Saturday, September 29, 2012

neon day!

We received a note from Juliett's teacher on Wednesday, it was in a white envelop and said "to Mr. and Mrs. OOO ", I was nervous when I opened it and I worried if Juliett already had done some bad problem at school....  But it said...

「明日の全校集会でジュリエットが私のクラスの「Student of the month(今月頑張った生徒)」として表彰されます。ぜひ体育館に見に来てください。そしてこれはジュリエットにはサプライズにしたいのでよろしく。 」
"Juliett is my student of the month for September. She will receive her award at assembly tomorrow, I hope you will be able to attend."

Wow! That's exciting! It also said that it was a surprise for Juliett, so we kept it secret.

The school assembly has "theme dress up" every month, and it was "neon" day the day.
I hadn't known about the theme dress up until the day before the assembly and "neon" is quite unusual colour to us, Juliett and I looked for her clothes but didn't see any.

Juliett brought some hi-liters and told me that her teacher told children to wear those colour clothes for the assembly....  She always thinks that what teachers say is super right.

I almost gave up, and I looked though my fabric box just in case and there I found some pairs of colourful socks that I received every time I flew by Virgin Atlantic to England.I had been there many times until I married, so I had lots of colourful goods(amenity), such as eye masks, note pads, ear plugs, I got from the airline. I liked their design a lot that's why I kept them(without using in planes) .

The yellow green socks matched to Juliett's hi-liter perfectly and she was very happy about that. So I sewed two ribbons for her hair.



At the assembly I saw lots of children and teachers wearing neon colours! So bright!

The principal called each "student of the month" and read messages from their homeroom teachers. Juliett was so surprised when her name was called and she was so excited, she jumped up and danced to the principal, she was so cute!

She received the award and was taken many photos with other students of the month. She looked so happy!

"I love the way that you are always read to learn new things, You are very friendly and a wonderful classroom citizen. ......." the message from her teacher said. I was very impressed even I knew that every child would take turn to receive some awards or special encouragement from teachers.
At home, she opened the award envelop she received at the assembly.
In it, there were a special pencil and a $5 bill.
"Really?"  That was what Col and I said when we saw it. 

I think children are very happy without money. I don't know why they gave it.
I think if they want to give children something, it would be great that they give something children can use at school(I think the pencil is good enough) or maybe a reading book instead of $5 bill.

Anyways, it was a fun assembly.
Next assembly is on Halloween. Juliett's costume is already ready!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

yellow, mustard, orange, and gold

Kabocha. I love Japanese pumpkins.
We can buy Kabocha in Canada but it is a bit different to me. It's difficult to explain... but I think it should be less watery and it has more like roasted chestnut texture and more orange colour. 
But I appreciate that we can buy "Kabocha" in Canada though.

This Kabocha was quite orange inside and when I cut it in half to see the colour, I was quite excited. I made soup. I also made "honey roasted chicken" and salad, and baked some bread. It was a nice dinner. Juliett liked the soup and I was happy about that. I liked it too.

I found that my camera has interesting functions I had never tried.
I took the photo above with "diorama" look. Fun!

When I cut the pumpkin and saw inside it, I have cooked pumpkins many many times and have seen them a lot, but it looked interesting to me yesterday. So I carved a small stamp. 

I am knitting a blanket for myself. I bought the mustard yarn 4 years ago in Calgary. I really like the colour and wanted to use it for something( I didn't knit at that time, I was thinking to use it for wrapping gifts or some crafts). The colour is very very nice, but the yarn itself is so hard(tough)! Col said that it might be for carpet. I don't know, it feels like jute. So I didn't know what to knit with it. I don't want a hard scarf or mitts or a toque! 

I decided to knit it a bit for some accents for my blanket, maybe for the top a bit and the bottom. It was so hard and made my fingers rough. But I love the colour! Every time I knit my blanket, I feel good.
I still wonder what this yarn for. 

