Monday, March 31, 2014

early Spring walk

We saw those beautiful jewels in nature today.

We had lots of snow on the weekend, but today it stopped snowing and we had a beautiful sunny day.
Juliett and I went for a walk with our friends.


We walked to the labyrinth but it was covered with snow. The snow was very sticky and great for making snowmen, we all made snow creatures with lots of fun!

We walked in woods. There were many icicles hanging from pine needle trees, they were great snack for us.

It was such a refreshing and beautiful fun walk, we felt Spring is definitely coming. :)

Saturday, March 29, 2014

learning about nature / owl pellets

What I am really thankful for living in mountains is we can learn lots from nature. In Japan, I wasn't a person who was interested in science so much, I liked flowers and walking in nature but I didn't have feeling that I wanted to know or learn more about it.  

When I met Col 12 years ago, I thought he was like a dictionary, he knew everything, he answered to all my questions(he never said 'google it' at that time :) ). When we went to a zoo and I was looking at flamingos and I was thinking how beautiful their colours were. Then he said, "by the way, do you know why they are pink?".
To me, it was a totally new question, I had never thought WHY they were pink, I had not even thought/cared/wondered about that kind of things. He told me that their food's colours effected flamingos feather colours and that impressed me so much. 

Now we live so close to nature and Juliett is interested in it too. I am so lucky to have a chance to learn things with my daughter. I think I have learned A LOT since I was surprised by the reason of the flamingo colour. :)    

I had a trauma with tons of seagulls in N.Y. and since that I disliked birds, especially I was so scared seeing bird's breast and stomach(flying over my head). But we saw Robins building their nest in Col's parents' yard, we saw a wood pecker pecking our rent house in the village, and we hear owls, we saw cool birds, those experiences erased my bad memory and I started liking birds again.

When we did a mountain hiking last summer, Col stopped on the way and he poked something on the ground, we asked what he was doing and he told us that he thought it might be an 'owl pellet'.
"What is a pellet?" that was Juliett and my question. He explained about it and since then we started looking for it when we hiked or walked on trails. 


We found some suspicious ones but we didn't have any luck. When we visited 'Birds of Prey Centre' last summer, I saw it there but we didn't find any by ourselves in nature.

Then, we received a gift from our scientists family friends. When Juliett opened the gift and found out that was a kit of a barn owl pellet, we were SO excited.


主人は大学やボーイスカウトで過去に何回かやったことがあるらしいので、主人監修の下、解体開始。 (注意:ここから下、解体結果の写真を載せています。)
Col told us that he has done it some times before(boy scouts, and at university), so he was a supervisor, Juliett and I did the job.
(warning : I will show some photos of the pellet and the things in the pellet below. )

You can see its size comparing to Juliett's hand.
We started opening it carefully with the tweezers and sticks. Soon we found a skull with many small teeth. COOL!

We looked at the leaflet and we thought that we found 3 voles skeletons.

It was a lot of fun, we so concentrated and enjoyed taking small pieces out. I do not like blood and I can not do surgeries, but this was dry, it was more like digging dinosaur's bones and I liked it. 

Our friend told that they got two different owls pellets, and they found very different things from them, lots of insects parts, and fur and skulls. 

My other friend in town saw an owl when she was walking on a trail, I was so excited when I heard about it. We learned about owl pellets, and there are definitely owls outside of this town, I am so looking forward to walking in Spring and Summer and hopefully seeing one in real life!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

a cold morning

We saw diamond dust this morning on the way to school. You know, we are so tired of winter but it was beautiful. 5 more days to April, but it is still -16C. 

and...2 more days to Spring Break!
I sent Julie and Col some bagels for their lunch.That will make them happy at their lunch time!

Monday, March 24, 2014

a week before the Spring break


One of my favourite colours.
When I saw this colour on a catalogue, I couldn't help ordering some. I don't have any particular projects I would like to make right now but I feel happiness when I see this yarn, so I am knitting 'something' I even don't know with the yarn. What a beautiful colour, anyways.

