Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013 What a fun day!

Happy Halloween!
When I went to pick Juliett up to school, she came out with a big grin and said that she was so happy to be Totoro, so happy, her happiness level was from her house to the moon and return!
I was very glad to hear that, because I worried a bit about that she wouldn't be recognized by friends, Totoro is not that popular in such a small town in mountains.

I went to see the school parade with my Japanese friend. The children were SO CUTE in costumes, especially smaller kids.
Juliett told me that when they were walking in town, someone said, "Look, that's Totoro!" :) That must have made her very happy!

For Totoro costume, I used a fleece jacket and many sheets of felt.
I used two big sheets of felt and made a big pocket behind of stomach, so Juliett could put candies from Totoro's mouth to the pocket. Col told me that people were very impressed by the pocket. :) 

I was very satisfied with the ears. I put some cotton and pipe cleaners to make them stand.

I made a small costume for Cutie to match with Juliett. Juliett was very excited to see it!

One of Juliett's most favourite parts of the movie is girls waiting for their dad at a bus station in rain. Totoro showed up and in return of receiving their umbrella, he gave them acorns wrapped with bamboo leaves. So I cut out two leave-shaped felt and wrapped a walnut with them.

Talking about Totoro, actually I made "Makkuro-kurosuke" wondering soot characters from the same movie and put them onto her clothes, that was her 1 year old Halloween costume in Japan.
I found the photos. A cake shop held a costume contest and Juliett got one of their prizes.
She looks so small, cute, adorable in the photos. I didn't realize how much she grown up because I see her everyday. I was quite surprised by this 5 years change.

Halloween wasn't only for Juliett, Col asked me to make HIS costume too!
He wanted to be Finn from 'The adventure time", so I made the backpack and the hat.


There were many free templates of the hat on Internet and I appreciated it. I guess the character is popular. The back pack was much harder to make than the hat, I wanted to make it exactly like.

* while doing trick-or-treating he was called by a student, "Finn!Finn!" and he saw a boy who wore a Jake(Fin's dog) costume, he was so happy to see Fin and they shook hands. I thought that was so much fun. 

...and I made a simple costume for myself too. Because Thursday is my volunteer day, so I wanted to wear something a bit Halloween like. I was a spider..

大好きな「Sophie's Masterpiece」という本から主人公の蜘蛛のソフィーを参考に。

I got an idea from one of my favourite books, "Sophie's Masterpiece", I decided to make the balloon skirt yesterday, I sewed 4 legs with socks on the skirt and tied with plastic clear strings. It was fun to go to school in costume!

After last Halloween I thought I wouldn't make costumes next year because Juliett might be interested in witches or singers or something more real human-like. BUT my guess was totally wrong, I didn't imagine I would make three costumes this year. ;)
I am very glad that I am useful for my family with my skill! I am so motivated for the next Halloween!

We live in a townhouse(people call it 'condo'), and there are #1 to #117 townhouses on the hill. We were told that the condos are the most popular spot for trick or treaters, parents drop children off at the one end of the condo row and pick them up at the other end! I was told that preparing for 100 kids wasn't enough. We didn't know how much we should prepare candies. We bought about $50 candies and while I was handing them to trick-or treaters, I just hoped we had enough.



Some young children started trick-or-treating around 4:30 and it ended about 8:00! I was the person who stayed home and handed all candies to children, I wore my witch costume. Lots of Juliett's classmates visited, I could recognized so many children because of volunteering at school, which made handing candies to children much more fun!
We had 177children! WOW! Luckily we had enough candies for the all trick-or-treaters.
It was a great exercise for me, sit, stand and walk to the door, bend myself for young children and hand candies, stand up, walk back to my chair and sit again, I did that so many times! :)

I had SOOOOOOOOOO much fun seeing and handing candies to trick-or-treaters! Oh, it was FUN!!!  You know what? I even said, "I LOVE THIS TOWN!".
I was so glad to see so many children, the town had a warm and fun atmosphere, I enjoyed seeing teachers' homemade costumes, it was a super fun day.

I got many compliments for our jack-o-lanterns too!

This is what Juliett got! Col and Juliett went for trick-or-treating for THREE HOURS! The candies  weighed 11 lb. This will be our snack for a whole year till next Halloween for sure!

Hope you had a fun Halloween today!

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!
Juliett became "Totoro" from 'My Neighbor Totoro' by Hayao Miyazaki, a Japanese animation movie.

