Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Grande Mountain

We climbed Grande Mountain today! That is the mountain we looked up from the river the other day.

グランドマウンテン 1989m 
頂上まで片道5.2キロ 高さは769m上。
Grande Mountain 1989m 
5.2km one way, elevation gain 769m

It's time for strawberries!
We woke up at 7:00 and we were ready to go, but it was really foggy this morning and we waited until the sky was clearer. So we started walking the trail at 9:40, 7C, the grass and flowers had full of morning dew.

トレイルを歩き始めてすぐに、これでもうかなり高度が上がったでしょうと感じる、ものすごい急坂を登りました。 どんどんこの間遊んだ川が遠くになって行って、近くで見たときには白かった水がこうやって見るととってもきれいな水色に見えることに気づき感動。
As soon as we started walking, we had to climb up a real steep, it was hard. It was like straight up, after climbed up the steep, I even thought we were already close height to the top of the mountain....

I love the river view. I think it was much better view than the views from the peak.
The river was so blue and sooooooo beautiful.

The bigger photo didn't show the right colour of the river, so I used "diorama" function of my camera, I know it sometimes gives extra strong colour contrasts depends on light, but this one(above) was the right colour we saw. Isn't it beautiful? I LOVE the colour!  

We saw lots lots lots of wild flowers but most of them were ones we have already seen before. I will show some flowers that I think we haven't seen before.

Nodding onion, it was sooo pretty!

Showy Locoweed, we have seen this before.


Orange mountain dandelion
Yellow rattlebox
I usually go first, Col needed to take some extra time to climb up the steep, when Juliett and I were waiting for him, we saw something in front of us.   

"What is that? A coyote? It's not a dog, right? Oh, maybe a fox!"
We decided to wait for Col just in case it wasn't a baby wolf with big parents behind... :)

"That's a fox, no worries." that was what Col said. We were quite close, but the fox was just gazing at us. When we walked more closer, it slowly went away.
Juliett and I made a nice song "We saw a fox" and sang it loud until we got tired of the song. ;)

あのTHE NORTH FACE主催の「デスレース(訳せば死のレース。。?)」、と言っても怖いものでなくて、究極の山登りを含めた24時間レースです。
We saw some Canadian Death Race signs by the trail because this mountain is one of the mountains they use for the race. We are having the race this weekend. The whole town is getting excited for the annual event.

A couple came up the trail and we had a chat with them. They said that they came from Nova Scotia for the race, they were in great shape, they passed us and went on. I got motivated to see the cool and fit people. Wow! I am doing the same thing with those people! I thought. (I know we were much slower but it's OK.)

Twinflower, we have seen this, they are so pretty.

Because quads go this trail too, so there were two deep quads wheels lines on the trail and that made us walk harder. Out of the quad lines were also sandy and slippery.

We passed the first smaller peak, then walked down and up to the real peak. 

They reminded me turbines.

There is a weather station on Grande Mountain peak. So actually you can drive up to the peak by car if you want. The trail was by power lines and the trail was very clear, we never went into a dark forest area like we did when we climbed other mountains. It was good for me who worries about encountering a bear because it was so clear and bright, so I could see far/sides easily. But bad point was it didn't give us so much adventurous feeling. 

Finally we found the post at the peak! The peak was flat and really huge, we looked for the post everywhere and couldn't find it, we thought to phone the tourist information centre, but we finally found it behind the weather station.

Gray jay?
Maybe because we can see the station behind? I didn't feel wow when I saw the view from the peak. Not so impressive, I liked the other two mountains' views much more. 

After about 30 minutes rest, we started climbing down the mountain.
That was HARD. The steep was so slippery and hard to walk down, especially for Juliett.
She was after Col (just in case she fell and slide, Col could help her) or she was holding his hand, but still it was hard for her to walk with good stable balance, she slipped and cried once. We had some good rests and cheered her up.


We did it! We arrived to our car at 4:15, 6 and half hours hike.
We drove to the ice cream store and had great treats!

