Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!
I hope that all children had fun trick or treating this evening in Canada!


We had a really cold day today, -26℃.  Thanks to my friend, she has been driving Juliett to school every morning with her children.  It was our first White Halloween. :)

Well, it's time to show you Juliett in costume!

Who did she become? Can you tell with this photo?

She was Mary Poppins.

Her nana took us to a live theater to see Canada Broadway Mary Poppins this summer and Juliett LOVED it. Since then she has borrowed the sound track CD and the DVD from the library again and again and learned almost all songs by heart. Col and I got influenced by her singing all the time a lot, we sing the songs in car, in bath, during cooking, actually anytime!

Nana bought the Mary Poppins doll for Juliett and she loves it. See? Juliett was exactly like the doll!
She decided to be Mary Poppins soon after the show and asked me to make the costume. She also said, "Don't forget to make the parrot head for the umbrella, hat with flowers and berries, and the carpet bag, Mommy!"
I know she knows that I love doing this kind of craft. :)  

At the beginning, I was looking for a blue or dark red jacket and a skirt at thrift stores, but I didn't see any (I guess children don't wear that kind of old fashion style clothes).
When I stopped by at the thrift store in this village, I spotted a big piece of bright blue fabric. I thought that this fabric was telling me to make a jacket and a skirt and I bought it for $1 !

I was going to use a pattern from some of my sewing books, but they didn't have any jacket patterns. So, I used some parts from a shirt pattern and I changed and added more.
I had never made a jacket before and I worried a bit, but it turned out quite nicely. When I added some black parts, it did look like the jacket the Mary Poppins doll wears.

I bought a hat and an umbrella from a dollar store ( but both were $2 each), then added some pompoms and felt pieces for the flowers and the berries on the hat, I made the parrot head with felt and added to the umbrella.

I looked for a piece of Carpet fabric but couldn't find it. In stead of that, I found a piece of thick dark red fabric and Juliett thought that was perfect for her carpet bag. I made a bag, for the leather handles I used felt. Juliett was happy with it because she thought that she could use it for trick or treating bag! 
I enjoyed making all the things so much, Juliett and Col liked them a lot too, which made me so happy. I know her request is getting higher and she wants details too, but I will have fun making costumes for her until she is not interested in wearing handmade ones.

ジュリは学校のクラスメートたちと1日すっごく楽しんだ様子。衣装で登校、午後はハロウィンパーティー だった1日。引越しの数日前でランタンや飾り作りも何もできなかったけれど、見知らぬ土地よりもこの村で学校のお友達たちとハロウィンを迎えられて本当に良かっ たと思います。すごく嬉しそうな姿が見れて私も嬉しかった。
At her school they had a Halloween Party all day, it was "bring your friends to lunch" day as well, Juliett asked her friend who is a preschooler to join her lunch, so she and her mom and I went to school to join their lunch. After that, they had a dance party in the dark at the gym and a snack party in their classroom, then they also had an assembly. What a fun day!

ラ ンチの後は体育館でダンスパーティーが開かれて、真っ暗な中、みんな思いっきり踊ってて、見てるのも参加するのもすっごい楽しかった。そのあとに先生が教 室で面白いハロウィンの本を何冊も読んでくれたり、前もって指名されたお母さん方の手作りお菓子をいただいたり、そしてその後には全校集会もあって、盛り だくさんの1日でした。
I was really glad that Juliett could have Halloween in this village with her classmates and teachers. I have been busy preparing for moving and I even didn't make jack-o-lantern or any Halloween decorations, so I appreciated that she had so much fun at her school before moving. 

Well, it was minus 17 degrees outside. I didn't think Juliett would want to walk outside, but she wanted. She wore her snow suits and we walked for 2 blocks. I didn't imagine that so many kids were trick or treating in this cold night, but lots of kids were doing it! Wow, Canadians! 