I have many yarn in my yarn baskets, but waiting Spring feeling discourages my knitting motivation. I don't want to knit something winter-ish. The outside view from our window is still very white and the temperature is still below zero, I wonder if Spring and Summer are really coming. :(

Well, even we still have snow, our Spring break will start on Saturday. "One more week to go!" "3.5 days to go!" my role is supporting and encouraging Juliett and Col. To have a happy week before the break, I baked muffins for their snack, and I make their favourite meals for dinners.  

Juliett's swimming class is over. She started learning Japanese again. 

Listening to her home reading is quite big homework to me too, each book has about 30 pages. It was about 'camouflage' today. I saw words I didn't know in it, and we learned interesting facts about animals from the book. Did you know that octopuses can change their colour and also their skin texture(smooth to bumpy when they are on a bumpy rock) to camouflage themselves?   

Talking about reading, Juliett is so into "Geronimo Stilton" series now. We have been borrowing many books from the library and she has been reading them every night. The stories have secret codes, maps, riddles and jokes, and all coloured, I understand why she loves those books. 

She still likes to be a spy or a detective. On the weekend, she dressed up like this and spied me... :) I thought Cutie was cute with those sunglasses. 

Well, 3.5 days to go!
I am looking forward to the Spring break very much too!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

the first day of...Spring?

We had snow AGAIN this morning... it is supposed to be the first day of Spring today. :(
We watched news said that a bear was spotted in Banff, maybe animals are feeling the same, waiting for spring so much. 

I baked chocolate marble cheese cake last night. Very good with a cup of coffee!

I would like to believe that it will be warmer next week and a beautiful Spring season will arrive very soon.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

wear green day

It was St. Patrick's Day yesterday. Juliett wore her (yellow)green clothes to school. I know that we have 'wear green' day every year but I always forget and I notice that we don't have any 'green' clothes for Juliett. Maybe next time I see something nice and green, I will buy it and then we don't need to spend time looking through her closet. :)

She told me that they learned about Ireland, which is really nice. They learned about Russia because they had the Olympics, I thing it is very good for them to have chances to learn about other countries, and cultures.

Talking about the Olympics, Juliett and I watched the Paralympics opening/closing ceremonies on TV too. We really enjoyed their beautiful show.

I look forward to the Olympics in Tokyo in 2020. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

shopping trip

We went to GP yesterday. Since our car slipped on the icy road and went into the other side of ditch on the highway in December, we haven't driven the road. We are now much more careful with weather and road conditions. 

We have been buying food and things at the supermarket in town. They have good vegetables, they have basic items, so it has been OK. But I found that coffee, meat, rice, and fish were very pricey. It is nice for us to go to GP to buy specific kinds of rice(I am quite picky about it because rice is our main diet) and coffee. 

It is also so nice for us to be able to shop/look at other stores for fun.
I found those bowls at Winners, I liked the rabbits and style. Also the label said that it was designed and also made in England. I bought 4 green smaller bowls(I wanted black but they didn't have any) for cereal and a bigger one. I saw some flat plates too and now I regret that I didn't buy them.... but I was happy to do that kind of fun shopping a bit. 

When I got home, I typed in the label's name and looked up Internet, "Carly Dodsley", I found that they make those pottery in Stoke-On-Trent. That is one of my favourite places in England, where they also have so many pottery factories include our favourite Emma Bridgewater. :) 

Juliett bought 2 colours Rainbow Loom bands packages, and a notebook. She was so amazed by looking at the colour variation at Michaels, I was at their yarn area but I heard Juliett saying "WOW!" when she walked up to the shelf(far away from the yarn area). She was looking for a nice notebook and she was very happy when she spotted this pink flower patterned one. 


We borrowed lots of books from the big library, Col got his hair cut and he bought gas bottles for his Soda Stream, I bought another Harry Potter book for $1 at a thrift store. We all said "they have EVERYTHING in city!" with surprised and amazed feeling. To us, Edmonton and Calgary are so different and they might as well be in a different 'world'.

