Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy 7th Birthday, Juliett!

Juliett became 7 years old today.
Very Happy Birthday, Juliett!
We are thankful for her great health and her wonderful growth.

Juliett reads so many chapter books and she knows lots of words I don't know, she learns social skills and relationships with friends at school. I often get good surprises by her knowledge, skills, and thoughts. Of course, sometimes(well, quite often) I get angry with her attitude or response. But everything is parts of her growth and I am happy to see her growing day by day.


After having a bath last night I dried her hair and told her that she was only 47cm and 3500g when she was born. She couldn't believe that how tiny she was, I also can't believe this 7 years made my daughter this big, happy, bright, funny, curious, and optimistic girl.     

She received many birthday wishes, e-mails, cards, and gifts. She is a lucky girl.
"Thank you very much to everyone!" from Juliet  :)

日本のじぃじ・ばぁばからはジュリが欲しいと願っていた電動鉛筆削り(こちらではほとんど見かけない)、ポケモンの、しかも削り度を調節できる優れ ものです。私の叔父・叔母からは叔父が選んでくれたと言うかわいいお洋服。カナダのパパ・ナナからはジュリの好きな石とか鉱物の本、実験の本、それに鉱物を掘り出せるキット、この秋に出張でウクライナに行ってきた家族友達からは すっごくかわいい(母さんが欲しい)マトリョーシカ!
An electric pencil sharpener, which Juliett has wanted for a long time, from Jiji and Baba, super cool science books and a crystal mining kit(she was so excited!) from Nana and Papa, cute outfits from my uncle and auntie, and our family friends who went to Ukraine recently gave Juliett the pretty Matryoshka!
Thank you so much!

We are planning to have a party with her friends on Sunday, so it wasn't a busy day today.
Col took us to a Chinese restaurant for Julie's birthday treat, so I didn't need to cook supper! :)
We don't eat out at all, we do eat at fast food restaurants when we go to GP for monthly shoppings but other than that, we don't eat out. So it was a real treat!
Juliett ordered wonton soup, large size. The waiter told her that large was very big for her, maybe too big for her, but she said she could eat it. In fact, she left some mushroom and baby corn but she ate almost all!

We sang "Happy Birthday Song" and ate cake at home. I baked marble chiffon cake. I made chocolate message, Juliett was so impressed by those hand writing chocolate decorations. ;)
I wonder what she wished for when she blew the candles.   

We gave her two chapter books she wanted and a book about spy/secret, and a sea creatures kit(grow own triops). We gave the gifts to her at the restaurant. She was so excited about reading/using the spy book! 

For this birthday, I had a secret gift for Juliett.
I knew that Juliett wanted to have a pink trench coat. She likes to be a detective and one of her favourite books is "Nancy Clancy". The book is about a girl, Nancy, who is a detective, solves some problems with her best friend. In the story, Nancy wears her pink trench coat and has a magnifying glass with rhinestones on and Juliett had wanted them.

If we lived in a city, it would be easy for me to get a pink coat, but we don't have stores around, I couldn't find one online either. When I a kind of gave up the idea, I remembered that once Juliett saw my old coat, she asked if she could have it in the future.
I took it out from my old clothes box, it was a pale pink coat. I decided to move buttons to make it tighter, and added some details (made a belt and a budge for the coat). I knew that the shoulder would be too big for her but she will be tall, as tall as me or taller than me in a few years, I decided not to cut or sew around the shoulder parts.
I also glued some fake rhinestones onto a magnifying glass and wrapped those for her present. :)   

お洋服なんて滅多に買わないので、本当はたまにはかわいいコートを買ってあげたかったんだけれど。。。 まぁ、ずっと押入れに眠っていたコート、こんな形で活躍できて嬉しいです。何よりジュリが喜んでくれているので良かったと思います。
She LOVED it! She wore it to school today.
We don't buy new clothes for Juliett so much, so I wanted to buy a nice coat for her birthday, but my old coat did a great job, I am glad that she is happy with it and I am also glad that my old coat get to be worn again, especially by my daughter!