We came back home and had shower, had supper, Col and I are tired, but Juliett went outside to play with neighbors! How much energy she's got!?

Anyways, we have climbed three mountains.
We will have a trip and Juliett's summer camp in August, we are not sure if we can climb one more mountain this Summer. But if we have time to do it, we will do it for sure!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

taglierini with a simple sweet tomato sauce and shrimp

Brrrr..... cold! It is in the middle of Summer but I have noticed that the heater turns on and makes our rooms warm. It was 11C or so this afternoon and we wore our long sleeve clothes on, Juliett and I did a very winter-like activitiy, jigsaw puzzles, and I baked dessert. Where is our Summer...?

I baked plum crostatas. I don't like sweet cooked fruits, so I added extra lemon juice and less sugar and made it more tart. I like this dessert because it is quite easy but it looks good and tastes really good.
I liked this plum one maybe better than peach one, when I eat a piece of it, flowery aroma? or something like Earl Grey tea aroma spread in my mouth and that was a lovely surprise.  

Today, I will write about Col and my new favourite pasta, this pasta is really really good!
I have made twice before but I didn't have perfect ingredients for those times and I thought I would write about it when I got everything perfect. :)

Cooking with Jamie
From "Jamie's Kitchen" by Jamie Oliver
p 108, p109 "taglierini with a simple sweet tomato sauce and shrimp"

It needs a whole lemon juice and zests, it is quite sour(lemony) pasta sauce which Col and I like a lot.
Col's very favourite Jamie pasta is lemon pasta that we made often when we were dating (which means more than 10 years ago). At that time, Jamie was doing collaboration with Sainsbury's(big supermarket in the U.K.) and they had free recipes at stores.(picture below) Everytime I went to Sainsbury's, I looked for a new recipe.

The lemon pasta from the store recipe by Jamie was really really sour, used 3 lemons for 6 servings. We liked it, it was very lemon. I have made it some times Col has made it too.
Col said that he liked lemon pasta better than this shrimp pasta, but he likes this a lot too.

今まで2回は新鮮なトマトがなくて、缶のトマトで作ったのだけれど、今回はトマトを準備しました。"Blanch and skin the tomatoes." との一番初めの文。あぁ、トマトの皮をお湯でむくんだな、とわかるけれど、blanch という単語は初めて気になった言葉でした。調べたら「漂白すること」「料理の場合、お湯でゆでて皮をむいたり、強いにおいや味を取り除くこと」「日光をさえぎって植物の色を白くする」とか。漂白、と言うと、 "Bleach" が浮かぶけれど。。。 今回、新しく覚えた言葉です。
I used canned tomatoes for the past two times, but this time I used fresh tomatoes.
In the recipe, it says "Blanch and skin the tomatoes.", I guessed easily what it meant, but the word "blanch" was new to me, so I looked up my dictionary.

さて、その "blanch and skin the tomatoes" が面倒くさかった。。。実はこの作業、初めてやりました。皮とか種って私大好きだし、栄養があると思い込んでいて、チリにしてもトマトカレーにしても、パスタにしても、いつもトマトを丸ごとザクザク切って皮も種も入れていたので、この工程は初めて。時間かかりました。しかも取り出した種は何だかもったいないから食べました。(雑なので、ボウルの中にも種がいくつかプツプツ。。。こういう丁寧な作業が本当に苦手です。)
I thought that seeds and skin had nutrients and I have never done this work before, I use fresh tomatoes for making pasta sauce or chilli, but I just dice them and put them in a pan without peeling or taking seeds out.
This work took quite a time to do, I wasn't good at these kinds of work.

This recipe needed "2 shots of Vecchiaromagna or Cognac, I don't drink alcohol and don't know much about it, luckily I found a bottle that said "cognac" in a shelf and kept using it. Today I asked if it was a fancy drink to Col and he told me that it cost about $60 for the bottle...ahhh... Sorry Col, I have been using it for my cooking...I should get a little bit less expensive one for cooking!

