
We were in Saskatchewan for the last 3 days to attend my husband's uncle's funeral.
長 年、教師だった叔父。突然主人の家族にひょっこり加わった日本人の私のことをさらっと受け入れ、会うたびに名前を呼んで話しかけてくれて、ジョークを聞か せてくれたり、英語があちこちで飛び交う大勢の会話に入り込むのが苦手な私をうまく引き込んでくれたり、ジュリと遊んでくれたり、私はその叔父に会う時、 いつもすごく安心していられました。一緒にいるとみんなが笑顔になる叔父でした。
When I got married to my husband, I was very surprised to see such a big family.
I still don't have confidence speaking in English or being in a big group conversation because if I miss some words or hear words that I don't know, I can't follow what people talking about any more, I don't have the courage to stop the conversation and ask for the word's meaning. Usually I am very quiet and just concentrate listening to people, especially uncles and young cousins because I don't know what to talk about.
We live far away and don't meet relatives so often, but every time we see him, the uncle, he talked to me. He called my name and said some jokes and tried to involve me to join their conversation. And that was a really big and surprising thing to me, I felt safe, and being accepted.

The funeral was a really heart touching ceremony. I thought how wonderful his family was, how brave his sons and daughters were, and felt his and auntie's deep and big love.
He was a teacher for over 30 years.
At the church, there were lots, lots of people coming to the ceremony the room was not big enough and there were many people sitting in the foyer. I knew he was loved by everyone, but I found out again that people loved him so much.
私は家族になんて言葉を 掛けたらいいのか、辞書にのった決まり文句とかそういうものではなくて、もっと気持ちを素直に伝えたかったけれど、うまく言葉にならなくて、ただただ家族 を抱きしめることしか出来なかった。日本語だったらうまく言えたのか、それは分からないけれど、言葉の違いのもどかしさを感じました。
It was really difficult to say words to his family, I had my dictionary with me, but it didn't help.
I sang hymns and anthems with my heart, I thought that was the thing I could do for them.

これからも日本とカナダの家族を大切にしたいと強く思いました。It was my first experience to attend a funeral in Canada.
hi friends.
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