I am very happy to see Juliett had a good birthday today. 
Her birthday was informed at the morning announce at her school today and lots of students/classmates and staff said "Happy birthday" to her. :)
I hope she will have a fantastic 7 years old. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Juliett's special scarf

Juliett's are so interested in "adventure", "detective", "spy", and "experiments". She is thinking about any one of them all the time, oh, if I add her one more favourite thing, that is "minecraft".
She receives her allowances. Every time she has a chance to go to $1 stores, she takes her free money and buys something for her "adventure" or those her interests. She bought a set of allows and a bow  before (at a dollar store), on Saturday she bought an eye dropper for her "experiments".

Juliett told me that she wanted to sew.
I was quite surprised by hearing that, because these days she has been so busy planning something for her "adventure" and she hasn't been interested in crafts.
She told me that she was a "nature princess" when she plays with her friends at recess.In the game, each kids has special skills/talents and powers, Juliett, the nature princess can cure animals and trees, flowers, and such. She thought that it would be so nice if she sewed some butterflies on her plain pink scarf, which she usually wears to school, for a nature princess.

She drew some butterflies on some pieces of felt and cut them out, then I drew lines for where to sew, and she sewed them on. I only helped making knots for thread ends and changing threads.

After sewing some, she told me that she thought she would cut butterflies out and she was going to ask me to sew them for her, but I told her that she could do it all by herself, so she tried. Then she could do it, and that made her feel really happy. :)

"How about putting some leaves? " " I think it would be so nice to have some flowers with the butterflies!" Lots of ideas came out and she was having fun.
"Look! Mommy! I cut this butterfly really nicely, it looks like a real butterfly, it will be my best!"  I love to see that she makes something very excitedly and happily.

She went to school wearing the scarf the other day, and her classmates said that it looked awesome, it was so cool that she could sew, and of course those words encouraged her a lot. She came home and add more butterflies. Now she has 10 butterflies, she is very happy with her scarf!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

mini Miss

It was a fun day at school today.
It was International Children's Day yesterday, so they had a monthly dress-up day as "children dress like teachers and teachers dress like children" day.

Juliett had been looking forward to the day so much because she loves her teacher. She often says, "Oh, I'm so lucky because my teacher is the best teacher in the whole world! Actually, all teachers at my school and my teachers in the past are all so AWESOME!" 

To dress like a teacher, she could have been any teachers, but of course, she decided to be like her teacher. Her teacher is young, beautiful, and very stylish. She usually has her black hair tied up and make a ball on top of her head, she wears knit tops or shawls, and skinny pants, usually black is her basic colour. :)   


Ta-da! It would be so fun if you all have seen Julie's teacher. Col and I thought it was perfect, Juliett was a mini Miss. I did her hair, the knit top is mine and she wore her black pants.

In her classroom, I saw 2 more mini Misses, they had black tops and had the same hair style with Juliett's. Some boys wore crisp dress shirts and dress pants, one boy very looked like mini Col, light blue shirt and black pants. :)  There were many mini-adults in the school and they were very cute. In the other hands, teachers were in colourful and casual outfits, I thought it would be hard to dress-up like children, they did a good job.

Anyway, children looked really happy and I was sure they felt special in unusual cloths. They were also asked to do some teacher jobs in the classroom and that made them feel so special too!
What a fun day!

I was very surprised by seeing school life in Canada the first few years, it seemed so(too) casual, comparing to what I had experienced in Japan when I was young. But seeing children enjoy their school lives so much, seeing Juliett loving her school, teachers and friends, I gradually thought it was all right,  what a wonderful thing that children think that school is a full of fun place.
I really enjoy volunteering at the school, I like my school life as well as Juliett.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

benefits of walking


It was cold this morning, -23C("feels like -30C" the weather forecast said).
Juliett and I walked to school. Juliett wanted to talk to me so many things on the way to school, soon her scarf, which covered her mouth and cheeks, got frost on it, so did her hair. But she kept talking. As soon as we left home, I felt inside of my nose started to freeze. 

I went home after volunteering at the school for 2 hours, it was still -21C.

Finally the sun started to shine and when I walked to school again to pick Juliett up, it was -18. Not too bad.

I saw something like a piece of rainbow, but it looked a bit different, I knew it was "sundog". I told Juliett about it and we decide to walk on the back alley home to see it.