I was very impressed by seeing really kind and warm people waiting kids trick or treating. They snow shoveled really nicely for trick or treaters. Some people made sure that Juliett walked down the stairs safe(because they were icy and slippery). How kind! 

We waited children visiting but our street is not that active, and we didn't see people walking on the street. Too bad, we could have given a lot of candies!

I wore the witch costume I made two years ago for Juliett's company.
Next time, I would like to hand out candies from a cauldron. Maybe I will prepare a fake witch look nose too!

I feel like it is weekend after the fun event, but actually it is Wednesday. Juliett has two more days to go to her school in this village. I hope she will have great time with classmates and teachers. I also hope it will be a bit warmer.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

we have missed you, the blue sky!

Sunny! Blue sky!

光が差した途端、外の気温なんて関係ない、久しぶりの太陽の光を思い切り浴びたくてジュリと外に駆け出しました。 きれい。
We have been having snowy days for more than a week. Everyday the sky is white and dull.
But this afternoon we got sunshine and the beautiful blue sky for a few hours. We have missed them so much, Juliett and I got out from the house and enjoyed being outside. 

I snow shovel every day. The snow itself isn't big at all, but it keeps snowing all the time.
I hope it will stop snowing soon, or if it is possible stop snowing for the weekend we move(it sounds selfish though). Too early to have so much snow, it is still October!!!

Our Japanese friend and her family held a big party last night, they invited three more families from GP and we really had a wonderful time with all of them. Her husband made a smoker and they served delicious smoked salmon, chicken, and pork. Everyone also brought delicious dishes, we had homemade Sushi, Vietnamese spring rolls, Okonomiyaki, lots of fancy appetiser, and Tiramisu! I made marble chiffon cake with cream and strawberries.    

I have met moms(they are Japanese) before, but Col had never met most of them before. They were all so nice and funny, I am sure he had a really fun time with them, especially husbands. Juliett had a fantastic time with 10 children there!

I would miss them after we moved for sure. I even started feeling like ..are we really moving again? saying Good Bye to everyone who has been really nice to us and we started building good relationship with?
But still GP is our closest big city, so I hope we will have more chances to see them again.

We felt like that we were just left a Christmas party when we went outside after the party. Snow, snow, snow. Well, we were told that we were so lucky to have such a mild winter by many people last winter, so maybe this is real winter.


The blue sky had gone after a few hours but Juliett and I got power charged. We will have a nice last week in this village. It will be very busy.

Col left home around noon, after he got his home he told us that he drove into the ditch when he was driving on Highway. The road was slippery, he couldn't get out of the snow and some people who passed by helped to push the car back to the road. I was really glad to hear that he was OK and he didn't involve anyone else, and the car was OK, but I felt really scared and worried. He should be used to driving on snow and snowy road, we had snow tyres on, he had never experienced that kind of thing before. I really hope that the road will be good when we move(selfish again, but I DO hope so).     

Drive safe, especially in snowy or icy winter time. I will too.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Happy Birthday, Cutie!

今日はジュリといつも一緒、犬のぬいぐるみ「Cutie キューティー」のお誕生日。
It's Juliett's most favourite stuffed doll "Cutie" 's birthday today according to Beanie Babies official website.(Cutie's real name is "Sneakers". ) I bought it 5 years ago, it was really clean and soft at that time!

Juliett had been looking forward to today for a long time!
We know that it is just a stuffed animal, but for Juliett, who doen't have any brothers or sisters or close friends around, Cutie that is always with her is a really important friend for Juliett right now. Besides her daddy is not around right now either. I really appreciate that Juliett has Cutie too.  

She sleeps with her, goes to park with her, goes shopping with her, and sometimes has bath with her. Every morning she leaves home for school, she says, ""Ittekimasu."(I am going to school.), Cutie. See you later, have fun with mommy." and when she gets home, "Tadaima."(I'm home!), Cutie!"
"You had a good day? I will read some books for you!". :)
To see her treating something important so nicely and so kindly makes me feel so happy.
I wish if Cutie was a real puppy, or she had a little brother or sister though.