I just wanted to show a photo of Juliett on time!
I will write about her school parade which will be held this afternoon and of course about trick or treating this evening later! 
Have a fun Halloween Day!

Monday, October 28, 2013

raspberry and dark chocolate muffin / gloves for Juliett

This morning, I helped my friend family moving their house. It was -10C, cold, I helped loading boxes, mattresses, things to a truck and cleaning the house. When I was carrying things to the truck I noticed that the air was so crisp, and thought the town looked very different with the snow. Very wintery.
It was a hard work but I was glad that I was able to help them. She was a nice friend.
When we moved 3 years ago, my friend families came and helped loading, I thought about them and I again so appreciated their kindness.

After 4 hours loading and cleaning, I was so tired. When I got home, I wanted to eat something sweet, so for my treat I baked my most favourite muffin, raspberry and dark chocolate!

It was perfect for me.  I ate two!
Sadly I am definitely getting old, I was very, very, VERY tired.



Juliett has asked me to make one pair of gloves for herself for a long time. She even chose the multi coloured yarn and asked me to make them with it. I finished knitting them last night, so she was very happy to see them in the morning. She liked 'J' s on her gloves.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

snow! / carving pumpkins

This morning.
It was white everywhere!

We went to GP yesterday and bought two pumpkins there.
Juliett and I carved the pumpkins this afternoon.


4 more days to Halloween, but there were still so many pumpkins at the store. 

Juliett chose a small one, I chose an oval one.

She planned her design first, then draw face parts on the pumpkin. This year she got a new idea, she added some scars and bandages! :)



She helped scooping the seeds and flesh out from the pumpkin. She didn't like the texture at all but she found that doing with the spoon didn't work well, so she put her hand in it. 


I thought using a knife was a bit advanced for her, bus she wanted to try carving it, so she used her Daddy's tool(actually they were her Papa's, I think), and carved out the bandages.

私は毎度お馴染み、マーサ・ステュワートさんのウェブサイトで魔女のテンプレートをプリントアウトさせてもらって、それを中心に月とこうもりを加えて削りました。2年前に主人がホーンテッドハウスを削ってくれたときと同じように、かぼちゃの実の部分を残すといい感じに光を通すので、そうして月だけくり抜いてみたのだけれど、この実の部分が何気に厚くて(上に並んだ真ん中の写真 )、薄くしないと光が通らないことに気づき、最初は自分の彫刻刀とかでやっていたのだけれど、全然厚みが減らないから、包丁と主人の道具で彫りました。もうこれはハロウィン・クラフト♪なんていうかわいい作業でなくて、ハードな作業でした。右手にまめ、できました。
I printed out a flying witch template from Martha and added some bats and a moon to my pumpkin design. I liked to leave the pumpkin pulp so that when I put a candle in the lantern, the part glows yellowish.
At first I carved it with my carving tools for linoleum but the pulp was too thick for them, so I used Col's tools and some knives. That was quite a hard work, I got some blisters on my fingers, I enjoyed very much though!  

Done! Juliett and I went to our bathroom and made the room dark, then lit the lanterns and made sure they worked OK. She was very excited. ;)

Now she is playing with her neighbor friends in snow! I hope snowing won't last long.
We want our Halloween without snow this year!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

cosy? cozy?

I enjoy my ESL class a lot. Some of the students are planning to take IELTS. Because British English is used in the exam , so we are practising reading stories and articles written by British authors and writers. It is interesting!

I have lived in England and I have also reading lots of British stories to Juliett, so I understand many British words and expressions. My classmates found difficulties because they haven't heard some of the words before, the teacher also told us that they didn't use those words/expressions in Canada. 

でも、昨日の質問の答えでcozy と答えるところがあって、そう書いておいたら、先生が「 z じゃなくて s よ、 cosy と綴るのよ」と。
Cozy なんて、特に寒くなってくるこれからは家の中でよく使う言葉で、知っているつもりだったのに、私は今まで間違って綴ってきたのか。。。なんて恥ずかしい。と、かなりショックでした。
Yesterday, I was so surprised by the word, 'cozy'.  I spelled(spelt) like that, and the teacher told us that they spelled 'coSy'. I have believed that 'cosy' was 'coZy' for whole my life. 