I enjoy walking on this sidewalk every day to pick Juliett up. Golden carpet!
Juliett made a game which is not stepping on any leaves...... it is so hard and takes a long time to get home. :)

I saw interesting fog that was very low just above trees.  It was like a cotton blanket over the field.

I also saw another golden view from the other side of the hill.
There were lots of spider webs and they had dew on them. The sunshine made them shine so beautifully and to see them made me smile.

秋。いいな。 冬がくるのはもうちょっと待っていて欲しいな。
I like fall. Hope we will have a mild and long fall.

Monday, September 24, 2012

weekend at home

Juliett's high fever has gone, but she still has runny nose and coughs.
So we had a quiet weekend at home. (She went to school today.)

Juliett's friend told her that if she catches a fallen leaf before it lands to the ground, something lucky happens to her. She decided to stay under a tree and waited to catch a leaf..... it was not that easy. Waited, waited, she didn't get any, then she started blowing some leaves(what a cheating!) but it didn't work. :)


She made this "Arrietty's room" on the weekend. We finally borrowed "The secret world of Arrietty" DVD at the library and Juliett loved it, I knew she would.

She likes to collect things such as sticks, rocks, drink bottle tops, wrapping papers,beads, ... and she was very happy that it was the time to use them for making the room. She made the bed, put some scrapbooking paper as wall paper. In the movie, Arrietty's family hang some stamps as art, so did Julie. She spent a long time making this room. 

She said that Poly Pocket is the perfect size for Arrietty. To see her excitement, I wanted to help a bit, so I made the dress for her, and she put one of my marking pins on the side of the doll's waist.

I put the doll on a plant pot today like that(the photo). Juliett came from school and she was so excited when she found Arrietty there! She said. "Mommy, Arrietty is borrowing something right now, let's pretend not to notice her!". Cute!
Juliett wasn't so interested in Studio Ghibli movies so much (she loves "Howl's moving castle".) But after watching "Arrietty", she started borrowing more movies by Studio Ghibli.

She found that "My neighbor Totoro" was so much fun to see. She watched it many times in English and also in Japanese that I liked, and drew these two pictures. "Totoro" and "Satsuki"

I think her drawing is getting better. She see details more and tries to draw them. 

ジュリにクッキーを作ろうと誘って、ずっと作ってみたかったけれど手間がかかりそうでなかなか作れなかったパンダクッキー に挑戦。これはずっと昔の「天然生活」を切り取って持ってきたレシピ。
Juliett and I decided to make some cute panda cookies that I found from my old scrap recipe book from Japan. 

They supposed to look cute like in the picture above. But, it was so complicated and a lot of work to make such cookies! The dough was too dry to make long sticks (5mm in diameter) for eyes and ears.
And because of my laziness, they turned out ugly pandas & bears. Juliett even said that they looked quite scared and good for Halloween. :( 

Poor looking pandas and bears.... Happy Halloween!
They tasted good, so it was OK. But I won't make them again, it was really a lot of work and I don't know I enjoyed making them or not. I do love baking/making bread much more!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

baby cousin!




We had been looking forward to hearing this wonderful news!
My brother and sister-in-law just had a baby boy!
On the same day as my brother's birthday!!!
Father and his son, the same birthday!!!
Congratulations to the new family! We are so happy.

He is the first cousin for Juliett. she is so excited and had been looking forward to being a big cousin.
And I am an auntie! and Col is an uncle!
It sounds a bit ticklish to me, it takes some time to get used to be called "Auntie Eriko" :) .

I had been knitting this blanket for him.
Thinking about a new born baby made me feel so peaceful and happy, I had a good time knitting it very much. We will send it very soon.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Terry Fox Run

It was Terry Fox Run at Juliett's school today.