Juliett always took Cutie to her best friend's house, once we forgot it there and walked home without noticing. Her best friend and her family knew how much Juliett loved Cutie, she took a great care of it as soon as they found it at their home, and sent me an alert e-mail, like "YOU FORGOT CUTIE!" Remembering that makes us smile. :) What nice friends! and How lucky Cutie was!

Juliett asked me if I could knit a blanket for Cutie. I didn't have time to make one new, so I ended my practicing project(scarf) and it turned to a blanket.
Juliett drew a really nice card, she also made some tokens for guests. I carved a stamp of Cutie too.   
Juliett prepared a nice birthday party table and we had a birthday party for Cutie.

Juliett looks so happy all day. She read cards for Cutie really nicely and opened the gift for it happily.
She wrote the card by herself (looked some of my birthday cards, I think), there are some misspellings but she is interested in writing and reading.
It is very nice to see her being so happy for someone.  

When she saw this T-shirt at a store, she screamed pointing at a dog on the shirt,  "It's Cutie!"
She chose to wear it today.  

It is still snowing. It's white everywhere. I have been packing, but I wanted to write about this Juliett & Cutie's heartwarming day.  

Happy Birthday, Cutie.
Thank you so much for being a great friend with Juliett.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

she is better now.

This is what Juliett was doing while I was packing.
When I was young, I liked to make my colouring pencils in my favourite order in the case, sometimes in rainbow colour order, sometimes the order what I like and what I dislike, dark to light, or girlish to boyish. So I understood how fun she was doing.
She said that she made the left showing from sand to blue sky, sunshine shines on the sand, then soil, then trees, then sky. I thought that was interesting.
She also said that the right she imagined colourful parasols on the beach because some colours were not for nature(except flowers).

さすがにほとんど何も食べていなくて、雪の中ジュリは歩く気力もなくて、午後にあった保護者面談に行けなかったけれど(カナダでは13歳以下?(12歳か14歳かも)の子供を一人で留守番させることはできなくて)、 夜になってこんなに回復。そうめんをいっぱい食べて、少しだけ卵ケーキも食べました。
Thank you for caring about Juliett. She is better now. She didn't eat much till dinner time, we missed her parents interview, but she ate her favourite noodles for supper and also had some pieces of cake(no icing, like an angel food cake)   

She still loves Totoro, she was pretending the scene Totoro, May and Satsuki were wishing for tree growing. I think she can go to school tomorrow. ;)

This is the cake. I really like it and I baked it three times this week!
Packing? I am doing it, but I need some sweets to encourage myself.

前のブログで15センチくらいって書いたけれど、もっとあったかもしれない、気温が低くないので重い雪でした。 うちは家がものすごく小さいのに、車庫までのドライブウェイがすごい長くて太くて雪かき1時間かかりました。
Beautiful driveway! The snow was deeper and heavier than I thought, it took an hour to shovel it but I felt good to see what I did after.
It is still snowing, I need to do it again tomorrow morning.

snow country, car country.

Where has the beautiful Autumn gone? We have been having snow everyday.
It's not too bad though, it's -7 ℃, the snow is not so deep, maybe 15cm or so. But it's October.
The view from our living room is like we are having Christmas soon, we haven't had Halloween yet though. It might be our first "White Halloween" this year, that sounds a bit fun.

I had an appointment with a specialist yesterday, I had waited seeing him for 6 months. It's not an emergency, but to me, who has grown up in Japan, where you don't have family doctor system and you can just go straight to see specialists when you need to, it was a long, long time to wait. I was very glad to see him finally.

Right now, Juliett and I don't have our car, the specialist is in GP, we had no way to get there by ourselves. My friend(and her daughter) drove us to the clinic in snow, then Col's Auntie K took her afternoon off from her work and came to be with us at the clinic, she also took us for grocery shopping, we met her daughter E, then they took us to a restaurant for dinner and drove us home in blizzard! Without their help, I even couldn't see my doctor. I can't thank them enough.
I realized that we couldn't do lots of things without car, and in this snowy weather in this country. 