家に戻って、主人に聞くと、「あぁ、それはどっちでもいいんだよ。」との答え。ネットで調べてみたら、アメリカでは z 、英国やカナダでは s で綴ると。
知らなかった~!アメリカに縁のない私はどこからアメリカ英語の影響を受けてきたのだろうか。マガジン?インターネット?それとも lazy は z で綴るから?
何気に cozy と聞いて一番に浮かぶのは「銀座コージーコーナー」。。あれは z だったよなぁ。。あぁ、日本のケーキ食べたいなぁ。。。
I went home, upset, I asked Col if that was true, and he said that we could spell both. I looked up Internet and learned(learnt) that in the U.K. and other countries(out of U.S.) they use 'cosy' and in the U.S. they use 'cozy'. REALLY? Where did I get influenced by American English? I felt strange.
Maybe we spell 'lazy' with z? Or I read magazines and books from America. 

そんなことを考えていたら、いつもこのブログを英語でタイピングしている時、自分ではスペリングがあっていると思うはずなのに、スペリングチェックの赤線が消えない言葉がいくつかあることを思い出しました。 z と s で言えば、 organize と organise 、 recognize と recognise とか。
Then I thought about 'organize' and 'organise', 'recognize' and 'recognise'. Hmmm.... sadly I have been using American English for 'z' instead of 's'.

英国英語だと u が入ったり(colour/color)、 re/er が逆だったり(centre/center) とかのスペリングの違いで有名なものは知っているけれど、ネットで見たら他にもいっぱいあって、アメリカではアメリカ英語だけで統一されているのか知らないけれど、両方が普通にあるカナダはなんだかややこしいなぁと感じました。だって、カナダは基本英国英語って言うけれど、ズボンを trousers とか呼んでいるの聞いたことないし、お母さんのことも mummy とは綴らないし。

I know some of different spellings between British English and American English, such as favour/favor, theatre/theater, mum/mom, ... but on the Internet there were lots of different spellings. I thought people use British English in Canada, maybe it is just for spelling? I don't hear people saying 'trousers' or 'motorway' around. 

" There was a long QUEUE for the cashier. "
queue は幼稚園と小学校でボランティアをしていたせいか、しょっちゅう聞く言葉だった気がするのです。今も覚えているので。こっちで通じなくてびっくり。今じゃline に完全に慣れたけれど、queue が時々頭に浮かびます。
I think I got used to Canadian English. I don't know why but I sometimes still say the word 'queue' and people don't understand, "there was a long queue for the cashier so I gave up buying it."
I don't know how many British English words I learned in England but 'queue' is still in my vocabulary list.

じゃぁ、カナダの英語ってあるの?って主人に聞いて真っ先に「これじゃない?」と出てきたのは touque/toque 。
なるほどね、私もこれは初めて聞いた時はニットの帽子なのになんで hat とか cap って言わないで、どうやって綴ったらいいのかわかんないような言葉で呼んでいるんだ?って思いました。これ、本当にカナダオリジナルなのかな。そうだとしても何だか妙に納得、寒い国はみんなトゥークが欠かせないし。
Well, then,  what is Canadian English? I asked to Col and the first word he said was 'touque/toque'. :)
Yes, I never heard of it before I met him. We received hand knitted touques from Col's auntie C when we were in Japan, and he was so happy with it and he said " wow! I like this touque!". I didn't know what he was saying because he was holding a knit hat/cap. But he said something I couldn't even imagine how to spell it.

それじゃあ、あれは?きっとあれもそうでしょう?と浮かんだのは toboggan 。これも聞いた時、まさかそりのことを話しているとは見当もつかなかった。クリスマス頃だったし、バーゲン関連の話をしているのかと思ったら、全然違ったと言う。。。。
I thought maybe 'toboggan' too? Is it a Canadian word? When I heard it for the first time in Calgary in our first winter, I didn't know what that meant and didn't know how to spell. I thought something about 'bargain'. ;) It wasn't about shopping, it was about a sled.

Oh, Canadian English, British English, American English,..... so many to learn!
Juliett's spelling test words are becoming harder and longer too. She didn't need to practise at home when she was in grade one, but this year, every day before the spelling test, I make sure if she could spell right. Some are quite big words and she needs practising. Her home reading books have LOTS of big words too, especially when she reads non-fiction books, such as camouflage, cartilage, extinctions ... From books about science, history, and geography, I am also leaning new words with Juliett. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

something red / cinnamon raisin bagels

On the way from school with Juliett, we were looking for something red. We thought we would luckily spot some red leaves but what we spotted was... a woodpecker!