3年前に都会から北に越して来た時にはGPを見て「なんて小さな街。。。キャラクターも何もないつまらない街だ。」と、がっくりしたのを覚えています。 それから更に山の中に越して、そこの生活に慣れると感覚も随分変わってくるものですね。GPが本当に大きな街に見えました。必要なものが必要な時に揃うことってすごい。
カルガリーやエドモントンなんて、もう私たちには別世界にしか見えません。 (苦笑) 私、日本から越してきた時、カルガリーはさえない街だ(失礼)と思ったのに。。。 環境の変化で感じ方がこうも変わる、主人とその変化にびっくりしてます。
I remember when we moved to the north 3 years ago, I was disappointed to see GP, I thought it was such a small city with no character. But now we are in the middle of mountains where we cannot get things easily and now I think GP is such a big city where you can get all things you need. :) The circumstance changes how you think/feel very differently.
We bought luxury things(coffee, rice, fish, ...) in the city, we will be OK for a while again.   

Friday, March 14, 2014

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

It's Col's birthday today.
Juliett and I woke up a little earlier than usual and woke him up with loud birthday cheer. ;)

Juliett has been waiting for today for a long time, so she was very happy today.

と言っても、何か大きなことを準備していたわけではないけれど、ジュリと「ダディが帰ってくる前にケーキとクッキーを用意して、玄関のドアが開いたらサプライズパーティーしてあげようね」と、企画していたので、 なんだか私もウキウキしてました。
Well, we didn't plan anything big, but Juliett and I were planning to prepare a birthday party for him. He already bought for him a gift what he has wanted to get, "Soda Stream" as his very early birthday gift. So, he didn't expected anything extra.We thought he would be surprised if he sees a cake and gifts for him when he came back home from work. :)


We decided the party theme was his favourite soccer team, Manchester City.
While Juliett was at school this morning, I cooked dinner, baked and decorated cake, and made cookie dough. Juliett and I baked cookies and decorated with colourful icing this early afternoon.

Juliett made a beautiful card. She made Manchester City colour bracelet for him too. She also prepared some special small gifts. I was glad to see she was very happy to plan to make her dad happy.  


ほかにも細かいものをいくつか渡していました。ひとつひとつ説明をカードに書いていて、 ジュリが工夫して自分で準備したプレゼント、とっても特別で良かったです。
She was very excited to see him opening her gift. 

Col told us that he would be home around 5 or 6 when he left home, so we were a kind of preparing slowly, so when we heard that the door open at 3:30, we were surprised.... it was a surprise not for him but for us.

He also received cards and gifts from his parents and my parents. 

I had a good idea for his gift this time. I thought I could knit him a "Manchester City" colour scarf. 

But where could I get yarn for it?
Luckily, my friend told me about online yarn shop in the U.S., "Knitpicks". I ordered some yarn and received on Monday afternoon. Since the night, I had been knitting madly to make 150cm scarf.

I had never knit a scarf before. I made it very simple, so it wasn't difficult at all but as I knit, it got heavier and I was so in hurry, my hands were so tired. It took me 2.5 days.

主人はジュリと本場英国のスタジアムで試合観戦するのがいつかの夢なので、そんな時がほんとに来るのなら、ジュリにもお揃いでマフラー作ってあげようと思います。もちろん、彼らがサッカー観戦中の間、私はロンドンのマーケットめぐり。。。♪ あぁ、いつか叶いますように!
I think he liked it. He wants to go to watch a game at a stadium(in England) with Juliett someday. I will make one for Juliett, so they can be a match. ;) While they are having fun watching soccer game, I will do shopping at markets in London! That's our dream. ahhhh... I miss England A LOT. 

Oops, why am I writing about my wish on Col's birthday..?  ;)
Of course, I wrote a very nice card for him too with much love and thanks.

Happy Birthday, Col!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

these days..


I have been a bit busier than usual. I will write about what has made me busy this weekend. :)

Have a good week.

Friday, March 07, 2014


I received this book from my sister-in-law for my birthday.
When I saw this book cover, I thought I have seen this kind of book. Soon I noticed the author, Hisako Ogita, was Japanese and I have actually seen her "I LOVE Macarons" book in Japanese when I was in Japan.(the cover is a bit different though).

I used to practice making macarons a lot, but since we moved to this townhouse I haven't made any.
Because the oven in this kitchen is VERY old, I can't set the temperature exactly. Macaroons are very delicate sweets and I thought I couldn't make them with this oven. 