When we arrived to the back alley, something moved in the trees. In a few seconds, Juliett and I saw two deer were jumping away from us. One had a big antler, the other was a doe.
I know that deer are common animals and not special in Canada, BUT I like them so much. They are so beautiful. I thought Juliett and I were very lucky that we walked home on such a cold day, we saw the beautiful deer couple. 

Two strong lights and the sun.  

We looked at the lights from our window after we got home.
The sun setting was a kind of interesting, the sun light looked like a candle fire.

Short walks, but we saw deer, and the sundog. Lucky us!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

borscht and felted mittens


We had a lot of snow this weekend. It is snowing again this evening.
To see the heavy snow outside, to feel the coldness through the window, I felt like listening to Mr. Buble, I know it is TOO early to listen to Christmas music, but... :)
It was a comfy time, sitting on the sofa, listening his songs and knitting, Juliett was drawing pictures next to me.  


I felt like making soup for supper.
We had lots of beets, so I decided to make Col's super favourite borscht.
He saw his co-worker brought her leftover borscht for her lunch and since the day he has asked me to make one.

I didn't see any borscht recipes in Jamie's books, so I searched on the Internet. I didn't like to have meet in the soup, so I saw several recipes and arranged to our own style with what we had.

It was really good, Col said that he could keep eating it if we didn't stop him,  he had 3 bowlfuls, I had 2 bowls, and Juliett had one bowl, she liked it and she had the pink soup all over her mouth!  

I baked some bread to go with the borscht. 
When I was taking the bread out from the oven, I thought that bread and borscht might not sound so special or luxury, but homemade soup with just baked homemade bread was a kind of happiness to me.

It has been very windy, I prefer a very cold day without wind to a not too cold but very windy day. My hand knitted alpaca gloves are warm, especially when I wear them under wool mittens. But on a very windy day it is different, cold wind hit my fingers through the yarn. 

でも、ごっつい黒い雪かき用のウォータープルーフ手袋をつけたくなくて、でもでもおしゃれとか格好とか本気で寒い時に言ってられないし。。。 と思ってました。皮の手袋もあるけれど、こんなにいろいろ編んできたから自分で編んだものを身につけたい。
Maybe I should wear my waterproof ski mitts or leather gloves for a cold day. But I have knitted many gloves and mitts and I love them, I want to wear something I made. I was looking for an idea to improve the protection from coldness and wind.
Then when I was making some Christmas gifts for friends, I got an idea!


(追記 編み図は以前にも編んだことのある好きな模様、雄鶏社「冬空にあうニット小物」から三國万里子さんのミトン)
I knitted a huge mitten and then I felted it in hot soapy water. I really wanted to see how it went. I knitted with 2 colour yarns so it turned out quite thick.

I could use the washing machine that we share with downstairs people, but I was a bit hesitated to do it because it isn't ours.
I am also curious to touch, feel, and see the yarn turning to felt little by little. But doing it by hand with hot soapy water is a lot of work, my palm skin peeled and my hands hurt. I knew that the left one was a bit bigger than the right one but I couldn't do it any more.


They are really thick and warm. They don't have stretchiness or flexibilities so much though.
I am glad that my experiment went well. It sounds it will be cold whole this week, I will wear them over the alpaca gloves and see how they work.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

七五三 (Shichi-Go-Sun, Japanese traditional ceremony)

My mom just sent me an e-mail and she was letting me know that it was Shichi-Go-Sun in Japan today. I have forgotten about it. (I shouldn't have.)

When we went to Japan in March and April, my parents took us to a photo studio and it was quite early but Juliett wore a special kimono and she was taken some photos there.

Shichi is seven, Go is five, and Sun/San is three.
In Japan, boys who are 3 and 5 years old, girls who are 3 and 7 years old, dress up in traditional kimono and go to a local shrine with their family to pray for their happiness and health on November 15th. Juliett, my mom and I went to Mishima Shrine when we were in Japan.
Juliett in kimono when she was 3 years old, click here.
Mishima Shrine in my hometown, click here.

There were so many beautiful kimonos at the studio(this time Juliett didn't wear our family kimono, we rented it at the studio). Juliett chose this black one, she really liked the beautiful cherry blossoms and embroidered balls.

She also chose this traditional hair style, I thought it was great that they didn't use a wig but did with her hair. Juliett was happy to be done some make-up.