For Juliett, it was such a special day, she went to school in the morning, then had lunch at McDonald's with her friend and played at the playroom, then met her great Auntie K, played with their dog, Swiffer, did her homework with Auntie K, met cousin E, and had a treat supper with them! What a happy day! Lucky Julie!

She has only 7days for her school to go, but early this morning she threw up, I guess she got a stomach flu.
She is totally fine(see her smile?) except the sudden puke feelings. :(
She put her futon by the washroom(her decision) and she reads books, has some naps, and watches DVDs. 
6 more school days until we move this village, I hope she can go to school without missing them. 



Well, I will go outside and do some snow shoveling.
Packing and snow shoveling.... I have done these a lot by myself in the past and I got used to them.
Those exercises make/made my arms very strong! :) 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

these days...

This bird, I uploaded a photo of  it last month. I have noticed that it visits our yard quite often these days.
I took some photo of it, and I was very impressed by the looks. It's like wearing a nice sweater with black polka dots, a black scarf, and a beautiful red hair accessory! How stylish!

Juliett started her swimming class.
Thanks to her grandparents for a big support, she enjoys the class very very much.

We have a very new pool in this village, but we heard that swimming classes were all full and getting spots were really hard, you needed to register months before for it by many people.
But we asked if there were any spots for this fall session, and they said that there were lots of spots!
She took a level test and joined "swim 1" class. On the first day, we were surprised to see that there were only 2 kids(include Juliett) in the class! It was like a private class!
How lucky she is, she really enjoys it and her classmate gives a good influence to her(he can do better and also he challenges new things), Juliett is quite competitive, so she tries very hard to catch up with him, which is nice.      

男の子は1つ学年が上で、お水に顔をつけるもの率先してやるし、自分で泳ごうとどんどん挑戦していくタイプ、ジュリは負けず嫌いだし競争心も強いから 一生懸命彼に追いつこうとしていて、いいぞいいぞ、と思いながら見ています。


Her school finishes at 3:30, the swimming class starts at 5:00, we can walk back to our house and walk to the pool after but the pool is behind the library which is just one building away from school, so we decided to go straight to the library and she does her homework and reads(I knit) there till the class starts. Juliett really likes the time, she enjoys reading a lot, it's a nice change for us, we do homework, read, and knit at home, but it is very different from doing the same thing in the library. I like the peaceful time very much.  

「アラン模様の小もの 雄鶏社」からアームウォーマーを作りました。
Well, I know that I really need to pack things for moving, but I tend to avoid something I really have to face(that is my bad habit since I was a child). So I made these arm covers! :)
I am actually wearing them right now, they are very warm. 


I might not be able to update my blog for a while. I will try, I will write about Halloween for sure, but there are lots to do.
Thank you very much for visiting my blog.
Have a great weekend!

Sunday, October 14, 2012


「Happy Birthday, Eriko!」
って! なんて粋なことをしてくれるんだろう。これでかなりテンション上がりました。
When I opened Google(after I logged in), the screen was like this. I wondered who's birthday was the same birthday with mine today and moved my mouse to click the picture, then it said,
"Happy Birthday, Eriko!"  What a lovely thing they did` for me! It was a real surprise and I liked it a lot! Thank you, Google!  

Yes, I am 37 years old. Thank you very much again for everyone who sent me e-mails, cards, and gifts from far away. I am very thankful that my friends and family remember my birthday and take their time thinking about me, writing to me, skyping me, typing e-mails to me, and choosing gifts for me. Thank you so much, I love you all.


3 and 7 are one of my favourite numbers(I have 3 favourite numbers), "37" sounds exciting to me.


My birthday began with Northern Lights, shooting stars, and the beautiful stars in the clear sky.
How lucky I was, I thought. That was the best gift from nature.
I made the blanket for myself, I really like it, I took it outside with a cup of hot tea when I was watching the sky.

