me motivation to live, make, do something new.
I will keep updating my blog in 2013 too. Please visit again.

I wish you all have a warm and happy Christmas and a brilliant new year!

                                                                                              with love and thanks,

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Polka dot Santa Claus

My favourite pin. Cute Santa Claus is drawn on a wood piece. I went to do volunteer at school this morning, it was red and green day, so I wore this red cardigan with this pin on. Juliett went to school in red, green, and white today(picture below).

I wrote "I like baking and crafts." on the school volunteer sheet, Juliett's teacher asked me if I would like to help making cookies with children. I thought that was really nice of them to ask what things you were good at and choose people for help. There was another mom who was really friendly, she and I enjoyed making cookies with children. They behaved so nice, listened to us very carefully, and took turn nicely. I was quite impressed. They had fun, which was really good.
They also met me for the first time today and said to me, " You are Juliett's mom, aren't you? I am glad to have you here today." " Juliett is a really good girl." " You will come to the party tomorrow too? Please!" I went to help, but children's smiles made my heart warm.

It is the last day of school tomorrow. They are having a party, they will do gift exchange. When I was in my elementary school, we did gift exchanges every year around Christmas time. We sat on the classroom wood floor in a huge circle and passed gifts next to next until one song we sang together ended.  

"If you would like to bring treats, please do so. You are also welcome to join to the party." A note from the teacher said so, but I decided not to bake something this time. It sounds like the school is quite strict with nuts, I will go and see what kind of sweets are good and popular tomorrow.  

But instead of sending cupcake or cookies, I made 25 Origami Santa Clause. I didn't have origami at home, so I used one of my Christmas wrapping paper. Pretty polka dot Santas!

Juliett drew cute faces on them and put candy canes through the backs(They are like finger puppets). We will take them to the party tomorrow.

I walked to downtown to buy candy canes. When I looked up the sky, I saw him. :)

On the way home, the foot prints made me smile. This must be a busy road for humans, dogs, deer, and ravens. 

Juliett made the gingerbread(graham crackers)house yesterday at school with Grade 8 student helpers. Usually children ran out from the school door when the bell rings, but they were so careful holding their houses and walking very slowly towards their parents on the day and that looked so cute.

It has been quite cold. The air is sharp and clear. I enjoy seeing mountains from our living room everyday. Each day they look different, sometimes they are very powerful, sometimes fairytale-like, sometimes romantic. I have taken many photos of them.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas concert

It was Juliett's school Christmas concert this evening. They held it at the middle school in town.

We arrived 20 minutes before to the gym but it was full! I was quite surprised.
They didn't take entrance fee but they accepted food bank donations, so we brought cans and boxes of cereal there.

From Kindergarten to Grade 3, total 9 classes showed their singing and poems. Each classes did really well, they were very adorable. 

I went to the front to take photos of Juliett and her class when their turn came. They sang "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas" and "Silent Night" with some actions. That was really good. 

"I want a hippopotamus for Christmas" と "Silent Night" を歌ったジュリのクラス。声もしっかりでていて、振り付けもみんなちゃんと覚えていて上手にできました。(写真はサイレントナイトを歌ってる時。)
But the most I was impressed was seeing my daughter singing so happily in her class. She liked the songs very much and had been practicing singing them on the way from school and at home.

"I like my new school." " I had a great day today." She usually says so, but I sometimes notice that she has a hard time adjusting to new friends and also misses her old friends and school. So I knew that she is working really hard, much much harder than myself, she is also thinking hard and finding out good solutions. She is doing really well! I am proud of her and seeing her encourages myself, I need to start socializing again.   

We have been attending different schools Christmas concerts every year. It is interesting, but we might want to settle down, that was what we were talking on the way home.

Juliett told us that she was so nervous and her heart was thumping very quickly, I thought that was really new to hear from her. :)

- 24

-24 this morning. Juliett and I put scarves around our faces and walked to school. Not too bad!

I heard at weather news that they were going to have "green" Christmas at many places in Canada this year. But we will have white Christmas here for sure!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Earl Grey & Fig Tart

4 more days to holiday! This week has so much fun at Juliett's school.
They have a concert tomorrow, then gingerbread house making, then cookie making, and Christmas party! Juliett is very excited.

Juliett told us that Mr. Santa Claus visited her school today. Her class went to a room and there they had a fireplace and Mr.Santa was sitting by it. Each child was allowed to ask a question and Juliett asked him how Rudolph and other reindeer were doing and he said "They are very healthy, thank you!" . 


Col's school will be having a dance party this week too.
It sounds like everyone is having parties this time, TV shows show holiday party fashion, shiny dresses and shoes, but I don't have any parties.
I am having a regular life here, I did housework, made fish chowder and baked bread with raisin yeast for supper, I also baked the fig tart for dessert, I cleaned and changed gold fish water, I finished writing Christmas cards and sent them and now I am blogging peacefully. :)
Nothing exciting, nothing gorgeous, but I enjoy and appreciate my own quiet time. 
The Earl Grey & Fig tart was really delicious. That made my day!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

sledding by the frozen lake


As a parent who has a grade one daughter, I was really really sad and shocked and angry about the news. I don't understand why it had happened. 

I shared the news with Juliett carefully, she told me that she has practiced "lock down" at her school and so she knew what she should do when her teacher locked the classroom door. I was sad about that such young children needed to practice the situation. I wonder they do that in Japan.

It should not have happened, and it should never happen again.
I pray the children, parents, and teachers at the school.

It was Col's school teachers winter outdoor fun day today. We got together by a lake 20 minutes away from the town and people had fun sledding, ice fishing, and going for a walk with snow shoes on there.

Juliett loved sledding there, she did so many times with other children. Col and I did it too. It was not too cold or windy, we had a good time there, it was also very nice for me to meet his coworkers.

I don't know that they actually got fish or not, but I have never seen ice fishing before and so even seeing the holes on the ice lake was interesting to me. 

It had a nice stove in the hut and everyone brought their own lunch(mostly hotdog). Children who played outside came in with rosy cheeks and had cups of hot chocolate with marshmallows very happily.   

It was the first time for Juliett and me to meet the teachers, so I baked the cinnamon raisin ring bread and took it with us. I was glad that they enjoyed my bread there.

今日までに仕上げたミトンをつけて外遊びしました。今回挑戦したのは別冊家庭画報の「手編み時間 おでかけニットVol.3」からすぎやまともさんデザインの「小鳥のミトン」。
I made these mitts recently. I was looking forward to wearing them today because I thought these mitts would be great for winter outside fun. They were very warm and I was very happy with them.  

The birds are cute but I liked the squirrel design better, I would like to knit the one with thinner yarn in the future. I thought if I wear thin gloves under the mitts, that would make my hands very warm.

It was cloudy but we saw beautiful blue sky on the way home, we enjoyed outside activities. I thought we should do that more and we appreciate where we live. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

cute Christmas treats

"Peppermint Meringues with Chocolate Cream"
I have wanted to try making them since I saw them on Martha Stewart website. 
They are so pretty!

We didn't have peppermint extract, so these were just meringue but they were so delicious.
They are cute Christmas treats, I am going to make them again soon.



I made Leek and potato gratin for supper today. I have had leek before but it was the first time for me to buy and cook them. I think I had them quite a lot when I was in England. They were sweet after I baked them in the oven, we all liked them. :)