寄付金募集の用紙(ジュリのパパとナナがジュリが走ると聞いてお金を寄付してくれました、私も自分のお小遣いからジュリを応援。)と共に、「私たちの身近に必ず一人は癌と戦っている方、癌を乗り越えた方、癌と共に生きている方、そして癌で命を落とされた方がいると思います。今年は生徒それぞれが 「私はこの人のために走る」というメッセージを胸につけて走ろうということになりました。ご家族で話し合い、誰のために走るのか決めてください。」というお手紙が来て、ジュリと話をして、日本で勇敢に癌と戦いながら毎日をとても美しく生きている私たちの大切な方のお名前を書こうということになりました。ジュリは頑張って歩いて彼女を応援するんだと、毎日の練習も張り切ってました。
All children run/walk 5km in the village. Grade one children had been practicing walking at their gym time these days, Juliett had been looking forward to joining the event.
We received a letter with a sheet for pledge, the letter said that children wore stickers which said "I am running for ... ", so they wanted us to talk and choose who Juliett wanted to run/walk for.
We decided to write our friend's name who is fighting cancer very bravely in Japan. 

But, Juliett had a high fever last night, and she still had 37.3 this morning. So she was absent from school today. She really wanted to walk, she took some medicine, she felt much better after lunch and her temperature went back to normal(because of Advil), we decided to let her join the run(which started at 2:00).


Parents were welcome to join too, so I joined. I was quite surprised to see the numbers of the children(grade 1 to 6) standing in front of the school. they had quite a lot of children there.
Her teacher welcomed Julie and put Terry Fox tatoo on her hand, and put the sticker on her T-shirt. 

Bigger grade children ran when it started, we followed the other Grade one class. We walked up the hill, it was 26℃, so hot, lots of children were already tired when we arrived at the top of the hill. 5km for 5 or 6 years old children was quite hard!
We walked all around the village. Going down the hill was better and we felt good breeze. It took more than an hour to walk 5 km with the young children. I thought that all the children did really really really well. I did too!

Juliett was really tired at the end, she hasn't eaten much since yesterday, she still feels sick, but she walked all the way by herself. I am proud of her. 

Juliett doesn't have school tomorrow! Her elementary school starts at 8:25 and finishes at 3:30. Buses drop elementary children off first then drop high school students later, then pick high school students first then elementary school children after, so they spend more time at school than high school students. So they make some Fridays off(once or twice a month) for elementary students.
Juliett will have a good sleep and hope she feels better tomorrow.


Have a good weekend!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

my new project

I can't tell you what Juliett wants to be for Halloween yet, but I can tell that her request is getting trickier and more complicated every year. I do love making it though!
I couldn't find a perfect pattern for it from books or internet, so I am making an original one from my old sewing magazine patterns right now ...hmm...tricky, but it is fun!
Look forward to seeing her in the costume! 

to the river (again!)

I found these cute pumpkins at a store.
I love fall food in Japan, especially chestnuts! I miss chestnut desserts so much.

We saw temporary Halloween costume stores, Juliett is always scared to go into the Halloween area, but she is also very curious and really wants to see them and asks Col to go there together. It's very funny to see her walking there very scared but looking around so curiously at the same time! 

日曜日はすごく気持ちがいいお天気で、その日大きなアンティーク(と言ってもファームもの)オークションがあるということで張り切って向かったのだけれ ど、夫婦そろってしっかりと案内を読んでいなくて、オークションのもとの会社のところに行ってしまって、オークション会場(ファーム)はハイウェイで1時 間以上先のところだったという。。。面倒くさくなって諦めて、その近くのいつもの川の公園で本を読んだりいつもの石拾いしたり。
We saw a big sign that said they were having a gigantic antique sale(mainly farm tools) and we(I) were excited about going there, but we got a wrong address and went to the auction company but the farm(which was very far away)... never mind, we went to the river again. 

The peaceful sound of water, birds, leaves, and Juliett and Col's giggling, laughing, talking, ... sometimes wind blew trees and beautiful yellow leaves fell around ourselves... , I had been thinking that life doesn't go smoothly these days, but I thought that maybe the moment sitting by the river and relaxing was a very happy and very special time. and I appreciated the time in beautiful nature.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

keep myself busy

Everyone who knows me would nod deeply if I say "I am not good at organizing and tidying up". :)
I love decorating, I also like things around myself close because when I get inspiration for creating something, I just want to do it before I lose motivation.  