It has been almost a year since we saw Northern Lights for the first time in this village.
Our back yard is big and we can see stars very much. I like gazing at the sky with full of stars, I went outside standing looking up stars by myself many many times through the year. Even sad things or bad things happened, the sky and the stars were always there and cheered me up. I also went to look up at stars when I wanted to think something. I spent a lot of time with the sky in this village.
Every time after I spent time outside alone, I took a deep breathe of cold air and reset myself.
I think I saw much more shooting stars through this year than I saw them through my life, I also some Northern Lights, I was very lucky. 

Thanks to all who encouraged us, supported us, and listened to us, we will move to a new place in a soon future. I will write about it more when we moved.
I wondered if we will see lots of stars and Northern Lights at the new place when I was watching them this morning. I hope we will. 



Juliett gave me a beautiful handmade card, and she played "Birthday song" with the piano book. I was quite surprised that she was able to do that, I should start teaching her playing the piano. 
主人からは先日行ったカルガリーでアンソロポロジーでのお買い物をプレゼント、素敵な首巻き(cowl 日本語で何て言うのかわからない)を買ってもらいました。生活が少し厳しかった中で少しずつやりくりしてプレゼントを準備してくれた主人に本当に感謝です。ありがと。
Col gave me a happy shopping opportunity at Anthropologie when we went to Calgary.
I bought a beautiful cowl. I really appreciated that he made a budget for my present even we were having a bit tight budget at that time.

My birthday lunch, we have saved the smoked salmon that our friends gave to us when they moved, I baked bagels and we had a really nice sandwiches with a cup of coffee. That was delicious, I love smoked salmon and it was such a treat. 

I didn't bake a cake for myself, but made a jelly and Bavarian cream dessert.
I used much milk and whipped cream in it, I also enjoyed cream cheese, I know I had too much milk products and will have stomachache later..... they were worth having stomachache though! :)

It was warm yesterday and almost all snow melted. I hope warm Autumn will last a bit longer.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

good holiday

We went to Calgary for Thanksgiving last weekend.

We didn't go there on Easter holiday, so it was really nice to see Col's brother and his wife and her family there and had a delicious dinner all together as always. We all had a wonderful time with them and Col's parents. Juliett and I went to the church where I used to sing in the choir and met people there, it was very nice to see them too.

Juliett was so happy to see her uncle, aunt, and their cute puppy!
She says that she likes dogs, she has her super favourite stuffed dog doll Cutie always with her, it was a very good chance to be with the puppy at home for 3days together. She learned a lot from her and now she likes dogs more than before! She also enjoyed walking with her favourite dog, Hailey too.

My friend family who live in Calgary came to meet me, it was a treat! I didn't tell them we were coming to Calgary. They were busy doing their shopping far away when I phoned them telling I was in a shopping mall by myself, they stopped what they were doing and changed their plan and then hurried to meet me there. How nice! And how lucky I was! I had a lovely time with them, it was so much fun chatting and (window)shopping with good friends.

I didn't take photos during holiday. I took some on the way to and way home. We drove different way down to Calgary this time, and I really enjoyed the amazing beautiful view of mountains.

When I was young, I didn't understand about artists who draw mountains but I did understand the feeling that you want to draw the mountains. They were very beautiful.

We saw many "caribou" signs. I wanted to see a real one but signs, but we only saw a fox, that's all. We have no luck to see wild animals so far.

We saw a train "the Canadian" ! It was the first time for me to see a train that goes long distance. Col said that we have cars, buses, and airplanes, so trains were not so popular. I think Japanese people like to travel across Canada by train. We have lots and lots of trains in Japan and we like trains, I guess. It must be so cool going through the beautiful trees this season.


This is a photo of Juliett after school today.
"The first snow is always so yummy."

this morning...