Juliett will be seven years old soon.
We are thankful for her great health. She is always very happy, so positive, very curious, a keen learner, she has fantastic imagination, and she has lots of friends.
She is so proud of herself as a Japanese-Canadian and I really like that.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

hat, hat, hat.

I made three hats this week.

The first one,
I was so excited receiving a knitting pattern book I ordered at Amazon. jp. I thought I could start with something easy but has interesting stitches I haven't done before, so I started making a hat from this book by my favourite knitting designer, Mariko Mikuni. 

でも、最後まで編んだら何気にかわいいかも、変わりゴム編みとやったことのなかった雲と山のステッチをやると言う目標(このステッチはすごく簡単でした)でやっているから最後まで編み上げよう、と、励ましつつ、2色で1模様編んだ時点で、これは本当に変な組み合わせにしてしまった、なんと ugly な帽子を編んでいるんだ、と思いながらすごい色の組み合わせのパワーにくらっくらしながら編みました。
The sample hat in the book was made with light blue and white. The triangles are supposed to be snowy Mt. Fuji and the blue is the sky. But I didn't have those colours or right thickness of yarn. But I really wanted to try new stitches, so I started making with the granny smith colour, bright yellow green and I really don't know why but I chose raspberry colour for mountains. I felt like that colour at that moment, I guess.
But soon I realized that what an ugly colour combination I chose, I thought if I should stop and undone many many times actually, but I kept knitting. 

It looks like a poisonous thistle or something. :(

Usually Col doesn't care what I am knitting but when he saw me knitting this hat, he said, "That is ...very ugly. It looks like a monster hat or something, the colours are really bad."
I totally agree!

When I finished knitting, we all looked at the hat.
"I think nobody want to wear this ugly hat. It looks like it has monster scales or something."
Juliett tried to cheer me up and said that we could use for Halloween someday. ;)

But I don't want you to misunderstand. The pattern is really cute, it was my fault that made it very ugly. So I made another one with my favourite colours, oatmeal, cream and mustard.

:) very cute!

I used the same knitting needles but the yarn thickness and sizes were a bit different and they look very different. Colours are important, they give different impression depend on what colours I use.

There are lots of interesting patterns and stitches in the book.
I am looking forward to knitting new projects, something big. 

The last hat is for Col.
This is the third hat for him.
I made a green one when I learned how to knit. He really likes it and he has kept using it since then, so the hat looks very tired and worn out. It reminds me Linus's blanket.
I made a brown one in March, but he prefers to using the green one.  

I made him mittens and he wears them everyday, so I made the hat that matches to the mittens.
He said that he liked this gray one better than the brown one, so I hope he will wear it sometimes. 

Juliett wears the hat everyday, she loves it.
This morning, she decided to wear the gloves I made (in the photo she is wearing Hello Kitty's).
So, Col, Juliett, and I, all of us wear my hand knitted gloves(mitts) and hats!
I think that is fantastic!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

"Squash & Spinach pasta rotolo"

Cooking with Jamie
From "SAVE with JAMIE" by Jamie Oliver
p34, p35 'Squash & Spinach pasta rotolo'

I think there is a person who likes British chefs or Jamie Oliver at our town library. The cooking book part isn't that big at the library but they have Jamie's ALL books and they also have some Nigella Lawson and Gordon Lamsay's books. I was surprised when I found that they have already had Jamie's newest book which was published in September. Of course I borrowed it. ;)

9月頃に発売されたばかりの "SAVE with JAMIE" がもう棚に並んでいたのはびっくり。早速借りました。
"SAVE with JAMIE". I have seen some shows on internet, it is quite interesting because he shows how much it cost to make it and also how many calories for each portions, even end of the book has nutritional information. He uses frozen vegetables, he show how to cook leftovers(from big roast meat). I thought some of his recipes in the book were still expensive for us but I am very interested in trying some from the book.

This "Squash & Spinach pasta rotolo" uses frozen spinach, which is very nice, because we sometimes (especially in winter) can't get many kinds of fresh vegetables in town. 

本当は生のパスタシートと言うものを使うらしいのだけれどないので、ラザニア用パスタをゆでて使いました。あと、passata と言うものが材料にあって、パスタ関係か?と思っていたらトマトソース。これもないので、家にあったホールトマトの缶詰を煮てソースを作りました。
I didn't have fresh pasta sheet, so I boiled lasagna sheet and used them. I also didn't have "passata", so I made tomato sauce. Those gave me some extra work.