But since I received this pretty book, I have kind of wanted to try making them again.
So I finally made some this morning. The process and recipe were very similar to what I have done in the past but I noticed that the mixture dried very quickly, much quicker than in the last kitchen. I guess this place is much drier than there...

I was surprised by seeing the macarons after 15 minutes baking in the oven, maybe the heat was too high, they were supposed to be cream colour but they were more brownish. So I turned the temperature much lower and did the second batch.

They turned out much better, good moisture inside and good looking outside. ;)

I was glad to know that I could make macarons with the old oven if I set the temperature lower.
There more things I need to improve to make macarons, I will do more practices.

I put some red bean paste in between the macaroons(meringue? maybe people call two meringue with cream = macaroon). I made this red bean paste this morning too. 

I made these Japanese sweets a few days ago and used all red bean paste I bought in City. So I made the paste by myself.
This is one of my most favourite Japanese sweets, Ichigo(strawberry) Daifuku(mochi with fillings inside). I covered red bean paste over a strawberry and covered it with mochi. They didn't look beautiful as they were supposed to be but they tasted awesome. 

Col's birthday is coming next week, I think I will bake something for his special day. :)

Thursday, March 06, 2014

to Meru

I received an e-mail from my uncle this morning, it said that their dog, Meru, died yesterday.

Everytime we Skyped them, my uncle brought Meru to in front of their computer screen and showed her to us, Juliett loved calling her and she barked so loud. :) 

I knew that Meru was getting old but I was surprised by receiving the mail today, I told Col and Julie about it. As soon as she heard the sad news, she got tears in her eyes.

Juliett says "she loves dogs", but there aren't so many dogs she can actually pat/touch without scared/nervous feeling. She loves her stuffy 'Cutie', she likes our relatives' pet dogs, and our good friends' dog. Meru was one of the dogs Juliett could play with confidence and fun.  

Meru was such a special dog for my uncle and aunt who don't have any children. I am sure they had wonderful 14 years with her. When I remember the time we spent fun with her together, I get tears too, I liked her very much too.
I looked through old photos of Meru with Juliett, so I decided to put those photos on my post today with my love to her.  She was a beautiful Pembroke Welsh Corgi.


Monday, March 03, 2014

Hina Matsuri / weekend

It is "Hinamatsuri", Girls'(Dolls) Festival, in Japan today.
We thanked to Juliett's prince and princess dolls for Juliett in great health, wonderful growth, and being always happy.

Sadly we can't get ingredients in town for traditional Japanese meal for this special day.
I made a meringue cake. Juliett was very happy to see baked meringue when she came home from school.


Juliett was invited to her close friend's birthday party on Saturday.
She chose this outfit(her Nana got the beautiful dress for Christmas) for to celebrate her good friend's special day. Very party-like looks! She was happy with the dress and sounded like she had a really fun party.

We went for a walk yesterday to our(my) favourite hill.
We were planning to go for a long walk, but just before we left home I checked the temperature just in case, and it said "-21C feels like -30C". Too cold for a long walk. So, we changed our plan to a short walk.

We didn't know that about 10 deer were having their lunch time on the hill, we surprised them and they left... I felt bad that we disturbed their peaceful time.

It WAS very cold with wind, but having the gorgeous sunshine was such a treat.
Col and Julie sat down and enjoyed the view.

We saw 3 or 4 little squirrels playing in trees on the way back, we watched them for a while. They were so adorable.

太陽が出てなくて、風もあるので(体感気温はマイナス28℃)、登校時も下校時もものすごく寒かったです。「寒いね、顔が凍っちゃうね」と言いながらジュリと手をつないで励ましながら学校に向かって歩いていたら、後ろから「プップカプー!」って元気な車のホーンの音。「なんだ!?」と2人で道路を見たら、学校の先生がニコニコ手を振りながら「頑張れ、頑張れ!」ってゆっくり通り過ぎていきました。そしたらジュリも私も笑顔になって、ジュリなんて急に元気が出て学校までぐんぐん歩いた。(笑) 学校の先生たちのことが大好きなジュリに嬉しいサプライズでした。

It's March, but it was again very cold with wind today.
We are looking forward to seeing some signs for Spring.