We were surprised when we opened curtains this morning... white everywhere! and it is still snowing.
Still beginning of October though. Hope we will have more warm Autumn days.
Juliett was really happy to go to school in her new snow suits and boots.

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Autumn treasure hunt

It was a beautiful day today.
Juliett and I enjoy walking to school in the morning so far, it's not so dark yet, it was minus 7 this morning though, we saw pinkish orangish sky above horizon and deep blue sky with bright white moon. It was very beautiful and Juliett was quite impressed to see the colours.   

We had some cold rainy days and windy days early this week, those rain and wind made tree leaves fallen.... . not much leaves left on trees!

On the way from school is always fun for Juliett and myself this season. We do "Autumn treasure hunt" that we do every year. Normally, it takes only 8 minutes from school but it takes more than 30 mumites for us to get home. Fun! :)
Today Juliett found many red berries and apples(?). I said that we should leave them for birds but Juliett wanted to pick them(from ground) and put on our deck for the birds which visit our deck everyday.

We found some conkers which reminded me Autumn in England.
They a bit look like chestnuts but the outside shell are very different. I remember that we went for picking chestnuts, the shells were so prickly so we stamp on them nicely and open them with our feet(boots). 

Robins are still around. They are so adorable playing in the puddles. 

Snack for today. Cinnamon rolls and ampan(read bean paste rolls) and simple rolls.
I made cinnamon rolls for Col's boss who has been very nice to him. 

It is a PD day tomorrow and Thanksgiving day on Monday.
Juliett said that their teacher asked children what they were thankful for and she said that she was thankful that she can go to school everyday. Nice!
I have lots and lots to feel thankful and so I won't write all about.
But one thing,
I am so thankful that we have wonderful friends, neighbors, co-workers, and famliy.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, October 01, 2012

art and craft event / Takoyaki party

We went to the art gallery in GP  on Saturday.
They extended(restored) the space and had their grand opening event for families. 

In a big space, there were many fun craft and art work tables. Creating sculptures with yarns, sticks, and plasticine, Drawing, Making kites, and Colouring, they also had face painting, and body painting demonstration on a stage.

I love this kind of events! Of course Juliett loves it too. We had a great time there. She tried all the tables and made fun works.
I enjoyed helping her. I usually have a good time seeing people's fashion who attend this kind of events(art, crafts, and music). I also like to see parents and grand parents having fun creating something with their (grand)children. They look very happy, sometimes they get into things more than their kids do.

While she was focusing on her work(and Col was with her), I walked and looked around the new space of the gallery. There were many more local artists' works, I found some were very interesting and beautiful. I thought I wanted to make something creative too.
The building has a nice library there too. Every Saturday we stop by and borrow big bagful of books (for Juliett). That is our favourite place to visit.  

My Japanese friend invited her Japanese friends who live around/in GP to "Takoyaki" lunch party.
She bought the kit that includes a nice Takoyaki maker(cast iron pan) when she went to Japan this year. We didn't have octopus but used seafood mix(if you were lucky you get some octopus) instead of it. It was really good. I love Takoyaki! What a treat!


I didn't take any photos at the party but we had a fun time talking/chatting in Japanese there. And it was a potluck party too, so we had yummy Japanese food (everyone is really good at cooking!) there.
I was asked to make desserts. I made "Mont Blanc" (chestnut cream with ram on top of the sponge cake). I couldn't find sweet chestnuts themselves but I bought a can of chestnut paste and made delicious cream with ram, and whipped cream. It supposed to be tall like mountain(Mont Blanc) but because of no chestnuts, mine was flat, but tasted quite good.

あぁ。。いいなぁぁ。。。! 私も工夫して頑張るしかないな。
Autumn is a great season for food in Japan. We say "Autumn is a season for good appetite."
We enjoy chestnuts, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and Pacific saury in Autumn, then rice cake, and Oden in winter! Typing these names makes me hungry!
I wish we could visit Japan, then we could have lots of amazing delicious food there.