Col is an organizing person, and I am creative! , so we are a well balanced couple?  I hope so!
But recently, I just feel like concentrating on something without worrying or thinking negative, I focus on and also enjoy organizing and tidying up, which is unusual but good.

I rinsed my baskets and dried them under the sun. I probably have three times more baskets than are in the picture. I LOVE BASKETS!!! The second row and the three big ones on the top stairs are my  favourites. They are beautiful. I would love to take a course to make my own basket if there are any.

The rusty tool box turned into my carving tool box. I am happy.

I have been organizing closets and shelves. It is kind of fun. 

I started learning English again with my tutor. I was hesitant to call her because I wasn't sure how much longer we would be living in this village. I didn't want to trouble her in the case we have to move. But she heard that I was still in village, and she called me. I explained our situation, but she said that she would be very happy to do the class until when I need to quit. She is a very, very nice person.  

Juliett likes her school very much. She told me that she got a very important job at her class, which is taking important things to the office in the morning. 

Since Juliett became a grade one, I had been thinking that something is missing. and I finally got it. 

She doesn't have any textbooks or workbooks, she even doesn't have a timetable.
In Japan, you receive almost all subjects' textbooks(elementary to high school, you buy them at university) , I think they have Japanese, Math, Art, Music, Life, and Moral Education when you are grade one. Teachers need to provide weekday timetable for children, so they see it and bring their textbooks and workbooks to school everyday. We had homework everyday, and weren't allowed to leave books at school.
I really liked to have my own textbooks. I might still have some at my parents house.

So far, Juliett told me that she had phonics, alphabet, numbers, and 1 or 2 music classes a week, gym time everyday, and they have library time. She also told me that they learned about street signs. 


Juliett likes her school very much, that is the most important thing and we are glad about it. I am just very curious what children are doing at elementary school in Canada. I have seen some schools in England. I am looking forward to volunteering the class. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

nature power

When we heard the grass fire news last night, the areas where people had to evacuate their homes were where our friends live, and where we lived, the school Juliett went, so we worried about our friends and people we knew very much. I heard that some of my friends went to other friends house to stay. The news said that it is under control, I think it is smokey and you might get some ashes, but we were glad to here that everyone was OK. Big thanks to the fire fighters and volunteers who worked through the night.   


火事を知ったのはこのブログを書いてからでした。「この頃風が強いんだよね、黄色に変わったばっかりの葉っぱがみんな落ちちゃってる」って。でも、上の火災地域はそんな風のレベルじゃなかった。友達が木も折れたりサインが取れたりしてるって。カナダ内だけでも、ニューファンドランドのストーム、ブリティッシュコロンビアの山火事、ノバスコーシアの洪水。。。 自然の力、癒されることもいっぱいだけれど、驚くほど強い災害を起こす・広げる力も持っていて怖いとも思います。
I was writing this blog like ..." it has been quite windy these days.."  last night before we saw the news. Our "windy" is not that "windy" at all. We feel relax, refresh and heal in nature often, but the other side, nature causes or spread really serious scary things like the spreading grass fire(I don't know the cause though), mountain fire, earthquake, typhoon, tornado, flood,.... flood in Nova Scotia, storm in New Foundland, wild fire in B.C....
In good way, and in bad way, nature has really strong power.    


We went for a drive on Sunday. I like to take photos of skies. I have lots of sky photos, many England skies, Canadian skies, maybe a bit Japanese ones too. I liked the yellow canola flowers and blue sky, I also like this golden grass and blue sky.

Every time we drive highway or country side, we hope to see a moose, but we haven't seen any yet.
I heard that we would have more chances to see young moose this season and I was really careful seeing outside while we were heading to a park, but we didn't see any.

"MAIL" の字もみんな鍵がついてるのも、ちょい錆びた感じもかわいくて、写真を撮りました。
While Juliett and Col were doing Geo-caching, I was walking around. I found this mail boxes and thought the colour was unusual and also very nice. The font of "MAIL" was nice too.