It was really good as always. The creamy and lemony sauce with lots of tomatoes and shrimps were soooooo good. I found the Itarian parsley was quite strong, maybe I would add less next time. I also add a bit of soy sauce instead of salt when I do "seasoning"(in the recipe, it doesn't say which spice/flavour you can add, so I use soy sauce), and I like that a lot.
Col enjoyed it very very much, Juliett said that it tasted lemonier than usual and she didn't enjoy it so much(she ate it though, good job Juliett!). I loved it!

I know it has high calorie, but we often eat Japanese style meals or less meat more vegetable meals and I think I am doing OK job for my family to have balanced meals. :)
I used to like cream pasta a lot when I was in Japan, especially cream with shrimp, cream with Tarako(salted roe of cod or pollock), cream with Mentaiko(marinated roe of pollock) with some Shiso leaves(herb), those were my very favourites.
日本にいたらおいしいパスタやさんがいっぱい周りにあるから作ったりしなくてもすぐに食べられるだろうな、いいなぁ~! (ちなみに、カナダでも何回かレストランでパスタを食べたことがあるけれど、クリーム系はにんにくが強くて私はいつも半分食べて具合が悪くなるパターン。好みが違うんだろうなぁ。) ここでは自分で自分好みのソースを作るしかない。
There were so many good pasta restaurants in Japan, and I didn't make those pastas at home because we could just go and eat delicious ones around our home. But I can't have those in our town, actually I have tried some good pastas in cities in Alberta but I found that cream pasta always had lots of garlic and I get sick after having a half or so. I guess taste preferences are different. So, I was happy to find this good cream pasta recipe!  Thanks, Jamie!

Friday, July 26, 2013

a priceless nature show

After rain and thunder, we saw those beautiful rainbows tonight.
In the misty sky, they looked so brilliant and magical.

We all saw them from the beginning, the left one was so strong.
It was a priceless nature show. We have seen those nature beauties, such as northern lights, uncountable stars in the sky, and many shooting stars. We must be lucky.  

This was the other side of the sky. I know there are many minuses living in a small and isolated town, but those small things make us to like more and more this town.

Have a great night!

a relax afternoon by the river

We were going to climb the mountain this morning, but we woke up late...
So, we decided to have a nice afternoon by the mountain. :) Oh, Grande Mountain.. we will climb someday this summer.


"Wow! I see, the water colour is so smoky! That's why people call this river Smoky River!" ... I thought so, but I found later the name didn't relate to the colour ... 

Since we climbed Mt. Louie, Col have worked at his classroom, Juliett got eczema around her eyes, we had some thunder shower days, and hail, ... we didn't spend so much time outside. It was a good outing this afternoon.

As soon as we arrived there, Juliett started playing in the mud and water. Col brought a book with him, I brought my knitting project with me. Col read for a while, but mostly we enjoyed our relax time at the nice river bank. I didn't knit at all, I was so busy for hunting for interesting stones.

Juliett was in the water for 3 hours! It was quite cold water, but we had strong sunshine too.

We(I) decided to go there because we were heading to GP in the early morning 2 days ago, we passed this river and saw a deer drinking water and I thought what a peaceful view.
We didn't see any deer today, we only saw some gulls and bugs and a ladybug. 

I don't know much about stones/rocks, what I am attracted to is a rock which has beautiful lines, a rock which is so unique, and a rock which has interesting texture/feeling. 

そしてブログをタイピングしている今は雨と雷。 どうも天気の安定しない毎日。気温も上がっても20度ちょいなんですよ。

When we decided to go home, we saw a big cloud, and now we are having thunder and rain. It has been like this for a few days. We missed a chance to climb the mountain today, when will it be? We have done the easiest 2 mountains, that means it will take longer, 7 or 8 hours to hike for the next mountain, we need to check the weather forecast and plan well.
Even we are having cold or rain or thunder days, days have gone and it will be August soon, then Fall soon! We must appreciate and enjoy this short Summer in Canada.

Happy Summer!