It was fun to roll vegetables and put them in the pan. I thought it would be very nice looking if I had some pasta sheets. Even with lasagna sheets,it looked really delicious and colourful.

It was REALLY good!

Col soon said "I like it!" after he had some spoonfuls.
I love it too! Sourness from the tomato sauce, saltiness from the cheese, and sweetness and interesting texture from the mushed roasted squash.

I am very sure that I will make this again and again this winter. Juliett liked it too.


I cooked apples with some sugar, butter, and ram and eat with vanilla ice cream with cinnamon.
That reminded me the cafe I used to go so often when I was a high school and university student. The cafe restaurant "Newton" near our local train station had delicious crepe, "crepe Normand" was my favourite. It had sauteed apple and vanilla ice cream with custard sauce, I think. I loved it so much and I went there to have it so many times.   

The cafe is gone now, which is sad. It was really a good cafe restaurant, they served good meals too.
I have to learn how to make nice crepe and I will make my own "crape Normand" at home!

Monday, November 11, 2013

beautiful views from the highway

We went to GP yesterday for shopping, we wanted to prepare things for Juliett's birthday party end of this month.

Usually snow plow machines run on the highway around 8:00, so we waited till 8:30 then headed to GP.

We live in the area that is covered with snow for about half a year. But, still, I get so excited to see the fresh and new snow on the mountains. Beautiful!

It wasn't that cold in our town, but it got much colder when we were getting close to GP. The trees were frozen. It was a fantastic view! Like Winter wonderland!

Usually we spend 7 hours(10 to 17) in GP.  Michaels, Winners, Costco, PetSmart, thrift stores,Superstore, London drugs, lunch somewhere and the library. Very busy, and sometimes it is very frustrating when I planned to buy something specific and can't find it.
At the library we usually borrow about 50 books(mostly for Juliett, or I read for Juliett). At the end of the shopping trip, our car trunk is always full.  

I needed a cup of coffee before heading home. It was a long day.


Driving back home in winter time is scary because there aren't many lights for the highway. But the moon was very bright last night and the moonlight reflected to the snow on the ground, the road was quite bright.

However lots of big tracks coming back from work and their lights hit our eyes which we didn't like. It was really hard to drive.
Tiredness and the strong and too bright lights made me have a migraine. 

With migraine, I wasn't able to enjoy conversation or music in the car,  I just wished that we got home very soon and I leaned to the window and looked up the sky, then I saw thousands of stars in the sky! It was like we were driving under the planetarium. So beautiful, I couldn't leave my eyes from the view. Juliett tried to count the stars, but she gave up around 145. It was so lovely, and very peaceful.

Big, big thanks to Col who drove 4 hours highway safe for us.
I made Thai green curry for him(and myself), the spiciness was very good for our hungry and tired bodies.

Saturday, November 09, 2013

where is the beaver?


We had more snow from last night to this morning.
We were planning to go to GP today but because of the snow we decided to cancel the trip. 
Instead of the trip, we went to the neighbor river to walk around( to see if there were beavers).


夏の様子はこちらHere is the post about the beaver dam in summer.

In summer time, Juliett and I enjoyed collecting interesting stones by the river, but all the stones on the riverbank were covered with snow. It was a bit hard to walk on it.

Oh, no! No water in the beaver dam!
Where did the beaver(s) go?

The main river's water level was much lower than last time we visited, the stream to the beaver dam  was empty and there was no water in the beaver dam.

But we found this chewing print, it looked quite new, we wondered if there were beavers still around.


So, we walked by the empty dam. We realized that it was quite deep.
No sigh of beavers.

We saw many deer foot prints. This was a cool one, it is hard to tell with this photo but we saw big/deep foot prints at the edge of the dam and next ones were the other side of the dam. They can jump over the dam, I imagined that beautiful deer doing it, I thought that was amazing.

Well, the beaver(s) went somewhere. I hope they could find a nice and safe place for a long winter.

The river surface was started to ice.
It looked very wintery with the snow.



It takes only 3 minutes to the entrance of our town, but we saw an elk and a coyote on the way home.