I like it, the colour is so beautiful and interesting. Juliett and I were so quiet and we observed it for a while. 

It was a good decision to go home walking on the back alley.

I baked cinnamon raisin bagels for snack. Juliett takes her lunch, and 2 or 3 kinds of snacks to school but she comes home hungry every day, especially Monday and Wednesday they have a swimming class, 15 minutes walk to the pool and walk back to the school, plus a gym class!

久々に焼いたら、とってもおいしくて、家の中がシナモンのいい香りに包まれて、味見のつもりの私のおやつ、続けてもうひとつ食べてしまいました。 焼きたてはたまりません。
I make plain bagels often but I haven't made flavoured bagels for a long time, they were really good. I was going to have one just for tasting but it was too good to stop, I ate two. :)
Just baked bagels are so good! 

Monday, October 21, 2013

marble cupcakes for snack

土曜日に図書館で借りたハロウィンのアイディアの集まった本、 "Halloween with matthew mead" をパラパラめくっていたら、こってりしていない、なかなか素敵なアイディアも載っていて、おばけののったカップケーキを作りたくなりました。
I borrowed "Halloween with matthew mead" from the library. This book has lots of fun ideas for Halloween. I got a nice idea from it and made ghost cupcakes for snack today.

I don't like dry cupcakes, so I made my favourite chiffon cake mixture and poured them in the cupcake tin.


I like this part, making marble patterns, it is always so fun.


I haven't made small cakes with the chiffon mixture before, but they turned out very good, had great moisture in them and also tasted as good as the big chiffon cake.

おばけ用の目はジュリが大事にちびちび食べているチョコを少し拝借。うちはお菓子を基本買わないので、ジュリは自分のお小遣いを貯めてほしいお菓子があると買います。今回のチョコは、早めのハロウィンイベントでもらったもの。怒るかなぁ。。 もちろんちゃんと返します。
For ghosts' eyes, I took(borrowed) some chocolate from Juliett's special treat box. We don't buy sweets for her or for us, so she buys something special with her allowance. Of course, I will buy chocolate later and return to her. ;)
Thank you, Juliett, I drew eyes on the chocolates.

I waited for Juliett coming home to do the most fun part.
We put cream on the cake and put eyes on.


They looked OK, I wanted to make them more ghost-like, but Juliett was happy, she even said that it was no problem for her that I used some of her chocolate. :)
We dropped some to our friend's house and gave some to Juliett's friends. 

When I was making the cupcakes cool down, I knitted this band for the pot. We don't have a fancy pot for this plant, but it made it a bit good looking. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Halloween meringue kisses / open finger mittens

It was a good relax weekend for Juliett and me. Col was so busy! He went to a high school volleyball tournament as a chaperon for Friday and Saturday, then he had a fund raising bottle drive today and now he is preparing for classes this week.  

It has been really windy, Juliett and I went to the library and borrowed LOTS of books and we read. I finished Juliett's costume making and it is ready for Halloween, we watched some DVDs, and Juliett wanted to bake some meringue kisses and we did that too. Then she read more, drew some ideas, and played with her Playmobils, and I knitted. 

Juliett had so much fun making those meringue kisses, she made a mess and she was so happy.

She made interesting ones, I always love to see kids' works, They always have fun surprises and their works are always awesome. They tasted good(sweet) too, I am glad that she had a good time baking with me. 

I finished knitting an another pair of mittens.
When I was walking on trails, I wanted to take many photos as quick as I could but I found that taking photos with gloves on was tricky, also taking off gloves took time and sometimes I missed good photo chances. So I thought I needed "open-finger-mittens". 


When I saw this mitten on this page for the first time, I thought it was such a strange mitten and I would ever knit it. (this book is by Mariko Mikuni, one of my favourite knit designers) But when I thought about what was the most useful shape for holding my camera, I thought this strange shape was much better. And I made it for my right hand with a cover(open finger style).  

I planned to make them very simple, I knitted them with my leftover yarn. But after I knitted the mittens, I wanted to add something. Something fun. So, I embroidered some circles and added more... and more. They didn't end as simple mitts but I like them very much. :)

Especially, I am so satisfied with how useful the right mitten is. I can hold the camera with no troubles! 




I am looking forward to wearing on my walking days.
Oh, I LOVE knitting! It is so amazing to see that yarn turns into something wearable. I would love to learn more about knitting this winter.