The river park... the trees were very yellow. 


Juliett and I like to see and pick some stones by the river. There are always lots of interesting shape stones there. Juliett picked some pink stones for her new collection, Col found a stone which looked a bit like an arrow. (the one Juliett is holding)
We had a quiet and relaxing good time there. I like to go there.


This is what I found. In the stone, I see some totally different parts and I found that was interesting.



I baked this marble brownie again for today(visiting my friends) but... it doesn't look right (with many cracks... is it supposed to be like this?).
But I let it cool and tasted a bit, I think it's good. Hope friends like it too!

Thursday, September 06, 2012

marble brownie

We have seen this bird (I think it is Flicker )often these days, we also see many robins in our backyard. It is very peaceful to see them and I like it. This bird had beautiful yellow colour inside of its feather and that surprised us when it flew. 

ブラウニーの生地はちょっと手を加えてしまったけれど、基本のレシピは「BAGEL & BAGEL オリジナル・レシピ集」から「マーブルブラウニー」。
I made this marble brownie (cheese cake & brownie).  I had left over cream cheese from the carrot cake I made before, we are not big fan of cheese cake but I wanted to try making this cake with fun marble pattern on it.


マーブル模様を作るのが楽しかった!やっぱり新しいレシピに挑戦するのは楽しい、成功して気に入るとなおさら! 見た目もいいブラウニーなので、これはこれからの定番のひとつになりそうです。
It was delicious! I love it! And it looked very nice too.
I will make again and hope it will be one of my favourite sweets.

I baked mini cinnamon rolls for Col's co-workers.
Juliett took one for her snack at school. She liked it. :)

She likes her school a lot and she still does her homework as soon as she got home, which is very nice!
One of her kindergarten assistant teacher came to me after school and told me that she could tell that Juliettt loved being a grade one, she always looked sooooo happy at school. I was glad to hear that.

She never stops talking about what she did at school, she told us that she really enjoyed their music class (which I was very pleased with ) and she found that there was another girl whose name beginning with J in her class, she was very happy to see her kindergarten classmates at recess, she loved gym time especially gym time outside! .... and more and more!
I am looking forward to volunteering her class, it must be so exciting!

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

grade one!

Juliett became grade 1 student! Yay for Juliett! 

It was the first day of school today. We checked the school supply list and she took all of the things on the list to school today. So many things to carry!

A big pencil case, a ruler, scissors, 5 glue sticks, 8 markers, 24 colouring pencils, a binder, earphones, 2 boxes of Kleenex, Lysol wipe, a water bottle, some snacks and lunch.The school fee is $100 a year and we buy milk monthly.  

It was 3℃ this morning. Col scraped frosts on the car windows. Cold!!!

We have a special ceremony when you go to an elementary for the first time, especially a really special ceremony for new grade one students and parents in Japan. I remember that the first 2 weeks or so, grade one students won't stay school after lunch. To get used to the school life, they gradually stay longer.
But in Canada, at least Juliett's school, everything was so normal from the first day (We had an assembly though). Her school finishes at 3:30 for all grades! Interesting. 


Juliett's teacher seemed very nice, kind and experienced. I am glad about that. There are 17 children in her class and 4 children were in the same kindergarten with her last year. Juliett looked very happy when she came in to the gym in a line to join the assembly. I was very happy to see her happy and excited. She will enjoy the class, for sure.

This is the photo of Juliett who just came out from school this afternoon. She was soooo excited! I asked her how her first day of school went and she said, "GgggggggggggggggggggggREAT!!!" with her huge smile.
She kept talking what she did at school and what she was impressed by at the class.... such as, she got her own desk, children received pencils and erasers, they had 3 recesses, they were allowed to put their water bottle on their desks and drink anytime they were thirsty,.... etc. !
Besides, she had a bath quickly(she doesn't like it), she ate vegetables she didn't like, and did homework very quickly! What a great grade one! I hope it last for a year!